Am I a cuck?

Am I a cuck? My girlfriend doesn't have a job now and she feels bad that I have to buy everything for her. She went on a sugar daddy site and started talking to a bunch of guys.
> cucked

She told the guys that she has a BF and she's taken. They don't care, they just want a young girl to talk and give money to.
> they're the cucks

She's making a shit ton of money just keeping these loners company, I don't really care. But she could be making more if she sends nudes. She won't send any with her face. Is this okay or am I getting fucked?

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>gf needs you for money
>gf seeks other men for money
Enjoy being replaced by an older, wiser, more experienced, and wealthier man.

It’s only a matter of time until one drops enough cash to get his dick wet. You’ve already lost.

But now he's a

Until she cuts out the middleman.
He's not even really the middleman, since she's the one organizing all this. He's just dead weight.

Here's the thing, I manage her account, I can pull the plug any time. I don't think it's a bad deal, I get the money she makes and I'm the one who fucks her. What's the big whoop?

If you do stick with it, go through with it 100%
Don't teeter on the edge, and basically be a pimp

Thanks user

If you ever get in a fight with her, she's gonna have an easy pipeline to tons of dick.

Cool non politic and not real story time thread!
I love these slide threads
Sage and reported

She's pretty fucking committed to me. She's turned down thousands for an hour in a hotel. I don't think she'd leave me. If we get in a fight and she leaves me to be a whore then I guess I'll just have to move on. But why not make some money? If it works out then I stand to gain a lot here.

The only way you are not a cuck in this situation if you assert dominance and tell your girlfriend that's your motherfucking money and become her pimp.

At the end of the day though your girlfriend will still be a whore.

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if you have to ask...

Where are you located? I'll give you $10k for 30 minutes with her.

the absolute state of american romantic relationships

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It's your job to provide faggot. If she's getting money elsewhere because your ass is too lazy to get a better job or hold two jobs it won't be long until she leaves you for a fast paced life of whoring and cocaine.

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she is a whore.

I guess I have to manifest my destiny

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You should definetly let them fuck her. Doesnt mean you are a cuck. And besides, it is the trendy thing to do. Everyone have open relationships

>I can pull the plug any time.
She already as another account user

what the fuck is wrong with americans?

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This is obviously more than just the money. She just started doing it bc she "feels bad that you have to buy everything for her"? Bullshit. She finds it exciting, talking to strange men, especially sending them nudes. This is bad for a woman. You are a cuck and your girlfriend is not to last. This is a shit-test and you are failing. She can never respect you again after this.


if you play this right you could become her pimp

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you are a cuck. you can't control this kind of thing, it always spirals out of control.

Congrats. You now have a bottom bitch.

You fucked up by letting her make an account. She can't get a fucking job at Applebees, Why? Because she's a whore deep down.

She's probably fucking them when you're slaving away at work. I can see the denial in your cautious use of words... abandon slut OP, get out before you get a permanent disease. Don't be such a gullible dipshit.

This, desu familam.
Only go through with it if you're willing to throw out your relationship...

Told her no nudes. If an old lonely fuck wants to talk about Harry Potter with her and give her a hundred dollars then that's fine. That literally happened too. They talked about what house they'd be in Harry Potter..

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>If you ever get in a fight with her, she's gonna have an easy pipeline to tons of dick.
That's true for every woman.

she's learning to rely on other men for her emotional needs. Think about how this effects a woman psychologically.

Dude, you really have no idea what's going on.

Why would men with money give her money just to talk? They could get talk anywhere.

At a minimum she's stringing them along sending them nudes and making them promises if they "happen to be in town".

More than likely she's planning her exit strategy.

It will work like this...

1. She tells you that she's going "out with the girls" a few times.

2. Then she says she's going out of town for a "girls vacation" with her friends.

3. While gone, you won't be able to get a hold of her via phone or text.

4. Then when she gets home, she sits you down, and starts to talk about how you've drifted apart.

5. Off she goes with the new dude, but she wants to "remain friends" of course, because she'll still need you as a backup in case the new dude doesn't work out.

Hey OP whats the sugar daddy site?
I might slap on a wig and some makeup and give it a go.
I'll tuck my dick

There's tons of gay rich boys. You don't even need a wig. Just get on Google, it's popular.

Her account was suspended cause she was strict about not meeting anyone and supplying nudes. She's just taking money from people.

You're still dating a women who feels it's right to manipulate men to get what she wants.

So she's either saying that you can't provide for her to live in the manner she thinks she deserves, or she's saying that she has no mental commitment to you.

Either way is bad for you.

She is already thinking about at least one of those dudes when she is not around him, promise you.
You will get the
>>we need to talk
Within 3 months.
Think about it. You cannot provide for her, she knows this.
That is why she "lost" her job. She was testing you, and you failed. Now she is simply scouting out her next meal ticket, and I would wager she has at least one cut from the herd.
Look for her intently texting but always keeping the screen from you. Try to slide in and see how she acts.
She will get angry and defensive and try to make you feel like an ass for even trying to look.
You will also start to notice her pulling away emotionally from you. This is because she will feel increasingly guilty.
You stop this shit now, or she is gone, but from what you have said so far, you could only be so lucky.

Might as well just kys op.

Wise words right here. She isn't that into you if she is sending nudes BTW and is already fucking one or more of them and hiding the extra cash.
You're a cuck.

Oh and by guilty I mean she will feel guilty giving you attention because she feel she is "cheating" on the other guy, not you.
Enjoy that one.

If it's not sexual, then it's not cuckoldry. Flirting is sexual. Wearing sexy clothes is sexual. Trust, but verify.
>Why would men with money give her money just to talk?
Extremely common thing, actually. Many prostitutes (especially homelier ones) get a good chunk of their income from guys who just want someone to talk to. Lots of guys are never married and have no friends. Talking to a woman is extremely intimidating to them, because they fear it will become sexual and they will then be rejected. Again. There are actual rent-a-friend services.

Ha! My Id says boob.
I give myself permision to giggle like a 3rd grader

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I know their are profesional cuddlers.
Ive thought about doing that, as I genuinely like to just cuddle.
But, what would I have to cuddle with?


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Had a buddy who did this sorta. His wife was killed by a drunk driver and it really fucked with him mentally. I found out about it one night when he broke down and told us he was paying a girl once a month to dress up like her, have a hair wig similar to her hair and wear the same perfume she did. He never had sex with her and all he wanted was someone that was like her that he could spend the night in bed holding.

Don't know if he still does this anymore as he tried to date a few times unsuccessfully since then.

you're not a cuck...
you are the biggest cuck who ever lived

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You're letting her destroy society.
God will punish both of you.

She's fucking them if they are giving her money

She's also testing him now. Women want men they can be proud of. A man with pride would never put up with his wife/gf selling herself to strange men.

you thoroughly wrecked that cuck, you deserve your bitching ID

>Am I cucked


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Did op murder suicide?
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

We got 2 weeks leave during that 12 months. Nothing wrong with that pic

>this is your brain on capitalism

>she feels bad that I have to buy everything for her
>so she seeks sugardaddies
Why did you make her feel bad user, control your fucking wife

you are an SJW fag kid

excellent point, saved

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Thanks for pushing normal people further to the right.

The world we live in I can’t tell if this is bait or real. If I caught my girlfriend on a sugar daddy website I’d knock the shit out of her