President Trump General /ptg/- waffle edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Tucker: Men In America Pt4 3/21/18

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach FL 3/23/18
>Pres Trump angrily signs budget bill 3/23/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/23/18
>FLotUS Melania @2018 Intl Women Of Courage Awards 3/23/18
>VP Pence @America 1st event in Atlanta GA 3/23/18
>VP Pence w/Annie Moore in WVa 3/23/18
>2nd Lady/Charlotte talk about Marlon Bundo 3/23/18
>AG Sessions (partial) in Birmingham AL 3/23/18
>DepAG Rosenstein on Cyber Law Enforcement 3/23/18
>FCC Commisioner Pajit on Robocalls 3/23/18
>HHSDep video: Opioids abuse 3/23/18
>USDA video: Sec Perdue BackToOurRoots Tour 3/23/18
>This Week @State 3/23/18
>Pres Trump @Greek Independence Day Celebration 3/22/18
>Pres Trump @Generation Next Summit 3/22/18
>Pres Trump signs Memorandum on China Tariffs 3/22/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Event in Manchester NH 3/22/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets w/Saud Prince MbS 3/22/18

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder to report all trap, brap and darling posters.

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can't do that fa m

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Milkposters are ok though right

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from /a/

>9’b and 9’e have complimentary hair colors and the same eye color and expression. Combined with the fact that the triplets walk right after the other three stamens, how both of them and the triplets were missing in episode 6, how 9’a appeared alone in episode 7, how 9’z has the same pose as 9’a in the OP, and how they appear to be on their own corner of the group and walking along each other (or with her on front), it’s safe to assume they are partners and 9’a’s pistil is the purported 9’z. Further, their pairing would give out A-to-Z.

>They could be named differently (e.g. Blue=Beta, Red=Gamma; or all pairings being consecutive letters), but I’m banking on this scheme as it would make all pistils have matching names ending in -eta. 9’b could be a sort of happy accident of a particularly strong or submissive pistil, or be the dominant one in the pairing.

>9’g and 9’d don’t have the exact same eye and hair color. 9’d has orange eyes, and 9’g has a deeper shade of blue. None of them have pupils. None of them show strong sexual dimorphism, and all of their uniforms are shorter than Zero Two’s, which is almost knee length.

>On the triplets: while piloting a FranXX, the expression the robot does is at least partly influenced by the stamen; the mouth however, is moved exclusively by the pistil. A relationship to 002 can be established through their hair and eye color: Zero Two has shown bright red eyes when angered, and her younger self (at the start of episode 1) had white hair.

>9’h and 9’f’s romanized names come from historical pronunciations of the letters in Greek and Russian, respectively.

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pee pee


Thankyou non-country.

Sinners will be punished.

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pls no bully brap posters

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They better be.

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The absolute state of women

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>It's been 2 years since we found out about Papa and the system
>We all had to escape and with the help of Dr. FranXX managed to get out with our mechs
>Life outside the plantation is hard, but it hardens you if you have the will to survive
>I'm not the soft person I once was anymore
>It's embarrassing to think about
>I set the barbell down after my last set of military presses
>next is weighted dips
>"Futoshi-kuuun" Ikuno says as she comes into the work room
>I'm not wearing a shirt
>but she is used to seeing me like this
>"I brought you a drink, Dr. FranXX says it will help you build up muscle after your workouts. Protein shake, I think he called it."
>She sets it down on the table
>in the split second Ikuno bends down I see massive cleavage
>Her breasts have gotten so big
>and her hips are really alluring
>The sound of cloth ripping interrupts the room
>I look down
>My dick, vascular and thick, tore threw my pants again
>Ikuno smirks "Jeez, everytime I walk in the room this happens it seems. Are you sure we shouldn't get you a dress?"
>She says as she pulls a body mat infront of the weighted dips bar
>"What are you doing" I ask as she gets on her knees infront of me
>"Make it to 12 dips, Futoshi" she says pushing her glasses up with a smile
>She opens her mouth and positions her head
>so that at the top of every rep, she is able to give my cock a quick lick
>Made it to 15 reps that day

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Reminder that anything more than a handful is a waste.

There's no Hell Goys, sin all you want.

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They loved Richard Ramirez and Charlie Manson. Women love psychos

I am listening to my daily Gregorian chant as we speak.


I'm on my way to be culturally enriched a la bongistan

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Holy shit this guy needs to get removed NOW

Find heatherbong

Is this heresy? It looks like heresy.

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America to Israel
>trillions of dollars in welfare
>military protection
>not allowed to criticize

Israel to America
>allowed to dictate our border policies

What exactly does America get out of this “friendship”?


>Trigger copying Blue Sub No. 6

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He just keeps going. Just how much more heresy does he have to do until this apostate gets removed?

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And Dahmer too even though he was a flamer.

Women, not even once

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F. It will be your own personal Day of Rake.

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ywn go to this university and meet the girl of your dreams

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I'm no theologian, does the Pope really have the authority to just wholesale remove concepts from Catholicism to make it more tolerant? God lets him do that?

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Hell is a pagan notion (see: Hades) co-opted by Paul of tarsus to ensure fealty to his new faith. Gehenna is more like a purifying flame then eternal torture.

I miss the guy that made those

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who ever coached her to make this face is a fucking retard.

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It's in Virginia. Not worth it.

He’s not removing it from Catholicism so much as theology itself. It’s like removing thing from Trump.

>If women couldn't build white children, we would have no need for them.

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>What exactly does America get out of this “friendship”?
Nothing. Let me get into my Minuteman nuclear missile silo if it'll make you less of a little bitch.
Deus Vult.

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Remember the president of this school endorsed Trump.
Literally /ourschool/.

the absolute state of mary worshippers

>The wider I smile, the more human I appear!

>be loser, bullied by ugly dykelets in school
>shoot up school
>hot girls want you now
used to be kids would pick up a guitar to look cool, now they just have to pick up an AR-15
gawdamn what a time to be alive

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Church was literally taken over from within during the last "transition" of the Popes.

Pope 'resigns' for 'no particular reason' for the first time ever in 1000 years before death, Marxist pope coincidentally sworn in as replacement. I would also like to point out the interesting timing of it all, as Europe enters and era of turbulence + the immediate shift in media coverage tone. I thought it was weird and suspicious as fuck as MSM praised the new pope before he had literally done or said anything, unlike them hating all previous Popes.

>The silence of Euro Cuckolics is deafening

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I know it was an emergency back, but holy shit refresh that pastebin!

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Ah so he's a philosopher now. Of course, why not.

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There aren't many of them. The bishops are the ones that need to call for his removal

I am really upset that I didn't go to this university. I am old as fuck now and never found the right girl. If I could start over again this is where I would go because the kind of people I would want go there.

your jewish fairy tale book literally isn't true rural retard

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>ywn never accidentally bump into her at the range
>ywn never apologize and help pick up her stuff and get to talking
>ywn start talking about your loves of guns, the 2A, America, Jesus, ect.
>ywn start studying together
>you will never start going out together
>you will never get married upon graduation
>ywn livin 60 long years together with many kids and grand kids and even great-grand kids as you live an ideal classic American small town life

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Absolutely not, these are grounds for a pope to be removed.

>have some time to kill
>hey I'll see what's up on Jow Forums
>Catalog 90% LGBTWTFBBQ nonsense slide threads
>Rest of the threads are "are X white" ,"redill me on...","how do we fix..", "Jow Forums BTFO", "defend this Jow Forums"
>report more threads than I respond too

yeah but there is no concerted effort to raid Jow Forums or anything

R&D, Agritech, medical, military electronics, humint, Stuxnet. Hugs? Not to mention that trillion is 98 percent spent on American planes ships and guns.

That's still my favorite Pence picture. His absolute disbelief at the faggot right next to him is amazing.

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>simple solution, user

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bull shit. you do not want to go to tartarus.

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This fucking faggot.

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From what I heard from our Jaguarposter the church was getting subverted from the 20s. I think I know that a certain (((group))) got especially mad about Pius XI.

This is what our research show.

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I didn't ask for this, user

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>Raiding /pol
Pissing in an ocean of piss and feces

come smuggle me to North America please

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>جواز سفر

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>a Joelover calling anyone a retard
Living in a glass house much?

see He is not Christian, and was placed there only to weaken the Church by actual Marxists and the globalist allies. (and Jews)

Yes, the subversion ran long and deep, but they only finally succeeded in 2013. Time will tell, if permanently.

>b-but Joenigger reeee...

just as I expected

Marry me then ;)


I want, what brand?

Sounds Jewish to me

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That being said, it has been long held that a Pope that teaches heresy automatically looses (or perhaps abdicates is a better word) the papal office. As the New Commentary on Canon Law states, “To fall from the faith of Peter is to fall from his chair”.


Wasn't one of the Popes around the 1200s an actual rapist? I think the Catholic church probably can handle Francis' marxism if the house got cleaned hard.

Anything come of the SES dumps a couple days ago?

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Well Jews don't believe in Hell so that is correct.

Of all things to bitch about re this Pope, I don't think this is one...

Calling Trump the antichrist after installing the REAL antichrist as the Pope does sound like a pretty Satan-esque tactic...

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>stalling stale bread
>gorge on fresh bread

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Tbh Marxists are probably a hell of a lot harder to get rid of.

We'll see what happens.



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>women that raise kids have 'compromised'

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There are several types. Look on ebay

Cheese and rice, I didn't even see this post until now.
This Pope is a false Pope. Remove him NOW. I'll fucking do it myself I swear on me mum. He's also the faggot that told the US to not build a wall because it is mean. Yet he sits in the Vatican behind a gigantic wall.
Remove him now. He is a heretic.

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wheres this from? post a link

Translation from the hamsterese:

someone please hat snoozy-kun

dumb frogposter

Based snoozyposter

True. Marxism is worse than krokodil.
Go back to throwing babies in your tophet.

There is a hell, i.e. all those who die in personal mortal sin, as enemies of God, and unworthy of eternal life, will be severely punished by God after death. On the nature of mortal sin, see SIN; on the immediate beginning of punishment after death, see PARTICULAR JUDGMENT. As to the fate of those who die free from personal mortal sin, but in original sin, see LIMBO (limbus parvulorum).

The existence of hell is, of course, denied by all those who deny the existence of God or the immortality of the soul. Thus among the Jew the Sadducees, among the Gnostics, the Seleucians, and in our own time Materialists, Pantheists, etc., deny the existence of hell. But apart from these, if we abstract from the eternity of the pains of hell, the doctrine has never met any opposition worthy of mention.

The Church professes her faith in the Athanasian Creed: "They that have done good shall go into life everlasting, and they that have done evil into everlasting fire" (Denzinger, "Enchiridion", 10th ed., 1908, n.40). The Church has repeatedly defined this truth, e.g. in the profession of faith made in the Second Council of Lyons (Denz., n. 464) and in the Decree of Union in the Council of Florence (Denz., N. 693): "the souls of those who depart in mortal sin, or only in original sin, go down immediately into hell, to be visited, however, with unequal punishments" (poenis disparibus).

Based T-Snooz

he's watching you, user

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Suicide bomb him.

stop glowing so hard

This papist faggotry already has a dozen thread keep it out of /ptg/ retard