The Pope just confirmed that there's no hell and heaven is 'contemplating god' for eternity. This is great news anons. I no longer have to worry about burning in a lake of fire while good Catholics point and laugh at me from a comfy cloud. I'll just disappear, you faggots have to spend eternity 'contemplating'

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Other urls found in this thread:

>condemned souls "just disappear"

This is not going to help with the suicide statistics. This Pope is a moron.

it's ok, the respawn timer is short considering how many babies are being born right this second

Embrace Swedenborgism

Truly the antipope. He'd love to see Islam rule the world.

You hear that? Its JPII spinning in his grave

It is known.

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More like the kike pope

Nice screenshot faggot

It's almost like organized religion is fucking stupid to begin with

Want me to spam post it in 7 posts

The jews neither think there is a hevean and hell

>being this ungrateful
our infallible leader, the literal vicar of Christ on earth, just eliminated the worst part of our religion and you complain?

Hell was never a place full of fire beneath the ground anyway retard. It just means this life since there'd pain and suffering. All humans are sinners thats why we are here in this shit hole world.

>the fucking pope
>the head of the church
>the bishop of rome
>the leader of an entire section of christianity

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Was gonna say this is pretty Jewish sounding. Very shameful it's coming from the fucking pope's mouth.

Before 2020 he will declare that there is no God or Heaven and then things will get real interesting with catholics.

Yep, feel free to be as degenerate as you can now. Go rape some kids - all is premitted!

>that there's no hell
This is true, hell is an event not a location

>heaven is 'contemplating god' for eternity
Close, but this is a cleverly chosen statement to turn away the nihilistic youth.

>condemned souls "just disappear"
Look up Annihilationism. Hell is an event.

Hell never existed you fucking moron. And this Pope in no way represents Christ anymore. Hasn't for a few now.

Why do people believe anything purely based off faith or because someone else told them it was right? Do they not have convictions or are they really that much of a weak willed follower?

>93 year old man reports in private conversation that he checkmated a whole religion by misquoting the Pope

Francis is a shit, but how can you fall for such bait?

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Francis is a fucking jew dude I swear to god

>Hell never existed
st. augustine says different, faggot. civitas dei, qui non pertinent ad civitas dei, pertinet ad civitas diaboli. ergo, salus extra ecclesiam non est. the pope just invalidated 2000 years of dogma, queer.

Man you think I give a fuck what any Saint Pope or whoever says? Look at the bible and the words of Jesus. Hell is undeniably an event that consumes all unsaved souls.

Hell was literally thrown together as a concept to gather fucking shekels from dark ages idiots. It was never a thing until it was rewritten into the fucking bible as a "mistranslated concept" which basically means we think it should be this because we don't like the way it was originally written.

Has the best version of what was originally meant in the bible. It was never this fucking shit of realms of eternity with angels and devils roaming through diabloesque worlds and everyone chilling out in pools of lava or frozen in a lake of ice under satan's asshole. It's just not that cool of a concept.

You die, you wake up at rapture and go to god's side or cease to exist.

>Saint Pope or whoever says?
you're an ignoramus. even if you're not Catholic and are a proddie subhuman, the bible has dozens of passages on hell, faggot.

Please provide me one passage in the bible that describes Hell as a location.

The Pope... this too will pass.

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you ignorant af, boi. stop LARPing as a christian.
revelation 14:11
revelation 20:14
revelation 20:15
revelation 20:10
matthew 25:41
matthew 13:50

1. Nope, not it.

2. This one actually supports my position. "Lake of fire is the second death". SECOND DEATH.

3. Lake of Fire = God's consuming hellfire

4. Forever and ever means however long they may be in existence.

5. Again, a fire that consumes you so you are dead for eternity, is an eternal fire.

6. Nope.

None of these described a location. They describe fire and death.

>The Pope just confirmed that there's no hell and heaven is 'contemplating god' for eternity.
at least he's half right

lake of fire is the mechanism to destroy the unrepentant along with Satan & his demons, hell is the ensuing state of nothingness –

Like we needed any further proof that this guy is an anti-pope. He's literally trying to force the prophesy about the Last Pope.

how about waiting for confirmation that he really said it? I find the idea of a pope directly contradicting the catechism rather hard to believe.

Too bad you probably wont come back as a white person.

yeah, I'm sure an anonymous leaf knows better than st. augustine, queer.
"And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet are too, and they will be tormented there day and night forever and ever." revelation 20:10

Can we still say See you in Hell?

I fucking hate this faker
sedevacantism or nothing bitches

now i understand the point of world wars
they increase your chances of being white

>total destruction of the soul
>state of nothingness
Great, I don't be with a god that made this shithole world anyway

join mel gibson and me and become a sedevacantist

I remember when I was little my religion teacher said that hell is just a place where you can't feel god's love.

At that point though all evil will be destroyed and the universe will be cleansed of all sin-consciousness
the gayness you're experiencing now is merely a fallen world tainted with sin-faggotry

another ignoramus LARPing as a christian.

And the smoke from their torture will go up FOREVER AND EVER, and those who worship the beast and his image will have no rest day or night, along with anyone who receives the mark of his name.” revelation 14:11

unless something higher says youre special then youre triple fucked m8...

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be spiritual
spread love and joy without the complications of a religion.
if you can master that only then have kids so you can teach them properly without the ooga booga of abrahamic genital mutilating religions

>doesnt realize death lasts forever.

there is no hell.. the sun is helios and the only law that maritime law aka fly ur colors straight motherfucker ... religion is a shit joke and everybody worships the sun.....i suggest you guys to grow a pair of balls and kill and burn all the churches like varg did ! this motherfuckers killed all the redheaded hot babys in the past because some fake ass acussation of witchcraft

we need a new Pope, right fucking now.

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He didn't' say it. It is supposedly something he said in a "private chat" to a 90-year-old reporter that is clearly senile, besides being an atheist freemason and a Soros-shill.
You literally have to buy that guy's word for it and I'm not buying it

another ignoramus LARPing as a christian who doesn't have a Greek concordance
Addressed in previous post user.

You need to stop believing in an imaginary daddy in the sky. Tu fais honte à Voltaire

Pope vs. Jesus... hm, I'll go with Jesus on this one.



you got btfo, faggot. if you don't believe in hell, you're not a true christian. it's literally one of the cornerstones of our religion. don't take my word for it, it's right in the bible, and the most learned theologians have affirmed it for two thousand years, moron.

Absolutely heretical.

>im a cuck and im mad my cuck ideas aren't accepted
Get laid, faggot.

Are you saying that the Guff is full?

If you're gonna reply use real sentences

But Islam does believe in hell
maybe thats the trick. Make christianity so irreleveant that people look for something with more "rules" so they really need to "work" for getting to heaven because they feel the have earned it more then?

The bible also says dont mix fabrics.
My guess is that you're a virgin whitey with no friends and muh bible is all you believe in.


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very simple, post a mainstream Catholic theologian that agrees with your interpretation. the current pope doesn't count.

>Tu fais honte à Voltaire
Voltaire, and the rest of his ilk are responsible for the death of morality and ethics in the West. Voltaire me fais honte.

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>jewbrahamic religions

Has the Pope even read the Bible?

19 “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores.

22 The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side.[a] The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’

27 And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house— 28 for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’

>I find the idea of a pope directly contradicting the catechism rather hard to believe
With this faggot of a pope I don't. He is essentially a political puppet that is using the church as a facade so more people conform with the neo-liberal agenda. It wouldn't be the first time he said something contradictory to the catechism.

The pope is not the word of GOD.

>The bible also says dont mix fabrics.
>muh bible is all you believe in.
jew confirmed.

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Pope is a false prophet

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>Christcuck doesn't even read his bible

If I had a dollar for everything that was "too hard to believe" that turned out to be true, I'd have about 7 bucks.

That's for Jews, not Christians. You don't even know that Christians don't need to follow the laws that were given to Moses.

you're not a christian, faggot, stop LARPing as if you are. you exposed yourself by posting from the old testament. btfo, again.

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>bunch of edgy teens, misguided 20 year olds and loser 30-40 yo olds think they know more about God's divine plan than the Pope

This is too obvious guys

So hell doesn't exist now, great.

Now the pope can introduce the mark of the beast and everyone can take it because hell doesnt exist anymore. feelsgoodman

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Pope is a Shoggoth

1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire."615 The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.

Wow, atheist pope.
I ques I`m catholic now.

The problem with these kinds of posts and the Bible in general is that it speaks nearly entirely in riddles. "You can only go to Heaven if you accept salvation through Christ." Okay, break that down for me. What does that entail? Do I think Jesus existed? Yes. Do I think he was crucified by Romans at the behest of Jews? Yes. Do I think he was the son of God? Sure, we all are, even if you take a Deist approach to the subject. Is that good enough to satisfy the criteria of "believing in Christ" and thus obtaining salvation and everlasting life? Who knows. Nobody ever says.

People talk about this stuff with lots of flowery overtures and very few specifics. The go-to is just "don't sin", but that's impossible. The Bible says you're born into sin and will definitely sin at some point in your lives, and that there's no such thing as a perfect person. So sin is unavoidable. How do you get rid of sin? "Through Christ". But what does that actually mean? And then you have to contend with the notion God destroyed cities because of sin. What could those people have done to avoid being destroyed? "Believe in Christ". But Christ didn't exist back when those cities were destroyed. So what happened to them? What sins are irredeemable sins which require God to BTFO you forever?

These are the kinds of questions even scholarly Christians can't answer, because they don't know it themselves.

There's specifics in various pagan religions, even if they're stupid.
>Hang a guy every seven years and throw his blood on your crops to make them grow

Does that work? No. But it was specific.

He's a jew pawn

No shit hell isn't an actual thing. How could a God who is supposed to be good let people burn for literally forever? It doesn't make sense and it's one of the few things the current pope is right about.

> This Pope is a Mason, Jesuit and pederast
The Polish priests who told him to get fucked were too right.

At least he didn't enter infallible mode, I suppose he didn't want to get hanged by Good Friday.

Oh and actual traditional Catholics are well aware that this is a terrible Pope.

The Pope is a man, well a liberal SJW beta, and as such he doesn't speak for God. In fact he is failing his job because he is editing the word of God to fit his twisted beta blue pill view of the world.

He is trying convince you anons that hell doesn't exist anymore so now you can all go out and have gay orgies and fall deeper into hell, which does exist.

But by all means, believe the words of a false prophet. More room in heaven for the based!

Blessed be the Based!

>Jorge Bergoglio is the voice of god
fucking retards, just google 5 min this guy and you will see the curtain fall down

No, he isn't, he is a sadist perverse right winger who is responsible for the death of other priests to advance his career, he just flip-flopped when made pope cause the conspiracies are fucking real

Just research his past lad, everyone in my country who wasn't brainwashed by the stories the months after he become pope knows this

>Jesus says be a good cuck and hug a refugee
>if you don't believe in Jesus you go to le hell
Why is this religion considered "redpilled" ?

More like sedevacantism confirmed

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Don't forget that korah's rebellion lead to people going straight to sheol. Seriously just look for all the references to sheol not being a good place.

No one is denying the existence of Hell. I just view it as an event, and you idiots view it as a location.

my boy

i came up with an explanation, if you care

With no hell, does that mean people have to be tortured before death then?

Why won't (((they))) fuck off an leave me to jerk off to pre-Vatican 2 Catholicism

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How much proof do you people need that Catholics were and never will be Christians? Should be talk about the Jesuit order or the templars or is that all just a conspiracy?

Why would you think I am purporting being consumed by hellfire to be a good place/time

In the very earliest Church, only bosses could respawn and that took three days.

Catholics wake up and take your church back.

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>At least he didn't enter infallible mode
this. i'm certain this doesn't count as ex cathedra but i'm happy to be proved wrong. do you know of a precedent?