"I love spending time at the gun range with my .22, but no one needs an assault rifle. You can't hunt with that...

>"I love spending time at the gun range with my .22, but no one needs an assault rifle. You can't hunt with that, you'll scare away the game"

>"I've shot an AK, SKS, and lots of military grade guns. No human should hold that power, and if you think so you're a fucking idiot."

Just got nailed with this one, what's the best rebuttal?

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bump if you like guns and hate liberals


Turn in my AR. After this week's terrible tragedy, I just feel horrible having one in my house. It's been a good friend, but tbqh I don't need it.

ze chinese r comin das y

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Bump. But if you can’t form an argument against that on your own you need to do your own research and get first hand experience using firearms. It is easily debunked on many levels.

Look up hunting AR platforms. The second point isn't an argument.

>can't hunt with an AR

Yes you can.

>no human should have an SKS

You are wrong.

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guns are for liberals.

I'm gonna buy two more ARs.

>No human should hold that power
Someone should tell the government that. The reason we have guns is to secure our rights from people who would want to abuse their power. Good enough?

>No human should hold that power
Thats your opinion, its wrong, but its yours

>what's the best rebuttal?
Move to China you boot licking commie.

1. An assault rifle is full auto, which are largely legally unatainable. The rifles that gun grabbers are talking about now are semi auto.
2. The standard AR-15 shoot a fucking .223. That's less than what most people would bring to hunt white tailed deer. That said, a semi auto .223 is the perfect tool for fucking up a bunch of hogs at once.
3. "no human should hold that power"? If he's including, you know, every dumbfuck in the army, then he's an idiot, and if he's referring to only civilians, he's an even bigger idiot and a communist. Who gave him the authority to decide what is and isn't the level of "power" a person should be allowed to legally have?
4. No gun control will ever stop a would be criminal from attaining any sort of gun they want if they have money and aren't braindead.

Brought this one up, apparently that doesn't matter because back then it took 2-3 minutes to load a gun..?

Are the military not humans now?

>back then it took 2-3 minutes to load a gun..?
And now it doesn't

Back then you could fire 5 rounds in a minute.

We have the leisure of living in a world where there is no domestic threat. This may not always be the case. Ask them if they have a smoke alarm in their house. If they say yes, ask why? Is their house on fire? Do they buy condoms before having sex or after?

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>You can't hunt with that, you'll scare away the game"
How can it get scared when it is dead?

>what's the best rebuttal?
stop trying to sell me a gun

>No human should hold that power
Oh so he's in favor of disarming the state and military, right? Fucking idiot. Don't argue with morons like this, just mock them.

"Scare away the game" = projection of their own fears. Game doesn't see a black rifle and become scared. No more or less than if they're close enough to see his .22. Ludicrous.

>Just got nailed with this one, what's the best rebuttal?
Assuming a disarmed populace,
What check of governmental power would ensure the rights of the people will be respected?

>I love spending time at the gun range with my .22
My AR shoots a .22 caliber bullets. Ask them to define the distinction.

More to the point, what the fuck is he hunting with a .22? Squirrel?

>Assault Rifle

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>you can't hunt with that
I have killed 3 deer a couple turkey, countless coyotes rabbits squirrels and crows with 223/556

>intermediate rounds
>more powerful than full bore rifle rounds

Did you point out that a .22lr bullet is almost identical in to a .556?

>you don't need it thus you can't have it
bootlicker mentality

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>I like to shoot Gilboas and Beowulf Ar-15's. Its sexually arousing and makes up for my small peen.

Tell her, tell her!

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>not buying a shooting spree rifle
l8r h8r


I hunt hogs I elect to use a .308 which in your terms it’s a 7.62mm so is my rifle now ‘military grade’.
And you better check your state laws.
States requiring larger than .223 for hunting deer Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey, Washington, and West Virginia

Remind them to keep their nose out of your affairs or they're gonna get a call from the cops for harassment.

ask him if he has ever successfully gotten toothpaste back into the tube

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Hunters typically hunt with semi-auto .300 win mag rifles. A cartridge 2.5 times more powerful than 5,56

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>what's the best rebuttal?

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>assault rifle. You can't hunt with that
indeed, here, we can't hunt with 5.56
too small and wimpy to be considered a humane kill

>No human should hold that power
What do they mean by this

How do you think it got there in the first place? Are you this unimaginative?

>the American left starts calling AR pattern rifles "spree guns"
>fastforward two years at the Armalite marketing office
>"zombies are passé these days, may I present the AR-15 Spree Edition"

>what is the puckle gun

Ask them why those in employ of the government are granted such power? Why are their lives more important than his or yours.

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The second amendment isn't for hunting

>"I love driving around the city in my Smart car, but no one needs a sports car. You could never use all that power and speed in the city"
>"I've driven a Ferrari, Corvette, and lots of sports cars. No human should hold that kind of power, and if you think so you're a fucking idiot."

“What are you going to do with an AR-15 for deer hunting? There will be nothing left of the animal!!”

30-06 > .223

Liberals. Not even once

There were still hand crank machine guns that could fire 100+ rounds per minute

I know a hogg you should hunt

Also hunting most game with a .22 is inhumane and will just injure most large animals.

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He's projecting that he cannot trust himself with 30 rounds of intermediate rifle ammo, therefore you cannot be trusted either.

I’ve never shot an assault rifle but if you read the experiences of people who have you know that they don’t belong anywhere but in the trainee, military hands

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>you'll scare away the game

These retards seriously don't know how hunting works, do they?

Say, "Yes you are correct no one needs an assault rifle, because they don't exist."
Tell any person who uses that term "assault rifle" to go into any gun store and say "I would like to buy an assault rifle."
And tell them to relay back to you the response they get.

>i like shooting my bb gun


Humans already have that power. No going back. You’re just deciding that only the government should have that power

You fags should not even entertain people like that. "Because it is my 2nd amendment right" is a GOOD enough reason. If you guys want to give away your guns please ship them here.

Ask them if they truly love other people so much, why are they attacking one of the least likely ways any one has to die, and not drunk drivers, or cigarettes, or big pharma. Or fucking water. WATER kills more people that firearms do

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a crew manned weapon of war, retard

Assault rifles do exist, though. It's just that less than 1% of gun owners will ever own or see or touch one.

>own shitty wood furniture bolt action rifle
>kill count of all varients of said rifle: 45million+
Really makes me think.

Is that a FAMAS???!!!

The best response is "Please repeal the 2nd so I can personally murder you during the ensuing civil war."

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>weapon of war
Any gun can be a "weapon of war". Bullets kill regardless of what gun they come from.

Hey hey, they said assault rifles not battle rifles, don't worry user you're fine. We can battle, we just can't... assault. Or something.

>assault rifles dont exist

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That is patently false. There was a repeating rifle already in existence.

The SS-15 is a Nazi war gun invented by Hitler himself!

Shoot them in the face.

Imagine if Hitler was an engineer or a gunsmith instead of a painter.

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Just tell them that they misunderstand the intention of the 2nd amendment and that it is most certainly not for hunting but for defense against the prospect of a tyrannical government. If they say you're a kook for thinking the government could go tyrannical, then bring up examples of various totalitarian takeovers in various western countries over the past 100 years.


>You can't hunt with that, you'll scare away the game
dont reply this is so dumb its..., idk if this dude has ever been hunting

Most game running will be damn near impossible to kill with a 22. I can one shot larger game with a 30 caliber round, such as a 7.62. The sks is my preferred predator gun, like coyote. 22 is for squirrel and chipmunk. Not deer and bear. Fuck off

>"I love spending time at the drinking hole with my Rolling Rock, but no one needs hard liquor. You can't talk to women that way, you'll be a sloppy mess."

>"I've tried Scotch, Red Label whiskey, and lots of high alcohol content drinks. No human should ingest that petrol, and if you think so you're a fucking idiot."

Depends what you are hunting. An AR is a perfect rifle for small game. If you're out hunting moose, you'll want something bigger.

Is the argument that .223 is too weak for common use? Should we mandate that nothing less than .308 will do?

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>there is no way the founding fathers could look at a 50 year old design and see where firearms were going
> Also the Girandoni air rifle

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I can legally buy a functioning tank.
What now?

No they don't. It is not a class of firearm.
there are automatics (sometimes referred to as machine guns, and sub-machine guns), semi-autos, revolvers, black powder, front end loaders, flintlocks.
A gun used in a crime is called evidence. A hammer used in a crime is called evidence.
Assault (object) does not exist in any sphere of weaponry.

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they inevitably say it won't matter because the government would nuke you in a civil war. What then?

>"if Hitler himself was a gunsmith!"

Faggot caliber for faggot shooters. Can't hunt anything larger than a squirrel with it. Can't be used for self defense. Shoots like a glorified BB gun.

If he was shooting 45-70 or 300 win mag he might have a point, but to call an AR15 worthless for hunting when you're shooting a 22... That's just fucking gay.

I like sensible gun laws

that hunting rifles are much more powerful than military small arms

>front-end loader

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Yes it fucking is. An assault rifle is a rifle chambered in an intermediate round (5.56, 5.45, etc) with a fire selector for Full Auto. It's an actual fucking term you retard.

>"I love spending time at the gun range with my .22, but no one needs an assault rifle. You can't hunt with that, you'll scare away the game"
wtf you can hunt with it, shooting a gun or killing your prey already scares the others, besides no reason to kill multiple unless they're an invasive species like boar which your gun will come in handy

>"I've shot an AK, SKS, and lots of military grade guns. No human should hold that power, and if you think so you're a fucking idiot."
Are they not a fucking human as well

Everyone should have an SKS. Everyone.

They don't
Assault rifle is not a class of weapon.
There is make, and model, and type.
Assault rifle is not a type.
No gun manufacture makes an assault rifle.

There's nothing wrong with 22 you noguns faggot teenager

Bill of Rights not Bill of Needs

>no manufacturers make an assault rifle
Many fucking do, on government contract. Colt, for example, manufactures M16A4s on a daily basis for military use.

Then they shouldn't worry about you owning a dinky little rifle if they have nukes. Also they can't kill everyone because they need the revenue from working class people. Also nukes, drones, and tanks can't stand on street corners and enforce no assembly edicts.

OP here.

This is who I was arguing with. Go figure, right?

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False, that is just a rifle. What is the make and model?
What makes it "Assault"
Any thnig can be used for "assault" in a crime.