I don't know what to think anymore, religion or no religion, all different types of christianity that fight eachother, the fact there are jews that are actually trying to help against globalists, the fact that islam is anti degeneracy so when leftists actually want to invite them in they get crushed from the inside (but we get crushed too), I'm unarmed and I've taken too many redpills and don't know what to do. is any of this contradictory? >Catholic but hating shitskins enter my country >Wish every nation on this planet was national socialist and just got along with eachother >hate racemixing >hate fags/trannies >see through taqiya but don't actually care about muslims if they're in their own shitholes minding their own business >same as above but for jews - don't like how israel deal with the palestinians but also like the fact israel is a place where jews can just go so they aren't all spread out of europe instead >the ethnic brits are still pretty proud and intelligent but this clashes with the fact other nations in europe (germany) have different ways of dealing with the continents problems so then this just presents infghting like in religion
what is the one true solution? is it religion? is it pure ethnostates? I have so many different opinions on so many topics now and I don't know if they contradict eachother, it seems so easy for the opposing views; >invite everyone from all over into one place and we all mix and we get rid of religion and we go to mars bing bing yahoo
Well what do you think is the ultimate and absolute solution?
I think God, who know's what's best for everybody.
Mason Torres
For us on earth? I don't know, I want to know. I've been brought up a catholic and I want there to be a heaven and to be able to get there but living on earth right now is horrible, if I wasn't so strongly opinionated on certain things I would've off'ed myself years ago. This is why I was asking am I just super contradictory with my opinions in the opening post? and if so what does that mean for me, I can't simply tunnel vision on living for 80+ years to die, the world around me has so much potential but the majority of people just don't seem to want it
Justin Thompson
I mean imagine if the whole western world was just Christian at its core, third reich tier, conduct business with muslims and chinks, pajeets and africans, if they die out without our help oh well that's on them, but we don't go and expand there and slaughter them then give them an excuse that is clung to, to be welcomed into our lands
Liam Hall
If there is a God, there is no such thing as being able to get to heaven.
I've researched religion for a while and to me it seems like the God of the bible is most plausible to exist.
The bible contrary to popular beliefs and many denominations, actually teaches the salvation of all human beings.
As for opinions on politics and worldviews general i'd say don't get too focused on it. Just go after what you want in life and let the world run it's course.
I for example, will just focus on getting down my goals. I'm just gonna work on myself, get myself a wife, a home and raise plenty of children while working a job enjoy and do all my hobbies.
The rest I leave to God. I'm fucking done trying to influence people on the state of the world, I will sit back.
Carter Diaz
Best of luck, I have the same goals, my opinions just become almost crippling
Gabriel Thomas
and also >The bible contrary to popular beliefs and many denominations, actually teaches the salvation of all human beings.
this is exactly my point, can I even claim to be christian and against globalisation
Justin Walker
stay strong bro I know what you feel maybe its God plan who know
pray in a darkness do not trust anyone not even yourself nothing is what it seems
Also fyi, the term "christian" is never mentioned in the bible. I simply refer to myself as a believer in God and his Son Jesus Christ.
The only thing you cannot do in order to call yourself a believer, is to not believe in the death and ressurection of Jesus.
You can sin as much was you want, believe whatever you want, you'll still be a believer.
Luis Nelson
Also, if you worry about contradicting certain beliefs against your faith, simply ask God to show you de wey. If he doesnt, keep doing what you do.
Ask God if you should be against globalisation, and if he doesnt show you otherwise, then i see no point why you should change.
Sebastian James
>the term "christian" is never mentioned in the bible
there was no bible in time of Christ
bible came two generations after Christ resurrection
in this time there was hundreds of so called "christian gospels" the right mixed with false ones
no one know what is right and what is wrong to believe
Wyatt Thomas
You'd think God is competent enough to put together a book no? If God wants to write a book about everything and specially the death and ressurection of the one he sent, im sure he wont let humans mix it or get it wrong. If he does, then he is incompetent, which he is not, because he is GOD.
Either the bible is completely correct or there is some other God, or maybe there's no God at all.
Anthony Robinson
I dont say its wrong but its stupid to reduce faith only to one book and reject all other teachings of Jesus
Luke Davis
Finally! A real person made a post on this board.
Dylan Wood
Good goy, don’t try and do anything to push back the mountain of backward progress.
Nathaniel Lewis
Just want the western world to be saved and live in peace and for that to happen everyone has to be on the same wavelength, whatever it is