Rapugee crisis in germany

Greetings Jow Forums , where can I find genuine evidence supporting the rape Refugee epidemic in Germany? I was on Jew book earlier and someone claiming to be from that area it's saying that the Rape Crisis is over exaggerated. I'm not sure if truth or if propaganda shill. Do y'all got sources?

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Pre-emptive bump for l8r

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Another post preemptive bump

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There are no white people left in Germany.
Nobody cares.

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Thanks user

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no problem. it's hard to know what is actually true though, since there are so many ways of twisting the facts

There are almost daily reports of knivings and rapes. But you are probably not speaking German, so German media articles won't help you.

Yesterday, a homeless guy was literally decapitated in Koblenz, though they're still looking for the perp, so it's not sure if it was a refugee.

3 days ago, a refugee stabbed a girl in Burgwedel (Lower Saxony).

Guy robbed in Bremerhaven by "southlanders" today.

etc. etc.

I usually don't leave my house without a knife anymore, something that has become common in Germany.

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user, I love you to death 4 posting sources but this one is all blurry. I'm trying to red pill German c u c k on jew book

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Can you post sources? I want to believe, but I also want to see this for myself.

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The guy on facebook seems to be a lefty or a wog, so you can safely ignore him. He will not budge no matter what evidence you produce.

dumb frogposter

dumb frogposter

It's all over German media. The articles are in German:

The headless bum in Koblenz:

Burgwedel knife victim awoke from her coma after stabbed by a 17 year old refugee:

19 year old dude mugged by "southlanders" in Bremerhaven:

But again, they're all over the German media today, so the guy you're talking to either doesn't consume any mainstream media at all or is willfully ignoring all these cases.

>but this one is all blurry
Sigh... Are you a phone poster? If yes, take the m off the end of the link, or ask for a desktop version. Source for the info graphic:
>This is the Crime Statistics of the German Federal Police, you cant get more legit than this

Don't forget the seven year old that shanked his school teacher in a skirmish, top kek.

Try right wing sources, blogs and news sites like
der-dritte-weg.info (has a map with rapefugee nests all over Germany, scary shit)

blurry? I don't read german and I understand perfectly. Do you see the flags and the bars?
what part do you do not understand?

Yeah, that too.
It's too much, you're bound to forget some cases.

>implying leftists will accept those sources