What the fuck is this retarded mong talking about now?
What the fuck is this retarded mong talking about now?
A mega corporation making it's profits off of the taxpayers backs.
bin that computer lad
If Amazon has a hub in your state you pay state taxes on what you order.
>US tax payers fund USPS
>Amazon now ships exclusively thru USPS
>Prime is 2 day delivery, even in remote areas
>USPS can't raise rates because reasons
>Amazon is fucking over USPS at the tax payers expense
>Trump loves prosperity
>fucks over consumers
The fuck do I care if the local bookstore goes out of business when I can buy any book ever written for a few cent?
I'm glad to see him mentioning Amazon's sweet, sweet deals they have cut with the postal system. This allows them to cut into the business of smaller operations that sell online. Amazon can cut their prices even lower, because they're not having to worry about paying the postage fees that everybody else has to pay. If I want to sell something on eBay, for example, I pay listing fees, final auction value fees, then along comes PayPal and takes a cut out of the ENTIRE piece of money (yes, you get a percentage of postage fees removed.) And if you want to guarantee your item sell, you make it "free shipping." But even at that, unless you are selling a speciality item, you won't even SEE a buyer, because people go to Amazon first.
If Amazon paid what OP pays to ship a package there would be no story. But they are paying less than it costs to deliver. USPS loses money on every Amazon package it delivers. P.S. Mong is hate speech. Reported.
Quiet, United Kingdom. You should have Mr Johnson as your P.M. and then you'd be doing well.
Amazon basically keeps the postal service alive. Their package delivery is the only part of their operations that has a profit.
Because youre supposed to leave the house you moron. Thay way you actually have a chance to get a job and fall in love instead of heing a neet piece of shit.
>exposes faggot OP as a retarded mong
imagine my surprise
I literally start my first day of work at Amazon in about 3 hours. What the fuck am I in for lmao
You have any idea how many people are not selling online anymore because of Amazon? The USPS being dependent on Amazon is their own fucking fault. They went for a quick buck, starved out their bread and butter, and now complain about having no money.
His point about the USPS is well taken, but am I supposed to feel bad for retailers? They suck, almost across the board. Its giant boxes filled with overpriced bullshit staffed with illiterate mongrels trying to scam you on behalf of the company. I don't even blame them either, I've worked retail in the past, and its awful. Who could possibly give a fuck in that environment?
Retailers deserve exactly what they're getting. They had ample time to adjust to the market, and instead, stuck their head in the sand. They should not be rewarded for their bad decision making.
That's not even right. USPS is only losing money because no on mails anything anymore. Their package delivery turns a profit. Package delivery goes up every year and they make 2 billion dollars from it. The issue is that actual mail is still declining.
Going by the stories, suffering.
Surprise, trump is a boomer retard who probably has deminsia. Which could explain his massive amounts of flip flopping.
The only time I've used the post service in the last 10 Years is to buy drugs online
>tfw Donald wiped 9% off my Amazon position
We need to ban sms messages then. People need to fucking write letters so we don't continue to degrade into some illiterate ebonics speaking shithole.
You're the dumb one if you don't know what he's saying
>retailers adjust for Amazon by taking their services online
>still cannot compete with Amazon because of Amazon's sweet deal with the USPS
No idea about what you're talking about. Everyone sells shit online. That's literally the point of Amazon.
>retard doesn't know how first-class mail works
brush yo teef, nigga
>UK education
He's better than Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn or any other mong you can come up with. I feel so embarrassed when I see "Brits" shitting on Trump, for fuck's sake London is a third world shithole for the most part and you're worried about a tweet from an American man?
Go suck your queen's dick, musrat SandBag.
Except Amazon is royally fucking over postal service and tax payers in the process. Surprise a libshit who thinks he is clever, is an actual a retard who no understanding of the topic. Funny how that happens.
>USPS can't raise rates because reasons
>implying modern women want a white man who isn't 100% Chad
>implying my entire society isn't based along the philosophies of SJW politicians
It's better to watch it burn than get burnt yourself.
Are you acting stupid so that we respond?
Amazon and Netflix both get great deals on shipping, so they are getting a service that is subsidized by taxpayers at a lower price than taxpayers get.
It's literally taxing Americans and giving it to Amazon (or Netflix, etc.)
The govt gives amazon 2.50$ per parcel shipped.
1 oistbythusiod
>they had ample time to sack the majority of their workforce to give me marginally cheaper products, its all their fault for giving working class american's decent jobs and actually contributing to the economy
He’s a neocon, done nothing on immigration and has done more for gun control then King nigger ever has. He’d fit right in with your country my friend.
They literally can compete though. Walmart is competing already. Clothing brands already do. A few stores are left behind, but that's not Amazon's fault. That's like blaming Sears and Kmart for not keeping up with Walmart.
Amazon is a cheap service, why should I go to the store to witness some niggers and spics acting like animals over cereal when I can just buy it online? Dumb leaf
Tfw bongs don’t understand US parcel
>US tax payers fund USPS
No they don't.
>its ok for Americans to die in wars for Exxon
>its ok for Texaco to sell our national resources back to us at profit
>its ok for oil to never pay a penny in taxes.
> amazon should be stopped because durrrr reeee the owner has beliefs.
Get over it. Men used their wit and personality to get women not their physique. What good is a chippendales dancer going to do when some barista is slaving away paying her student loan off because she thought her humanities degree would pay off.
>Working class Americans
>decent jobs
o i am laffin
There is no world in which retail is a decent job that you can support yourself on, and if you think these companies give a fuck about "working class Americans" look what happened with Sears. Sold for parts and populated exclusively by day laborers and about 2 employees running the entire store. Permanent skeleton crew.
Yes because I totally want to go to Walmart where niggers are everywhere. Amazon is easy because I don’t have to do that.
Took way too long before this was posted
Pol is trash
>USPS built the roads
my sides you fucking brainlet
Wrong. Amazon gets good rates because Amazin can guarantee hundreds of millions of dollars worth of shipped goods. It's like asking why Walmart gets lower prices from vendors, they have guaranteed access to a huge market so vendors play ball.
I go to ebay first for things like car parts, the prices on there are madly cheaper than Amazon's prices for car parts
>example: a $12 clockspring on eBay costs $60 more for the same exact part on Amazon
>monopolies are ok because i agree with the neoliberal propaganda the washington post shits out
I've never received anything from amazon through the mail.
lol you jews hate him
You know, you could just google the topic. There are lots of articles written about the subject.
Amazon COLLECTS state taxes, they don't PAY their own taxes because every state says "we'll give you all these tax breaks to come to our state!"
>inb4 free market
Being a huge corporation already has its advantages built in to earn massive profits, giving them a tax break makes it even harder for mom and pop stores to survive.
I work online. Can I just order said "love" from Amazon?
>Waaah someone’s phoneposting
I’m too lazy to use a computer
You're thinking of large businesses. I'm talking about smaller ones. Brick and mortars saw death due to Walmart, and those who survived Walmart had to deal with Amazon. To try to survive that, they take their shops online.... and if they aren't selling something truly unique, Amazon is still going to take their business because of their deal with USPS. Amazon has rapidly become the Walmart of the Internet. Some retailers have taken on a, "If I can't bet them, I'll join them" attitude and have opened their shops on Amazon. But this beast Amazon should NOT have a special sweet deal with the USPS. It has been a problem for YEARS. Used to be almost everybody would have an e-bay account to sell junk, maybe opened a small online store, something. Those people were paying full cost to the USPS to mail their packages. Once they got starved out, the USPS is left with... almost complete dependence on Amazon.
compared to what? amazon? who middle man between a global chain of sweatshops and the west, employ virtually zero staff and funnel all their profits one tiny cadre of (((men)))
No. Go fucking find someone.
Why the fuck would I want to see the shitty word when I could just live in my house for the rest of my life. Neet life is the best life
Yeah you like that monopoly when you're making cash on it, don't ya bitch?
US taxpayers are responsible for USPS.
If USPS runs a profit, it goes to the treasury. If it runs a loss the taxpayers have to cover the loss.
So if USPS is running a profit, but they cut a deal with Amazon that reduces profits, that means those lost profits are being transferred to Amazon.
>Trumpcucks rather go to nigger infested Walmarts then order stuff online
whatever outsider
are you stupid UK nigger? why not do some research before posting your gay threads Ahmed
nice try mario. Pastaniggers don't read.
>Amazon basically keeps the postal service alive
Shill math
>What the fuck am I in for lmao
A shit job.
>His point about the USPS is well taken, but am I supposed to feel bad for retailers?
Shill (retard) logic. it has nothing to do with sympathy for anyone, it's about having options other than amazon. Capitalism 101-
step 1 you undercut your competition and drive them out of business.
Step 2. Now that you have a monopoly, you price gouge.
>. Their package delivery turns a profit.
A lie
I don't shop big box.
The U.S.P.S is the only for profit bussiness the U.S. govt has, largely it funds itself.
M8 it isn't that deal that's killing. It's the convenience. Why would I go go to a website that sells just furniture for example when Amazon has that pluss video games, plus books, plus food, plus everything. It's a hassle.
And most of things Amazon sells comes from third party vendors for that reason. they know it's better for them to be on a bigger marketplace.
Ding ding ding.
>I listen to whatever my president says like a zombie
>>USPS can't raise rates because reasons
because they have a contractual obligation with amazon which demands that they lose money because the jews are destroying our nation
what the fuck did the OP post have to do with bookstores you potatonigger
Join a fucking church and fake being religious. They're the most upbeat people anyway. You might even get a job out of it, keeping records or something who knows.
What are you talking about? What sweatshops that are unique to Amazon? The same sweatshops that have been supplying fabric for clothes at Nordstrom, JC Penny, Macys, Lord and Taylor, traditional brick and mortar big box retailers. The sweatshops that Apple uses to manufacture its phones? What is Amazon doing that is any different? I don't see your point.
I'm not even sure we disagree on the major points, I think Amazon will eventually be hit with anti-trust laws, and I think they are exploitative in their own way, but your reasoning is bizarre.
Amazon is anticompetitive. Bezos is making a play at consolidating power.
Oi, mate! You got a license for that Keyboard?
>Shill math
Their parcel service grew by 2.1 billion last year alone. Without Amazon they'd be in an even bigger hole.
Nothing to see here, guys. Trump is just being a bully again. Think of poor wittle Jeffy Bezos. Trump is making him cry and you inhuman monsters are cheering him on.
But Amazon usually provides good deals. deliveries directly to me. And most importantly it tells me the condition of the product. I know off hand how used it is.
>Join chruches who are responsible for importing Africans
Eww no
What kind of folding response is this? What are you even buying that often that you feel the need to chastise me?
If it's at a sort center a short day. The average shift for me runs 3 hours.
t. bezos shill
>I hate big business reee they are controlling our government!!
>I like making Jeff Bezos rich with my tax dollars
t.nazbol who isn’t actually a nazbol
>He’s a neocon, done nothing on immigration
Meqanwhile in reality land immigration is declined to 17% of its totals last year and the united states is no longer a member of the united nations compact on migration, which means it no longer guarantees immigrants housing, food stamps, welfare, and an education at tax payer expense.
>Nigger infested Walmart’s are awesome, fuck amazon
Get shit off craigslist, there's plenty of used shit on there for free.
Amazon doesn't use USPS. Even if they did, it wouldnt be free. FedEx is a private company.
>I won't support government action to protect one collection of giant retailers from an even bigger retailer
>somehow this is anti-capitalist
I'm all for competition, and I wouldn't disagree with Amazon being broken up eventually, they have changed the game like nothing we've seen in our lifetime, even Microsoft pales compared to this, but I don't think traditional retailers are the correct motivation for this.
If there’s no wall or raise act, then there’s no America
t. bezos shill who is actually a bezos shill
All these are shill points, opinion discard for being a shill.
Amazon does use USPS specifaclly because they offer better rates.
but wait, last time i was in the US i paid delivery fees for an amazon order
are they double dipping ?
>muh strawman
>Amazon doesn't use USPS
what the fuck are you talking about idiot