>Teenagers will take down the NR-...
Proudly one of them. Too bad the knife is made in China though.
Happily donated right after CNN and their retarded town hall.
The black/yellow tote bag is pretty nice. I started taking it to my local YWCA, lol.
how do I benefit from an NRA membership. I paid for one and the only thing I have gotten from them is more solicitations for more money...
>reactionary baby boomers give more money to scam
Shocked. Truly.
You have to activate your account for the free gun insurance.
but wasnt goblina gonzales going to crush the NRA and the constitution because ze is on the left side of history?
Welcome to the world of philanthropy. They will never stop asking you for money for the rest of your life. Trust me I know, I have raised over a quarter of a million dollars for charitable organizations in the past. The laws are extremely specific about what you must do in order to truly force them to stop asking you for money forever.
The entire thread is a low tier bait, faggot. It's been posted 20+ times since the CNN article came out.
Worry about your own shithole, beaner.
Totally agree.
That's a lot better than spending it on toy/yachts/etc
Non-american here (obviously), what's the NRA? What good does donating to them do?
Also places used to give you discounts for being a member. However a lot of them pulled out of support because of pressure after the Florida shooting.
>giving money to a "rights organization"
You may as well just burn it. At least if you bought a toy or yacht you'd get value out of it.
>inb4 hurr durr u h8 guns
You don't need to be a sheep to the NRA to own and enjoy guns.
You're just pushing normal people even farther to the right.
Lol, dank maymay dude.
I want to donate.
And I'm a fucking leaf.
The NRA is a an organization that lobbies congress to leave our 2nd amendment alone. It also connects gun safety courses and gun ranges to teach safe gun handling. Kids think it sells guns because they're kids and know nothing, so the new slam is that politicians "belong to the NRA" if they don't ban guns, even though the NRA isn't in the top 20 lobbyist groups. The Podesta Group is though.
Not an argument.
Hey, wanna go watch some NRA tv and then tell me with a straight face it's not a 24/7 infomercial to get retards to buy guns?
That reddit thread on r/news was beautiful
Proof r/politics are the real Russian bots
Do you even know what that means?
Sounds like a pretty level-headed organisation. I don't understand why there are people raising so much noise about it.
thanks for the bump
This thread was beautiful
>inb4 >reddit
Bought a five year membership the day after I first saw one of the attention whores in my home page.
Don't bother David Attention Hogg because he's busy changing the world.
Yeah I lasted about 10 comments, 8 of which were, "Libertarian here"
tits or gtfo
I'm a dude. There's always at least a few hot women there and the squat racks are always open.
This isn't real, right?
>Implying HoC isn't about the Clintons
>"House of Cards is real life"
>Show about a Democrat who is a backstabbing sociopath motivated entirely by self interest
Maybe this kid isn't so dumb after all.
David Hogg reveals which TV show makes him an expert on politics
Here's what Attention Hogg will look like in a few years
Sort it by best comments
It's still fucking reddit
I would donate, but I don't have a lot of income, don't know the benefits/caveats, and don't know how much it costs. QRD for a /poorfag/?
they should get Hogg to be in a (White) House on Haunted (Capitol) Hill remake
the least you can donate is $5.
cheapest membership is $40 and you get a free subscription to a gun magazine and a Free Gift (hat, pocket knife, or duffel bag).
Thanks user. Is that a yearly recurring membership, or monthly?
I took the diffel bag. The knife and hat look retarded. I could use the bag to store ammo.
Hey, wanna go watch CNN and tell me it's not a 24/7 infomercial to get retards to throw away their rights.
What if I want all three?