LESBIAN couplet and 8 niglets fall off cliff

F to pay respects

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And nothing of value was lost.

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That's not a family that's two dykes and a bunch of niglets.

Man pictured leaving the scene was seen ramming the SUV off the cliff.

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you are dominican.. You are probably a black too!

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الله أكبر

Nah, it's not haiti and they send as many niggers back to Haiti as they can. DR is mostly spics

The car, eventually.

They look happy and well-cared for.

Who fucking cares

bro, I'm half dominican and they are black!!
I got a big dick to prove it. Didn't come from my white side

I bet the kids were arguing and the female guardians couldn't handle it. They were just trying to raise another obama.

they were not, the article goes on to talk about how they were constantly asking neighbors for food. the kids, not the adults.

the kid in the photo is a missing person, he disappeared after the crash.

>im black
>muh dick
>that flag

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Talcum X is that you?

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Natural selection at it's finest.

yea just like the Turpin kids

Why is this story everywhere? Are (((they))) using headlines to try and reinforce this mess being called a "family"?

Today is a good day

You're a mutt and a faggot, get the fuck back to tumblr or whatever den of iniquity you scum bubble up from.


i live in Memeland, fucking normie!

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Heh, funny. Stupid dikes.


This is a Thelma & Louise situation, I’m telling you!

Fucking dykes snapped. Please research this (their social postings etc) not because “it’s a shame”—it’s not, it’s great—but to shame dykes and libshits.

Something is fucky, don’t let this die.

Subaru Outback with Hillary and Obama stickers all over the back.

Good. Crime fighters and pussy lovers. I like that.


They had a carload of niggers. Probably couldn’t take another rap song

Werent the niglets constantly abused? I read some disturbing shot about them


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B-but m-muh dick

Anyone think this is a murder-suicide? One of the kids had reported abuse to neighbors, in the middle of the night no less, but nothing came of it. The children were apparently homeschooled and almost never seen outside, despite having a yard. Sounds similar to those whackadoos from California.

At least two of the kids had made statements indicative of abuse. One of them was famous for 15 minutes because he regularly went around town with a free hugs sign and was caught on camera getting a hug from a cop a few years ago.

Look at the noses on the lesbians. Nothing of value was lost.


Hey now, those nice lesbians wanted those kids to live as proud african-american individuals so they were raising them the same way a african-american family would

Good, 8 rounds saved for my AR

Apparently Child Protective Services was investigating them. Did they move to Washington so they could keep abusing their kids?

Murder suicide, mentally ill dykes realizing they're in over their heads with too many niglets.

Forgot link

>mfw i no longer have to pay for their free college

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Holy shit these dykes just killed more niggers than Dylan Roof. Looks like SJWs have a lot of splaining to do.

The absolute madman, he can't keep getting away with it!

I'm serious we need to start pushing the hate crime angle on this.

OHOHOHOHO at least the world is cleaner now

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Looks like they went...

Over the welfare cliff

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This is Balsam for my heart

>those thighs and glutes
damn I want in on this guy's workout

I don't think this saying works in English

I understood it to mean that he enjoys eating shit.

leftists are detrimental to people of color, why can noone make these connection in logic?


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>traps not gay

I feel bad for the kids but I couldn't care less about the dead lesbians

>white side

Every fucking niggers loves to claim they have a white side, pathetic.

Balm for my spirit works.


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Nice Hank Hill ass.

Hank Hill is a good man

You are all pieces of shit. They were kids.

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>he doesnt know how flexing works

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Kid reached around the back seat...
put hands over the drivers eyes.

>women drivers


My ass doesn't turn into hank hill when i flex. That are just shit glutes.

let mentally ill perverts adopt a bunch of children
what could possibly go wrong

Everyone thinks that

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2 lesbos and 6 niglets. Learn to reading comprehension faggot.

In all fairness, he said it was dark outside so he didn't even see the niglets.

Kid grabs the steering wheel as a joke.

>My ass doesn't turn into hank hill when i flex.

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For everyone not getting the full picture the Dykes were under investigation by CPS. CPS was close to closing the case and taking the kids away from their abusive “mothers”. Dykes decide to kill themselves and their “family” because they want to cause more suffering to their kids.

Underwear sounds like Kalergi.
Look up Kalergi plan.

literally can't get more degenerate than that. if this incident wasn't divine punishment from god then i don't know what is.

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>more kills than nik cruz

O'Doyle Rules.

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Fucking STOLEN !!!!

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

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Holy shit it's christmas already

They were goats?

Which one of you did this?



ohhhh that sucks

hes autistic and liked your maymay

Gods plan I guess

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Lesbian mums Jennifer and Sarah Hart who drove family off cliff had ‘violent history’
THE mums who drove over the edge of a cliff with their adopted kids in the car were reportedly investigated for starving them, and one had been convicted for hitting their daughter.