Was the female body shaped specifically to arouse men?
Was the female body shaped specifically to arouse men?
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Not, pol related, you retarded faggot, fuck off and die.
That's sexist
How many times are you going to fucking post this, guinea?
If you get horny from looking at pixels then you are a teenager.
Only the most hopeless of retards would ask such an absolutely retarded question.
the white womans body was shaped to arouse pedophiles and low testosterone ((men))
the asian womans body on the other hand...
Female body was shaped specificly to have baby.
Men btrain was shaped to be aroused by female body
>shills for race mixing
Get on your knee's and hover your head by her asshole and breathe it in, it's not illegal whatsoever and you can enjoy some asshole musk.
Why do I love smacking wonen’s asses so much? Whenever my wife bends over to pick something up I can’t stop myself from doing it.
t. testosterone deficient cuckold
Seriously? Not a single BRAAAP poster in this thread? Wtf You've changed Jow Forums you've changed
why cant you make good threads?
Fuck off with your slide thread retard
Male mind was shaped specifically to be aroused by the female body.
only 10% of asian women are thick. the rest have bodies of a 9 year old
you can get perma'd for brapp posting now lad..
we evolved to like women, people who didn't like women didn't pass there genes on and died off
Yes. God is sexist.
>Was the female body shaped specifically to arouse men?
Evolution doesn't work that way. Evolution mindlessly goes with whichever form is most successful - produces the most offspring.
Then why do gay men still exist?
I’d put her on a leash desu
Ankles too thick for me.
well yeah
duh, it's why cars are designed the way they are now too. coke bottles etc.
The female body was adapted to male arousal and vice versa.
You got it backward. Male brains are specifically designed to be attracted to women. Nobody else is prepared to put up with their shit.
> do sexual species evolve in ways conducive of proliferation?
Imagine being this autistic and virginal.
what do you care? aren't all Italians gay?
They got molested as a young boy
Large breasts and big ass/wide hips indicate they'll provide good offspring.
That's the sole reason. Everything happens in the name procreation.
No, men have evolved to be attracted to women and vice versa. There was no one original rib-man fucking his own detached rib to create more rib-men.
Now stop posting.
Because we're still evolving. Mistakes happen. Much like yourself, with your inability to have at least a fleeting sense of a topic before you go about spouting off noise.
Homosexuality isn't conducive to the propagation of the species. Problem is with advancements in reproductive technology and SJW laws two fags can raise a child. Further environmental antagonists such as soy and various estrogen centric environmental factors make epigenetic changes to the DNA of men causing increases in homosexual brain development. Get rid of the rights for fags to raise children, educate men to stay away from estrogen promoting environmental factors and eventually thru the process of natural selection we may one day see the disappearance of le fag.
No but the males brain was shaped to be attracted to it. Evolution 101.
If you get horny to that then fucking kill yourself.
The female body is shaped to breed children, and we are attracted to that shape. Your statement implies that people who are into degenerate fetishes like fat or even /d/ tier cunt males are attractive, despite the fact that they can't reproduce and are just hideous to look at.
based french ass slapper
No but men found a way to make women willingly want to conform to what men want
Because some portion of the population not breeding, however being physically able to help with manual labour and other tasks benefits a small tribe like those we lived in for hundreds of thousands of years as we evolved. Sometimes traits that inhibit reproduction are selected if it benefits the future reproduction of the group as a whole. Overpopulation would be a problem in small tribes of hunter-gatherers.
moron, women could look like hhmm basically anything you still would be programmed to "attraction", its all in your brain man
>I can only get fat women so fat women are perfect
>Literally just said fat fetish is degenerate and also promotes a lifestyle that doesn't produce healthy children.
Honestly just kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
shut up and shake your money maker
It's both, really.
appeal to history
you're mentally ill
Not sure, but I'd like to put my dick in her turd cutter!
My pole wishes it was related to her tho.
THIS 1000% ...
neck yourself
To be praised .. everybody worships the cunt .. the tasty delighfull vagina fruit
youre a pedo beaner
I love you
Arrousal is a signal that a female who you look at could bear children (doesn't matter if healthy or not --> see how many "THICC" lovers we have here). And since at least more than 50% females would arouse 99% of all males I guess that its not about the shape of the female but more about the face of her. It's way more important for a male to get a women with a beautiful face than a nice body.
What's with beaner posters being pedos? I've seen it several times.
hmmm... I wonder what makes you think that?
It's our local pedo with a proxy.
like cheech would say "we got pussy, black pussy, yellow pussy, horse pussy, dog pussy..." Pussy is what makes the world go round
In some states of Mexico is quite acceptable... the question would be... do you like new shoes or used boots?