What is wrong with Modern men?

Attached: Making the most of the nook that my wife allotted me for my battle station _ Eli.png (841x822, 767K)

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Looks comfy desu

>is married

that's not a modern man that's a modern fool.

>my wife allotted me
jesus christ


He is part of the dumb men who got married. He deserves it.

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He should "allot" he wife out on her ass and get a newer, better model. No shame in going lone wolf if you have to temporarily, the girls will always be there for pump n dumps.

Most of pol doesn't even have a Battlestation let alone a wife

At least someone called them out.

I thought we all live in basement or attic?


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Modern women.

Bloody hell, i want to kill men like that and rape their wives. This is betrayal of testicles

My partner and I both have a studio each. Mine houses my battlestation, and hers has her art stuff.

When our child is born. Guess who is keeping their studio? Damn straight I am.

Elite Dangerous

I bet you that's a forumdad

I would hardly call these people 'men', they are so weak, docile and domesticated that they should be considered pets.

t. Nook cuck


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I’m guessing you haven’t been laid, outside of hookers, in a while. I’d also bet you haven’t been in a relationship with a decent person in your whole life.
Relationships are about compromise. If chose that to sacrifice, that’s his business.
My brother is married with two kids, and his wife tells him constantly what he can/can not do. I don’t like it, but it’s not my life. I just let him worry about his happiness.

Truly pathetic, innit lads?

This guy is a total pussy.

He probably isn't allowed to play until the bull has been prepped.

You should at least pity your brother for being spineless. It's unhealthy to let your wife tell you what to do.


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Cuck Corner

> the birth of the cucknook

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His wife is trying to not get him to be a manchild but of course Jow Forumscels think she's the bad one.

So sad

> El gobelino de la sumicíon

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They are both pathetic.
If she is just watching telly anyway why would she give a fuck.
It's just Bing Bing Wahoo in another form

>my third kid

uh think again buddy, go back to the cuck nook

It's kinda funny though, the wife gives him a small space probably thinking that he'll be miserable. He turns it into a comfy gaming space and is happy about it anyway.

Explain the succumbing to the will of the woman meme to me.
>You make the money
>It's probably your house
>Let the woman walk over you
Oh boho if I don't accept her stupid requests she'll not let me lend her hole.
Just be a man and jack off to some weird anime doujins.

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How are you supposed to play with no mousepad and the mouse so close to your keyboard? Is this some sort of manlet station?

nailed it
w*men everywhere on fucking sucide watch.
the ingenuity of even the lowest soyboy cuckold far surpasses anything a w*man could come up with..
I might just upboat this on r*ddit

I don’t even talk to him outside of family functions because she orders him around. I only have to see it about once every other year.
Still, for the sake of my family’s cohesion, I have to let him live his life. Every time we part ways with them, my wife tells me “I’m glad we don’t treat each other like that”.
Focus on finding and creating healthy relationships and you won’t have the energy to worry about your neighbors relationships.

the space in the shed was needed for the bull's den.

You have a good attitude.

ayy i have that same case

Enablers get the rope too

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No the bull needed somewhere to keep all of his nikes.

Do these faggots think their wife is their mom and they're children? No, at best your wife is your equal and has no right to demand shit like that from you.


>elite dangerous
shame such fags play it
maybe im a fag too i guess

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Probably their mum always told them off and told their father off if he tried to chastise the kids.
The pussification of society has far reaching consequences

All western men crave a Soy Corner

>this is my wife's boyfriend's son - Jake

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Why do the memes have to be true?

I've got a friend that barely works and just stays at home doing nothing while she goes to work.
He doesn't even do the laundry, or clean plates.
He just plays vidya games on the 1080Ti his girlfriend bought him.
What the hell is wrong with her?

Cucks don't even get a shed anymore, just a measly nook.
America was a massive mistake.

Shit this reminds me of the movie Bodysnatchers.

qt traps is the ultimate redpill

What’s wrong with him? He sounds like a man child.

Nope. You’re just a fag.

soyest of soys. redditors as a group have to be some of the most pathetic faggots on the internet

IDK what the hell is wrong with him, putting a hotas setup at an angle is absolutely degenerate, he could have mounted the left screen on a swivel arm to the right for better angle, and there's no backlighting to his screen to reduce eye strain
what a fucking cuck eyelet

You CHILDREN that think you have some sort of "battle station" need to step your game up.


>my wife allotted me

Today's men are reacting to today's women

you and your brother are both cucks, it must run in the blood.

jesus fuck

also I'm surprised "dbx" didn't get downvoted into the ground for his misogynistic post

Other half of the room is Tyrone's

Well, he his, and I wont pretend I'm not.
But at least I've got a job for 10 years.
I don't even know how they stay together.
When I'm with them, he just fucking complains about food being badly cooked, and how she's generally shit.
It's like she bought an expensive annoying pet man.
Maybe it's love, and I don't understand.

I'm married with kids. We have our own room with our desks(yes they match, no she didn't pick them out, we both liked them) I have a minifridge with beer next to mine(It's made me fat). In other houses I had a separate area, but that honestly does cause problems. Now we just yell at each other from across the room.

Seriously. He probably pays for the house/apt

That's a straight up garbage set up for E:D any way.
If you aren't in a reclining chair with parts of the HOTAS on either side of you, with a VR headset on, you are playing the game all wrong.

>Still, for the sake of my family’s cohesion, I have to let him live his life.

You think you're like this super enlightened person - hey maaan, just let live and do your own thing, maaan! - but in reality your entire life is built on lies because you're afraid of rocking the boat.

You deserve to be killed. Lying by omission (and being proud of it!) has to be one of the worst sins imaginable. You'll pay for it one day.

Shit like this makes me ok with being a fag

I use a HOTAS and TrackIR. Haven't played in about a year though. Really thinking about getting back into it, but I need to get a new throttle and rudder pedals, i'm using old ass modified CH ones from 1995. I can't bring myself to spending the 300 bucks.

will people just leave we like women here.

is that a 15 inch screen?

And in this nook sits a pathetic cuck

I live near my sister and her husband, they have two small children. Hang out with them a lot and help with the kids.

One evening per week my brother-in-law and I would play Netrunner (card game) from about 10pm when the kids sleep to 0300. He'd then wake up on time for work and proceed as usual. This was his ONE solo activity each week and he'd use it to play the game we love. About a month ago my sister took away his Netrunner privilege so he could do more chores. Felt a mixture of pity and disgust when he relayed this to me. I mean you can't just say "I provide a good life for you, 80k salary, and do all my chores. I will do this whenever I want?" What a slave.

Why does this picture make fun of British people and portray them as creatures too?

basement and garage are no go zones for women

that blackk kid looks shopped but i'd still believe it.

Looks comfy. He's still a cuck.

Have both ;)

>not wanting to marry is tantamount to mgtow
>t. Ameritard

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With some couples, whenever they have kids the man just becomes another kid to her unless he asserts himself

Kinda sounds like you just wanna fuck transvestites.
You are not alone though, faggot. This entire board is virgin gays.

Fuck how does that a guy this fucking lame get a wife?

I haven't gotten laid in like 5 years and I read, lift, take care of myself, have interesting hobbies and a decent paying job. I live with my parents though.

>looks comfy
the desk size / mousepad space is triggering me
you can't even play anything well with that shitty setup

Women running the home while men run society isn't a particularly new concept. Actually fairly normal in traditional gender roles. That said, having a tiny corner of your house allocated for your use shows a major problem in that relationship - largely derived by tiny testicles. Bet the fridge is stocked with soylent.

They're constantly shamed for what's between their legs and taught to submit to women.

at this point most roasties dont want actual men, they want something they can take care of and possibly in a sense feel superior to. i wouldnt be surprised if their wives are cheating on them. only sad thing is that THEY are the reason why their women are getting niggered.

His problem is he's a Christian who really believes that he can 'make it work' just by giving in and giving in. That she'll eventually see the light and relent. I love my sister, but I know that will never happen.

>mousepad space is triggering me

You really need to work on your hand eye coordination then. High mouse sensitivity is the way to go.

What a huge waste of space.
And he somehow managed to also make it super awkward to use

Because the memes are based on reality

Shit. Maybe. I'm totally self reliant as in I can cook and clean and fix shit by myself, so I would only need a woman for intimacy and sex basically.

i was playing with an xbox controller for the longest time until i realized i had a shitty joystick from ~2005 sitting in a box in the basement. the kind that advertised it's got a pov hat.
my desk and space is setup for recording guitar and shit anyway. I would probably never do anything else if i had VR

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>Doesn't swing his mouse around like a viking swinging an axe.

What a low-T little bitch.

>mgtow hate women

oh you poor thing youre retarded

>haha you're all virgins unless you let your wife bully you and run your life while witholding sex
lmfao what kind of idiot logic is this

He must be British

>Track IR.
Got me nauseous in 1 second.
Tryed harder.
Still want to puke, but now, my neck muscles are hurting because I have to make a conscious effort not to turn my head all the way.

Try VR.
Resolution is shit for plane games, but it just feels right.
Give it a few steps in upping the resolution, and TrackIR's business is gone.

Kek. Fucking sad


>His problem is he's a Christian
Ah no. Good try shit for brains.