My dad was the holocaust and now i am traumatized on the genetical level, so pay up those reparations goy!

My dad was the holocaust and now i am traumatized on the genetical level, so pay up those reparations goy!

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DNA is a conspiracy

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>My children wil inherit my hate for kikes

>DNA is a conspiracy
Jow Forums will unironically defend this.

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Get in line sand nigger

It is undoubtedly just another Jewish lie like dinosaurs, nukes and satellites.

If DNA and evolution was real then we would have banned welfare due to fear it would put us behind the pro-eugenic countries.

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explains 'mutts

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>trauma passed on to children's genes

Nah fuck off. They're smelling their death in the air, because once the last holoklaus survivor has croaked, they can't milk it as efficiently anymore.

Just you wait until niggnoggs get a hold of this study and realize "oh shit i got damaged genes from my enslaved ancestors, pay up Trump cracka"

>IQ is not heritable
>Agressivness is not heritable
>Lack of long term planning capabilities is not heritable

>trauma from your single generational ancestors is heritable

I know this is bait, but it's believable bait

Can you kids say bullshit?

How does the public keep letting kikes get away with this shit

>my dad was the Holocaust

Your dad didn’t do a good enough job

Epigenetics essentially is at this point. We dont know jack shit about it accept

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The people that buy this also think iq isnt heritable kek

>I don't know what epigenetics are
God, Jow Forums gets worse and worse by the day.

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>I don't know what epigenetics is

you|re welcome

They're teaching this shit in college now too.
Being my last semester, i sent this link to my professor that explains that, while epigenetics is important, it is rife with abuse.

link below, science bros, is a good critique of the topic

>My dad was the holocaust
Was he also an alcohol?

Trauma literally CAN'T effect your DNA... for fuck sakes.

unless it's ionizing radiation.

>holocaust survivors have dna ALTERED
>the mutation is their nose gets bigger and bigger
>meanwhile, all Africans and Native Americans are just fine, nothing to see here goyim.

Read a fucking paper for once in your life. We know a lot and we're learning more each day.

t. Voodoo-Magic-Geneticist

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>hurr why bother to examine patterns you'll never find anything except things like medicine and technology and agriculture and bioengineering and

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Its not bait. My brother in law is jewish and made this argument in the ar the other day. Theyre gonna run with it 100%. It was all I could do to not jump out of a speeding car. Enfuriating.

*in the car

Stop. You’re internet trolling me so hard it’s altering my DNA.

your dad was used to gain israel by the jew, he was a pawn as were all those who died for the jew lie in ww2.. gtfo

>My dad was the Holocaust

>maybe if I act retarded he will think I was just being stupid on purpose

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Why didn't you just throw him out of the car?

>Can't question the Holocaust because the survivors

He was the driver.

Methylated genes are real tho. The problem is they take a natural stress response, and turn it into "MUH HOLOCOASTERS! GIB REPARASHUNS"

>My dad was the holocaust

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on the other hand maybe that's just the inbreeding

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My grandpa died at Auschwitz... He was drinking on the job and fell out of his guard tower.

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probably true 2bh