Are Armenians white?

What does Jow Forums think about Armenians? Are they white enough for the ethnostate?

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what a sloppy body. anyone oogling that is a starfucker not an objective man.

she looks native American to me, all Americans are mixed with corn niggers or other euro trash genes

I can I can answer this. Whether they are white or not I dunno. My cousin who is from Finland is married to one. His haplogroup was r1b or something, they were showing it to me when I went to their house to visit. All around good people.He tells me though that Armenians are usually from one of two groups. Those who came from Armenia and then those who didn't and that the ones who are now coming from armenia are nothing but trouble makers. It seems to me like he was ashamed of saying it.

>Whitey thinks we want to live in his ethnostate that will never exist
We’re good bro. Just let us know when you’re ready to do something other than shitpost.

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Not even close. Go be around some of them, they are opposed to White values.

And the Kardashians are dumb enough to genocide their bloodline with Black dna after surviving a hard genocide themselves.


here in russia armenians are seen as brown migrants poisoning the gene pool

10-15% of them are

the ancestors of Europeans probably started out in North-West Iran/Armenia for what its worth

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They cluster with non-Europeans

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I'm armenian but not from armenia, I was part of the group who moved early on and can barely understand their dialect now. However I think its bullshit that russians talk shit about armenians from armenia because they learned all their thievery and scheming and other bad ways from you guys. You guys are the same fucking shit, russian or armenian from armenia. In fact some of the armenian channels that I watch here being broadcast from armenia, you can't even fucking tell the difference whether they are armenian or russian because they act the same way. It's funny that russians try to make themselves look better by bringing down another group, but not realizing it that what they see is themselves.

>Kim is 5'2"
>tfw no shortstack gf

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Georgians are much more European looking

you want short manlet kids with giant nigger asses?

Armenians are not ethnic Europeans. Their ethnic homeland is outside of Europe. As such, Armenians are not “white”. Use this as the determining factor in the future.

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Yes, but Kardashian is one of the darkest Armenians, likely mixed in the past. Real Armenians have white skin.

>Ooooh looky at me. I put sand all over my but. I'm so hot I can barely contain my raw sex appeal.

Lmao this

Some can while most can't. The picture is just a fat nigger whore

t. Jealous roastie

No, but they’re Based.
The Middle East should be Ruled Over by Iranians, Lebanese & Armenians.

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>What does Jow Forums think about Armenians? Are they white enough for the ethnostate?

Armenians are caucasians, literally. Armenia is also the first Christian nation. Armenians are like the spanish or italians, black headed but still white.

Not genetically

They probably could have been if they weren't replaced by cockroach nigger Turks

not a big fan of Armenians,

but Kardashian is very dark even by their standards.
average Armo is somewhat lighter

Average Armenian looks like this

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not much woggier than an average Greek, desu

I think Armos look more like Greeks than us, even though we're Geographically closer

That’s an Arab

>is x white
see you in 3 days

I think technically anyone to the north and west of the Caucasus Mountains are Caucasian. That's what the word means.

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Kris Jenner is not Armenian. She may be partially of native American descent. All of her children are dark complexioned.


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I appreciate your rigor but that’s not accurate. All original speakers of Indo- European language have the same founding population. The boundary in Europe is arbitrary. The tocharians were IE speakers that had red hair and green eyes in Mongolia. It’s more about the level of admixture with non IE populations. I know you want a clear cut answer but outside of genetic testing you have to go on a case by case basis.

Why always post that (ugly) bitch who isnt Armenian?

Back to roachland with you.

She hardly has an ass. All that shit is fake and very obviously too.

Absolutely not. Worst ethnicity, the niggers of Jews.

>Lena the Plug

Armenians cluster with semites. Your Indo-European genes are long gone


now that is a very stereotypical Armeness

>niggers of Jews

interestingly enough, here in the Caucasus there was no tradition of anti-semitism, despite the fact that there were handful of jews living here for millenia

you know why? because the 'Le merchant'-niche was always occupied by Armos. they were the jews of the region - the most cunning, profit-oriented, diaspora spreading group. while the real jews were just being serfs and relatively decent people

and there are no jews in armenia, because armos outsmart jews when it comes to buying-selling strategies and backstabbing tactics.