The game is afoot

The game is afoot,

Attached: Mission Kek Flag Shia.jpg (768x1024, 635K)

Other urls found in this thread: flag


Hey that’s pretty good

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Cheers Champ, anyone in the states, hollywood, NY, where ever got a location?

Before the obligatory bump, does anyone have his full-time address?


possible win, can anyone confirm?

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So whats the plan then? How will this go down?

Dunno m8, waiting for some amerifags to wake up and help out

Well I am a Bostonian so I wont be much help. Should be 832 over there, so I am sure they'll be checking in.

it's gone 8:30am in hollywood, someone should wake up and see this soon

>cement takes a while to dry
would have to be done overnigh or without cement for the foundation
>need an auger
>need city plans so we dont hit a pipeline or any other line

have a bump

About time we fucked with this spergy weirdo again. Lets fucking do it.

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We need an user to climb up on his house and just glue the fucker somewhere.

Could attach it to the roof of his house
Painted on his house
Cut into his Lawn

Oh no.

Haha! Shadilay my fellow pedes! Praise kek! xD

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Bump and may kek be with you amerianons

an actual flag would be better I think, just painting his house/yard seems like lazy vandalism
>could do during day pretending to be city workers doing maintenance on a main

Plan! Praise KEK!

I'm not saying I live in Hollywood and do postmates all over town and deliver to this neighborhood all the time.....but if I could I help?

youre right prasie kek!

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Here we go, Kek Champion right here....
We need to confirm his address
>1310 North Spaulding Avenue

wh*te people sure are the master race

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Alright let’s get started gentlemen

Just drone drop the flag on the roof

Glad you understand

The mission transcends race...
let's get to work

I have a user checking on the LA house . Also the faggot has a place in NYC with his wife . I have no NYC contacts it is 11:42 am eastern time . Somebody contact some anons in NYC . REEEEEEEEEEEEEE PEPE time to fuck with the half wit again !!

Possible solution, good thinking user

can be done repeatedly over days or weeks for maximum frustrate

Aight. I'll deff check it out and report back this afternoon, thats the best I can do right now

>be fairly well known celebrity
>not having a state of the art security system
>get thrown in jail for breaking and entering/harassing if it's just a drone
too far dumbasses

here we see the average wh*te warrior, commonly know as "dicklet cuck"

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Nice thinking, we could do a double hit on him.
A kek over here, a kek over there, kek him fuckin everywhere.


Just use a drone, cut the base of the flag then pull it with strings. Done.

I am sick of the kek shit as well, but it's something he will recognize and it's not particularly nefarious. LaBeouf is half Jewish. You drop a Nazi flag on his property, you are looking at a hate crime, on a celebrity. LAPD will go balls deep to find the offender and when caught, good fucking luck. Also, don't vandalize. These celebs get preferential treatment by the cops.

Sandwich the country between keks

simply amazing

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Have bump ameribros.

Shut up faggot

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Bumping for justice

braise geg XDDD :DD

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Let's show this guy what happens when you try the whole "he will not divide us" BS and mess with the God Emperor Trump.

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> wh, wh*te bois can’t f-fight.

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The best way to get away with a crime is to behave like you have done nothing wrong and act like you should be in the place you are.

Even private property are under city jurisdiction and subject to maintenance
>may need to plan this out as a week long coo with offical phone calls or documented letters that are notarized issuing ahead of time maintance of a pipeline that runs under, along the street, could even go for fiber optic cable running if he lives in a neighborhood

Yeah, well go dump a Nazi flag on his house, get outed in the press and watch your whole world burn as the jew media rips you to shreds.

> see wh*tey you can’t fi-, oh

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Mental breakdown inevitable

Right guys....
1) we need to confirm location
2) find out if he has a swimming pool
3) create a floating flag
4) drone drop into pool
5) dye his pool green

This is too close to the HWNDU crap. Thread reported.

The reality of LA traffic. Shortest route between me in North Hollywood and Hollywood proper

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Could be expensive, but maybe drop tons of these all over his yard for days? flag

Shut up faggot

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>implying someone won't just put a swastika up

I understand. Moved for work recently, it takes me 30 minutes to go 4 miles for work. I won't get involved with this though, too close to the biz. I'd rather subvert from within.

"said the wh*te boy" as all his female relatives moaned as a bbc punded their cervix full of superior cum

These aren't ethno-nationalists they are memelord cucks like you.

GTFO, nigger.

silly idea, go back to playing fortnight

Why is every lefty literally Randall from the show Recess?

Whoah! Lets stay on topic here! THINK FLAG FAGGOT!

I work for an airline and get free airfare, I'll fuck with him. Don't own a kek flag or a drone sadly, will take a while to get these things v.v, though after reading his recent interview I can honestly say this is the perfect time to fuck with him. He's on edge and is doing nothing but damage control as he attempts to salvage his career. If we hit him now, and hit him hard, we will destroy this man forever.

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It took serious brain power to come up with this. We must learn to harness this power and somehow use it to pick cotton

I sincerely hope you are joking. If this actually happens, it will be literally the best thing to ever happen for the oppressed Kekistani people. Our message will be out there in the public unlike ever b4, mostly cos the media will be all over this story, which can only be positive and draw attention to us and our cause.

God speed user. May Kek secure your safe travels

No shit, that's what I was saying.

Whoah man, you surely are superior. Have everything I own. You are a kang after all

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Apparently this is 1310 N Spaulding Ave
Does he have a roommate or something?

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Anyone got his NY address? We can Kek sandwich shia in America?

fuck of with kekishit plant natsoc flag not this memeshit plebbit shit

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user, if you go thru with this, you will truly be a martyr and a hero. You will be forever remembered. Don't forget that. I wish you well my friend.


aight faggot. heading out.

Look at that price tag

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Looks modest, someone could pose as a housing agent, put up a for sale sign up, top layer of the image degrades over the day and reviels...

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Or as an Uber driver
At night

dont use kekistan flag, sargon will think he invented the whole idea

How about a large
It’s Okay To Be White banner?

Fuck Sargon, he's an irrelevant cuck now.

>opens winamp.exe
>changes track

I feel as if we need to go the extra mile this time.
Maybe not a NatSoc flag but not kekistani

who here /basedkekistani/?

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nope, has to be kek

this holy shit

Thats not a bad idea, however we really need to stick to the original plan, a Kekistani flag.

nice try cia nig

Spraypaint it on the pavement in front of his house. As a declaration of war.

Praise kek from South Africa.

For the genocide of my fellow whites!

no we don't reddit stole the kekistani flag for now

>however we really need to stick to the original plan, a Kekistani flag.

I fucking hate nu-Jow Forums

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Or a Jolly Rodger just to fuck with him

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How about we just use both?