Why is the left media attacking Trump for going after a giant tech monopoly? Isn’t that something they’re also against?

Why is the left media attacking Trump for going after a giant tech monopoly? Isn’t that something they’re also against?

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>tfw Trump nationalizes Amazon and uses it to ship food to niggers

They hate anything he does

>Isn’t that something they’re also against?
the left love monopoly, look what they did to housing and pharma sectors

the left is retarded now

They're against it unless its convenient to them/benefits them.

The left hates anythin trump does
He could bring world peace, end homelessness and give 100% of the nation a job and they would still bitch

Jeff Bezos said he likes gay trannies

Will Amazon be the first platform to ship sadboi traps out to daddies who pay for them? I hope!


What trump doesnt realize, is he's fighting (((CAPITALISM)))

Early stage capitalism there is competition
Late stage capitalism there is monopoly (competition has been beaten)

ALSO, as we are heading towards a fully automated society, ALL jobs are going to become irrelevant.

>fuck you commie
not a Communist

Do that math. Its just a reality.

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fuck off space commie

>Trump goes after a tech monopoly
>Trump bans guns
>Trump establishes a single payer healthcare system
>Trump becomes a democratic socialist
>Trump leads the world into peace and we never have another war again

because tech monopolies are the left. ever notice how the left now only talks about fags, trannies, blacks, immigrants, etc., and never about the middle class or workers?

>Amazon is only about 20 years old, and out competed Sears which is 100+ years old.
>Competition is dead

>Bezos likes Traps

Fuggin based

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No, the left is all for big corporations too, it just has to be the right ones.

>attacking Trump for going after a giant tech monopoly


>Isn’t that something they’re also against?

Nah they like to pretend they're against it but they suck corporate cock even harder.

>Late stage capitalism there is monopoly (competition has been beaten)

Monopoly is the absence of capitalism. Capitalism NEEDS competition to function. Power concentration has been a recurring problem in history under all kinds of governments, it's not related to capitalism. Commie governments have the same thing. The rich get richer, in nature the already prosperous tend to have even more "good luck" propagating. It might be a universal rule.

Here's the deal; a functioning capitalist system would see these monolithic corporations attacked by a sea of barracudas taking pieces out of it. They should grow more inefficient with size, less adapted to local needs, and be outcompeted.
The reason they don't is political cronyism, laws and regulations ensuring new startups can't compete. IP rights itself is anti-capitalist and hinder innovation.

The best example of cutthroat capitalism right now is China. They don't give a fuck about copying and undercutting or IP rights as a concept. This is why you see front page news about how "dangerous" it is to have a Chink phone, now that they're competing directly with Apple and Google.

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lol its not

This made me like Trump more.
Fuck Amazon.
>inb4 soyboys defending it ITT because of fast delivery for their dragon dildoes

Liberals completely abandon their beliefs if Trump ends up supporting something they like. If Trump gave a speech in favor of free college and universal healthcare the left would despise both of those things.

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Can’t you see they attack every single thing he does?
Trump: stock market is record high.
Media: It fell .02% Trump is failing you.
Trump: I’ve secured a meeting with North Korea. (This hasn’t been attempted in more that fifty years)
Media: he’s going to screw it up, invest in bomb shelters.
It doesn’t matter what he does, the lugenprese will attack him. The man could bring about world peace and they’d complain about Lockheed Martin stocks going under. He could solve world hunger and they’d criticize distributing.
The truth is somewhere in the middle. I don’t like everything he does. I don’t think he needs slaughtered in the lugenprese every time he does anything.

> doesnt understand difference between EARLY and Later stage

>Capitalism NEEDS competition


>He could solve world hunger and they’d criticize distributing.
lol, during the Puerto Rico thing with the hurricane they had the Teamsters unions shut down all the trucks on the island. Trump had a ton of supplies delivered to the island, but all the drivers were "on strike" - none of the supplies could be delivered! and so the media said "LOOK TRUMP HATES NIGGERS HE WON'T GIVE THEM FOOD!"


Hey shit for brains, I'm saying competition is a fundamental principle of capitalism, not that the current system is perfect capitalism.

The first fucking principle you'll read about capitalism if you ever do, is that it relies on competition. It's anti-monopolistic, it's the only way capitalism can work. The creative destruction part is instrumental to a working economy.


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Pretty much everyone in America use and love Amazon. No one cares about mom and pop. All they want is muh free 2 day shipping.

It's an easy way to go after him that people will sympathize with.

Because the giant tech monopoly has been threatened into supporting left wing causes, such as censoring anyone who isn’t a leftist on their platform. Leftists throw principle and reason out the window when it comes to Trump. Amazon pays little to no taxes, ruins small businesses, and treats their employees like shit, all things the left demonizes corporations for, but they still support Amazon because Bezos hates Trump. It’s the same thing with immigration. Immigration has kept working class wages stagnant, corporations support it because it lowers their labor costs, but leftists still support unlimited immigration because Trump is against it. It’s called Trump derangement syndrome.

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>YouTube] Capitalism Leads to Monopoly (unembed)

>>"Competition wipes itself out and becomes instead monopoly"

What in the fucking hell did you just link? This video makes no goddamn sense.

Why did Croesus and Pompey dwarf everyone else economically in Rome? Capitalism? Are you fucking retarded?

How could the soviets enrich themselves so in a communist system where capitalism is absent? Hell, why didn't communism, a system where the government is literally THE monopoly lead to the same end point? Why did it perform so much worse than the capitalist system?

Can you answer any of these questions?

Because he’s abusing the power of his position to settle personal scores? He blames Amazon for the vast amount of empty retail space in his buildings. I was in Chicago late last summer. His building there was plastered with space for lease flyers, but as far as I could see, the entire bottom floor that would normally house retail shops, looked completely empty. Meanwhile all the other buildings I saw seemed fully leased.

Finally. Why where we subsidizing that piece of shit to begin with?

Sorry but you've fallen for another KIKE LIE. Like many...

It goes something like this
>Capitalism leads to competition, which is better for consumers, and stops monopolies.

"free market" capatilism = let us do whatever we want to out jew the others. period.

Sound like a recipe for the long term benefit of society/enviroment...? Evidently NOT.

People always say
>oh but we dont have "REAL" capatilism

YES, Yes you do. The currupt monopolistic cess pool drowing the world IS the outcome of capitalism. Invented by the jew banksters, just like communism is an invention of the jews.

To different systems of control, BOTH jewish.

What do you expect on a system based on out jewing everyone else to "WIN".

>Trump: I’ve secured a meeting with North Korea. (This hasn’t been attempted in more that fifty years)

They’ve been practically begging for a meet for years, we refused until they proved they had halted their nuclear program, (something they claimed to do many times.) Now Trump is breaking with previous policy and giving them what they want. If it works I’ll be impressed, but lets not fucking pretend that Trump finally brought them to the table by being awesome. He’s giving them what they’ve wanted for decades.

Go for the bald Jew pizza and children loving pedo fuck Donnie. Make Mom's and Pops great again, fuck the (((Amazon))) big brother botnet Jew & chink shit dildo merchant reseller

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guess how much jeff bezos paid in taxes last year

How is using the postal service a loss?

The postal service don't make any extra money, like amazon does.