>Based Sikhs. They look just like primitive pakis and are genetically identical to paki and Indian muslims, but because they don't adhere to that one particular bullshit religion, well, that makes them our sworn allies and they are welcome in blighty! We love our Sikhs we do! Seriously, why are Brits this stupid? Do they really think the problem starts and ends with a meme religion?
Hi, I'm from reddit and they told me Sikhs are bro tier. They used other words like BASED and civic nationalism that I couldn't understand very well. Was I lied to?
Owen Ward
Sikhs arent that dark, dipshit. These look like South Indians
Adam Morris
>article says sikhs Hi, fellow redditor! Could you explain this confusion?
Benjamin Barnes
The rapiness of subcons doesn’t have a religious causation. That’s a very Semitic set of assumptions - that the universe is made of words, that people are fundamentally motivated by ideologies. Nope. this is just their biological disposition. the best proofs of this are 1. how pakistanis behave in other muslim societies like Malaysia or Uyghur Xinjiang - they have the same reputation for leering at women all day and Der Stuermer jewbag ploys for luring away children, and 2. how brotier sikhs or harmless hindus act when they have the opportunity. Islam is epiphenomenal. race is eternal
Adrian Baker
How tf am i supposed to know?
Christopher Mitchell
Let me tell you brother, her pussy was definitely something
Matthew Bennett
Don't Sikhs always wear turbans and never cut their hair? Maybe its the ________
Isaiah Lewis
here is treat, now open vagene
Gavin Wood
Julian Bailey
Obviously, but perhaps you're too new to know about all the shilling for sikh scum
He's my fellow redditor, please be gentle. He goes to sit in the corner and makes strange noises if you feed him too many facts at once. He can only be coaxed out when BASED Tyrone comes to fuck his wife. Then he comes to watch.
Brandon Morales
But why do they do it for candy and crisps? I wouldn't touch them for 1 Million $
Samuel Foster
Zachary Ward
Sikhs are shitskins too but I do not think these poo's are sikhs. Probably bengali, plenty of them in bongland.
our 'women' are 12-13 year old little girls you paedo cunts.
Michael Martin
Literally Harvey Weinstein
Daniel Reyes
that was not Sikh, sri lankan names fuck off stupid bong believing everything written by some moron paki
Carson Wood
I've said it before and I'll say it again, girls with fathers do not make easy prey for predators. This is as much of an issue with single mothers as it is anything else.
Luis Brooks
>sikh >Dravidian niggers ???
Robert Cook
>Girls putting out for candy and potato chips What a bunch of fucking sluts!
The punishment for rape in Hinduism is death by beheading. Why does Jow Forums pretend to like Sikhs and Muslims when Hinduism has always been /ourdharma/.
your 13 yr olds learn to give blowjobs from porn videos and are roastiss at the age of 16. clean your room faggot instead of blaming everyone else.
Easton Roberts
varnashrama forever bhrata
Luis Diaz
All turdskins are vermin who will rape white girls given an opportunity
Colton Cook
>imports fucktons of dalits, muzzies, and sikhs into his country because "equality" >didn't listen to loyal high-caste pajeet who clearly said "be wary of the low-castes, they are most beast than man" because high-caste pajeet had the same skin color therefore "turdskins" >complains about daughters getting raped by "indians" because the news articles are written by Sadiq Khan >(((KHAN))) Sorry but nobody can help (you) now. Should have listened to Kipling-senpai and fulfilled the white man's burden abroad instead of bringing the dalits back with (you).
also >rajenthiram They're clearly not sikh; they're tamil.
>colonize those fuckers There's no fucking point in colonizing a small island with no natural resources; that's why they had to colonize other places. Raping white women only means the pajeet in question had too thick an accent. Whites naturally find pajeets exotic and mystically sexy.
Silence yourself cuck, you know you secretly enjoy hearing about your whore girls getting fucked in the ass forcefully. We will take over your country in a matter of decades.
Zachary Rivera
They're children that are being abused. Do you even realise how much Indian women worship white men? White men don''t need to groom Indian girls, when we can pick any Indian woman and fuck them, and you know it.
Brandon Rogers
"take over" implying that you know how to run or maintain a civilisation above the Stone Age level. "Take over" means ruin and turn to shit, and be proud that you've ruined something beautiful. Well done, aren't you clever, you can fuck something up that you could never create.
Jeremiah Watson
You realize that's the goal, yes? They don't care about advancement, just causing pain.
Jaxson Cruz
Yea at least you can be proud your inbred relatives breed like rats. They’ll all be slaughtered in a conventional war though, they can only do geurilla combat.
Landon Evans
They're children that are being abused. Do you even realise how much Indian women worship white men? White men don''t need to groom Indian girls, when we can pick any Indian woman and fuck them, and you know it.
Like any woman would worship a brit, you lot are cucks in your own country, pakis rape 1000 british girls in 3 different cities and you're too afraid to arrest them cause racism.
Josiah Phillips
They dont look sikh, probably pakis desu. Didnt a bunch of pakis get caught abusing young british school girls in 3 different cities ? Either way regardless of their religion, ig you could say it was pretty sikh B)
Caleb Young
Lol british women are slags that will fuck anything that walks, especially non whites that are superior to their own cuck men
Parker Torres
But who'd want to?
James Brooks
Who'd want to?
Ian Perez
>groomed white schoolgirls for years using candy and crisps
>Groomed literally with Ruffles chips and toblerones
You should thank these guys for taking these girls off your hands.
Jacob Williams
tfw you live in Rotherham, own a 24 pack of Walkers crisps and yet you're still a virgin
Jace Ross
Half the point of Sikhism is that it rejected the caste system and included every Indian who wanted out of Hinduism and out of islam, including dark south Indian trash, the untouchable caste