How do whores feel when they realize they had hit the wall?

How do whores feel when they realize they had hit the wall?

Do they pretend to impress anyone with red flags no man will take her seriously beyond being a cum dumspter?

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They look for a beta male with decent income and keep being a cum dumpster for their nigger lovers

They feel nothing. They're empty voids by then.

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Thank you tinder

They get depressed and commit sudoku because they realize they fucked up. You can already start to see it the suicide rate for women gets higher each year.

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They fuck away their youth and ride the cock carousel until they reach their late-20's. Then, when they are finally ready to settle down, they've earned a nefarious reputation and hit the wall. Why the fuck would I waste time on a broad in her 30's whom has shared all her sexual hijinx and degeneracy on social media. I am dating a nice, 25 year old girl from Southern Brazil. She cooks, cleans, works out, attends church and treats me like a king.

They turn into a massive Lesbian and embrace feminism because their gash is now warn out enough to be easily fisted !

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Only problem with hispanic waifus is they age like milk and your children will be goblinas

says the German, who has never even seen Latinas....

I’ve slept with a handful of women, most of them get insanely clingy after sex. They try and act hard and heartless (like OP’s pic) but if you give them good dick they will do almost anything you want. Don’t let this bluff get you riled up, they just want a reaction out of you.

She has a light-medium complexion, takes care of her skin and has a strict diet. She teaches dance and won't drink. I am hoping she ages well.

no he's right. Your children will be half brown.

>what are castizas

why does Jow Forums get baited so easily by these articles

What are castizas?
Sounds like some sort nut.

I forgot to add that many also desperately get knocked up at least twice (two different men) while they live out bi-fantasies and eventually get rid of the male after a year or two before going full dyke!

Choose one and only one.
Women are children, everything in their life revolves around the same shit from ages 10-60.

Latinos claim to fame is having some people with more Spanish blood than Amerindian blood

If they had a good life they can look back to that.
I'm a good woman and was not a whore and I only got tricked by men even though I had the best intentions.
So I think women who trick men instead of getting tricked are better off in the end

And if not she can still blame herself because she behaved wrongly and doesn't have to question all day where she did wrong


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european looking spics.
basically white people born in latinoamerica.

I live in Texas, the peak out in their 20’s and start to dry out like a raisin in their 30’s

He is one himself.

That's 90% of all women.
Aside from some rare Asians.

>Do they pretend to impress anyone with red flags
Popularization of the internet caused this bizarre notion that actively admitting fault and NOT FEELING BAD ABOUT IT is somehow something to be praised and encouraged.
Probably because other shitty people see it, and think "she doesn't feel bad and she got the word out there, so i don't have to be so open about it but i will no longer feel bad about it"

people have always been shitty, kinky fucks but they were pretty good at keeping that shit private, before privacy ceased to exist

>How do whores feel when they realize they had hit the wall?

Confused and lonely.

>why does Jow Forums get baited so easily by these articles

Because the majority of Jow Forums are young single men who have trouble getting dates. This rage bait is the easiest of all and the answers are all the same. To the core it's a self-reinforcing thread people go to vent but nothing is ever solved. In every thread there will be some MGTOW trying to recruit more homosexuals.

So it goes.

hope all you want
it's not a lifestyle thing, it's a genetics thing

I have so many stories saved up for these kinds of threads. I'm gonna post a few

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So you're sayin' I can find me some blue eyed, black haired, fair skinned qt in spicland?
Not that that's gonna happen but theoretically I could correct?

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>actively admitting fault
Most people will enever each that point. In some ways it is to be praised.

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Her immediate family immigrated from Portugal. She was born in Brazil but doesn't look out of place here. She just looks Italian.

This. Evidently, nobody has been to Curitiba, Brazil.

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Colombia is 30% whites, 60% mestizos and 10% blacks.

uruguay is 98% whites.

>Still believing in the wall meme

Women only lose SOME of their power in the sexual market, they're still immensely more valuable than 99% of men even into their fucking 60s. Men are DOGS, desperate fucking thirsty dogs.

You can make a tinder account with a 50 year old fat cripple, but if it has a hole, then it's a goal. There is no wall, there is only male coping mechanisms.


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these stories typically have this "there was this one, large, overarching issue with the relationship we chose to ignore rather than properly address" at the start. Maybe people should stop overlooking problems until they become malignant

I'd hate to be the guy dating her now and having your friend send you this article.

Nah, the wall is real, women HATE having to settle for betas/losers, to them it's like being considered the lesser being that they really are by society.

Didn't you know that talking to the person you're in relationship with is incredibly hard, especially these days?

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reminder that believing in inevitable punishment and suffering for sexually promiscuous women is just millenarian christianity by other means

Yeah and men too but there clearly is a pattern, just like nigger momma asses become abominations by the time they're 40

The guy she will inevitably settle with is the type of guy who would wear a pussy hat to a women's march. the type that believes in female sexual liberation and all that feminist nonsense. He won't care.

That was fucking painful to read.
I'm just mentally yelling at the guy to run the fuck the fuck away...

Knowing all the time I had the same advice. And didn't.

the beta's greatest fear is that a woman will not regret being secretly hated by the beta

Tits or gtfo

You're living in the past, social media has changed quite literally everything when it comes to dating. Every woman is her own princess now.

Something you aren't, Jobani Yefersson.

Don't listen to Colombia boy he just wants you to take all the desperate venezuelan roasties who managed to get across the borders for a few blowjobs

It hits them especially hard. Fucking fantastic and then drop like an anchor shortly after

>I am dating a nice, 25 year old girl from Southern Brazil. She cooks, cleans, works out, attends church and treats me like a king.
>lying on an anonymous image board

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You don't talk to a lot of women I can tell.
All of that shit on the internet is posturing because women are insecure about their lot in life.
It's less of a problem with white women because white guys are all cucks who don't know how to remind a woman of her place, but it exists nonetheless.

3D is for plebs anyway

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Women have these specific needs:
1) Financial/material support
2) Emotional support
3) Sexual satisfaction
They do not necessarily have to achieve these needs from one man. The Sexual Revolution has given women the opportunity to make their own choices as to sex and relationships, with men having little to no say on the matter. Our gyno-centric state and media establishment ensures that women can continues to make these choices

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Doesn't mean they don't have to show their tits or booty in every second instagram or something pic to be confirmed in their own believe that they are the most beautiful princess in the world and can achieve anything, just like their parents told them over and over in their childhood...

>It's less of a problem with white women because white guys are all cucks who don't know how to remind a woman of her place

Who gives a fuck about other women?

Literally just go on any dating site and get swamped with losers, filling your inbox in a matter of hours.

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Women with minimal social media participation are honestly much more bearable than those that do, overall better person from what I’ve seen

>Implying it's some sort of accomplishment.
Why the fuck would I lie about that shit?

>be the bad guy instead
Or how about you be good and try to filter out the asshole, just like guys should be good and filter out the cunts.

What you are suggesting is a race to the bottom, because then if women are being bitches and cheating then the men should do it to them first, amirite??? Apply the same logic to both sexes.

That's liberalism for you, just a race to the bottom

As long as it's lower then men I won't be satisfied that they're paying for their actions hard enough.

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Ive known quite a few who already had become barren. They exist in a state of constant mortal terror and victimhood. They bury it deep down between periods of deep depression but even then you can sense the mental instability. Its unnerving to be around them

Once you have enough life experience and mature to the point where you can compartmentalize and distinguish between love and sex, you unshackle yourself from the emotional attachment. Think of sex like a service for your body -- getting a haircut, going to the dentist, getting a massage, all services for the body. Sex can be viewed in the same manner when you look at it from this perspective. It's a bodily service. Nothing more.


Right, but those losers are still losers, and as such won't make you happy.
It'd be like being a wealthy man and having to marry a fat, poor, ugly whore.
That's true for both genders honestly, social media is largely cancer.

>attends church
Instead of spending that time cooking and cleaning. You should beat her.

I bet u have blue or green eyes, my au pair sweetheart is from San Pablo and cant get enough of my white features.

No, even in Antioquia the "white" people are castizo. The true whites are the ruling class and less than 1%. The inbreeding makes them fugly. Argentina and Uruguay are countries for white spix. Colombia is goblinland.

>Right, but those losers are still losers, and as such won't make you happy.

Dude women consider anyone that is below the top 20% of men a loser. You're deluded if you think women are fair in their judgement of men.

This is the same site that tried to defame /ourguy/ aziz ansari, let's take them down bois.

These truly are the end times.

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>tfw we're number 9 at world pageants and have more pageants titles than germany or sweden.

ok retard.

Women don't truly hate anyting except for maybe other women. If you hate something then you will actively do things to prevent or limit it. In practice these unpaired women end up on Tinder and have lots of sex with desperate nerds. They don't feel hatred they just feel empty inside and fill it with dicks. Being a woman that means never feeling any worse than numb; it means you can't actually appreciate how good you have it because you never actually suffer.

>replying to a memeflagger
You got a license for that mate

I never said they're fair, but life isn't fair.
If your race isn't man enough to keep your women in line or kill/maim the ones that piss you off, this is what happens.
If you're not willing to remind women of how weak they are physically, you lose the right to complain about their shitty behavior.

Can't help but see some truth here. It's more like "the wall" is just a signpost that says "you're never going to get a good man because you've been a whore, so you might as well just be a whore," in my experience. It doesn't stop them from getting attention, they just put more serial in their pretense of serial monogamy.

I've been watching this as something of a case study for the last twenty years (oldfag, etc.): two women I've known that long with different strategies. Both attractive, both openly aware of their aging. One was chided was being "too picky," not bar-crawling and taking guys home, etc. She made it a little late, but now she's a housewife with children, no apparent degeneracy whatsoever. Another was super-fun, but somewhat what I call "innocently whorish," meaning I don't believe she actually sees herself as whorish, she's just "never finding the right one." I don't see how that's possible, since she goes through guys like kleenex, sometimes using other women's kleenex, but whatever. At this point in life, she has become a bar fly, sometimes dyes her hair blue or purple, posts all kinds of trash on faceboobs, does stupid shit like go to guys cars in parking lots to get high, takes guys home drunk, etc. She still gets all the attention she wants, but it will never, ever be the right attention. There is no magic prince for her, and there never will be. It's very sad, but she chose it for herself. Any time any of us would even try to politely broach the subject, she would wig out in some SJW fashion, so we all just gave up. I honestly believe when/if she realizes the enormity of her errors, it will break her somewhat.

tldr: at some point, every roastie will realize the reason she can't get a good man is that she's pondering this question in the middle of a spitroast with two guys from a bar, yet the denial is stronk.

Dark hair but blue eyes. Yeah that's what they go for. All Latin chicks love them. Especially Brazilians and Colombians.

says the obvious pedro, Latins all turn into fat little trolls

>I shake his hand, say nice to meet you and he fucks my wife in the garage.
I coughed.

Man I'm glad I'm single.
I would be in jail if any of what you posted happened to me.
I don't understand none of those dudes took a knife and plunged it in those whores.

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They try to settle with you.

I'm late 20s and all my old female friends are contacting me (former nice guy, educated etc...). They are husband hunting.
Sad for them I don't want used up 30 something bitches with almost no fertility left in them.
Ignoring them feels quite good I must admit.

Don't over analyze it there, buddy. Lmao

bullshit, women are fucking retards. I was able to get my ex to squirt the bed every other round, but she cheated on me with a looser with no bank account, who had to cash his check in at walmart to pay for rent, or he would barter his shit with the land lord.

After awhile most women when they have something good get this itch in their head,

> "Is he really the one, or can I do better?"
>"I'm still young there is still lots of time"

So they leave you, act like whores, then when they hit the wall regret what they done, esp. if they see you married w/ a family.

Just like that one article that was posted on here a few months ago.

Why? Seems pretty good to me if you are a white Chad.

>t. soyboy

>I don't understand none of those dudes took a knife and plunged it in those whores.
They're self-hating pussies, that's why.

>Instead of spending that time cooking and cleaning. You should beat her.

This is why it can never be too good. A woman is like a good rug, you got to beat her around a little every-once and a while.

ultimate black pill:
theirs always gonna be beta males who will take these whores

Lel. You have a lot to learn youngster

They are just bitter because they know that we only want the vaginas that are attached to them. Society fills their brains with stupidities about love and prince charming. They continuously increase their demands on men to prove that we "love" them when in reality if they ever took sex off the table we wouldn't be interested. And they HATE that

If this were true, then why are most women depressed and why do most of them have severe mental disorders?

Women need male love/relationships much much more than men need sex. Once they've hit the wall, they become unable to obtain this for literally the rest of their lives. Their ONLY options at this point are to double down on their delusions or to come to terms with what they've done to themselves and commit suicide. Women have a much greater capacity for delusion than they have courage, so of course they pick the first one. Mental illness and their psychotic behavior comes from the conflict between the suppressed truth and the lies they tell themselves to get by post-wall.

Yeah but they will resent them for being low value and unattractive and these women will be unhappy for the rest of their life.
Not a blackpill
>Sexual immorality appears among people to such an extent that they commit it openly, except that they will be afflicted by plagues and diseases unknown to their forefathers.

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>they become unable to obtain this for literally the rest of their lives
They will have options, but not the ones they want.
Young ugly betas or old guys are their only chance past 35. Even past 30 the alphas will bang early 20s hotties, because they can.