You think that you smug little shits can come on here at all hours of every day spewing out your Anti-English sentiment? The Anglo hate on this board has boiled out of control here the past few weeks and it is showing no signs of stopping - most noticeably the concentration of this hate is coming from American flags.
It's fucking disgusting. We are having up to seven 'Brit hate' threads on this board a day and the mods do nothing about it. But if you post an "American hate thread" you will be banned and your thread will receive a 404 as hundreds of Americans all mass report your thread - you will also be called a shill and a Jew should you do this. It's quite funny really, nobody accuses the Americans of being paid shills when they make these threads every single hour and with nothing unique, funny or even insightful to post - they are more than happy to respond with the same six or so lines about how cucked we are or to "bin that license".
We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the German Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear a suit you are wearing our national dress, if you eat bacon you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.
Anglos are a net contributor to the planet, and although there are many sneering, evil and jealous individuals - angry that they have achieved nothing in their lengthy times upon Earth and have been completely eclipsed.
Anglos are a beautiful and unique people. You owe them a great deal and by the end of this decade you will fear the consequences of your vile words and hate speech.
Have you noticed that the Britain hate threads (although justified), when up ten told after the nerve agent attack NOT Telford.
Josiah Foster
How are they justified? These threads all have the same images, all have the same responses and are all filled with American flags going "LOL glad my family left that shithole" and "HAHAHAHA BIN THAT KNOIFE!!!" along with the usual chat about Paki and Nigger dicks that I see Yanks pull out almost every chance they get.
There's nothing wrong with bong imperialism, after all the eternal anglo made Hong Kong
Carter Scott
Fine but you still have the most awful and horrendous food God ever created on this planet
Noah Barnes
>"Cooking in England, when well done, is superior to that of any other country in the world." Louis Eustache Ude 'Le Cuisinier français'
Nope. That is a myth propagated by American travel writers and GI's visiting the country just after WW1 and during WW2.
John Thompson
>You think that you smug little shits can come on here at all hours of every day spewing out your Anti-English sentiment? Yes.
The shit posting will stop when your country begins acting like an Anglo country again.
Austin Bell
Ignore it m8 it's strategic far left shilling trying to keep everyone divided and distracted
Dylan Parker
I don't hate the British people. I hate the British government
Christian Harris
What can I say, this board loves to thread on whoever or whatever shows cultural or political deviance. When it comes to the British, you're currently fucked on multiple levels. Be it the EU, Brexit and the growing socialist sentiment as well as growing amount authoritarian laws passing. I personally think it's due to this reason that the 'muh freedom' shtick the burgers like to use that also baits them into the English hate threads you mentioned. You may come here and grovel for them to stop, but they won't. You're down on the ground and they will not stop kicking until you're capable of getting back on your feet.
Yeah, you all need to eat a dick. Brexit was the trigger. Then we remembered all the shit you pulled off through history. Want to be an isolated smoggy nowhere? Got it. Just don't go on telling us who our enemies are, OK?
Connor Sullivan
It's just Americans trying to deflect from the fact that they have a Jewish president right after a Muslim one. If there's trouble in the world, it's always Americans behind it.
Jaxon Collins
Brexit will not go through, don't be naive.
Nathan Foster
If we're hated by the fascists that's a good thing. Notice 90% of leftists youtubers are also British? That's because Britain is ready for socialism. We completely warrant the hate we get from fascists.
Adam Allen
The hate will continue until we see White Brits stabbing and bashing non-whites until they're all dead.
Carson James
Well, of course, I told my family so 12 seconds after waking up to the result. But it still did some damage.
Ayden Morgan
you fucking cuck bois are mudslime cock sucking, nigger loving degenerates. why shouldn't you be hated you fucking traitors of the huwhite race?
Jonathan Rodriguez
Sorry bros but you literally begged for it.
Kayden Long
>He has guns >His nonwhites have completely overtaken some of his formerly most prestigious states and cities >his women are being mass raped by negro thugs across his entire nation
"y-y-you've got to do something about your muslims11!"
Landon Taylor
fuck off if you don't like it you whiney litrltle cunt
I dont think a very large percentage of polacks truly hate british people. Brits are pretty chill imo. Look at clarkson and the top gear crew compare to american top faggot gear. Its no comparison. Brits are fine by me. They have a ton of german dna
Kevin Wilson
>How are they justified? We banned Lauren Southern, have Count Dankula awaiting sentencing and are currently in the throes of an anti Corbyn campaign because of the one based thing he has ever done.
>we have defeated the evil of the German Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats.
No you didn't that was the US and you're a faggot for even thinking it's a good thing. Kill yourself you shitty fucking chav nigger you're a disgrace to Anglo's and the White race.
Lincoln Torres
>anglos oi cheddah man, u got uh loicense fer that rubbish
Natural part of male behaviour OP. When you fall down, a good friend doesn't come and kiss it better and pat you on the head. He says "Sleeping on the job eh ? Get up you lazy faggot !". He jokes at your weakness until it shames you and you get angry enough with yourself to stand up and be strong. These threads are just Jow Forumss way of saying they love us. Look at the pictures in the threads again, they SHOULD make you ashamed if you're not doing anything to fix them, maybe if you do, the bad feeling will go away.
Imagine being this assblasted. Used to be u Brits would be able to handle the bants.
Luke Brown
Shutup Achmed.
You contributed in our dust and your only moment of potential glory is now residing as a hostage in our museums. We are the golden people Hitler spoke about.
American here thanks but no thanks faggot . Only thing UK contributes to the world now is degeneracy,drugs , homos, thought police faggots , diversity faggot , and weak mined in breed mother fuckers !!! Now fuck off before we sink your little pissant country or make you a state !!
Carson Scott
Even one of the policemen is a jihadi. Top kek, man.
Alright lads, it's probably the Russians or the EU trying to slag us off. We all know we are fucking cool and shit. We just have a bit of domestic cleaning that is over due.
You're being bullied because you need to grow a spine. Take control over your pedo government, reign in the shitskins until they are your working poors again and stand up for your right to speak. In the meantime if you accuse another country of an act of war, Gib proof or fuck off. You worthless trash.
Leo Brooks
Hey brother, we like you. You just aren't our boss. We fought a war for Independence. We respect your history but your empire is sick bro. Work hard and Make Albion Great Again.
Every nation goes through this on Jow Forums. Pay debts, cuck sheds, american education, mexican intellectuals, poo in loo, etc. We have short attention spans, so just ride it out quietly. If you squirm, we'll maintain an interest longer.
If that doesn't work, I suppose you could report us to the relevant UK authorities.
Robert Stewart
Its probably bongs making the threads using American proxies since its illegal to have opinions where you are from.
>literally banning people from the country for thought crimes >tv licenses >cctv >police state, yet the police can't even be armed >bin that knife >rape gangs >greatest lasting achievements are creating an uppity prison colony whose bantz you can't handle anymore and then inadvertently creating the greatest nation on earth by making people want to leave so desperately
Liam Davis
It's just banter, calm down. It's how we make light of an actually horrifying situation.
Jose Robinson
I propose we start reporting every britpost to the authorities so bongs start to get arrested en mass. Maybe once Brit’s start getting locked up in large numbers for shitposting the population will actually wake up and rebel rather than being genocided in their sleep.
Colton Smith
>Having a nigger president is OK >Having 40 million niggers is OK >Having 55 million spics is OK >Having 30 million illegals is OK >Being 56% white is OK >Inventing feminism and SJW´s is OK >40 million interracial marriages is OK >putting niggers on your money is OK >inventing affirmative action is OK >imposing federal quotas for employment of non-whites is OK >giving $3+ billion per year to Israel is OK >fighting wars to suit the Saudis and Israelis is OK >losing wars repeatedly to Third World countries is OK >having America ruled by liberals for 16 of the last 24 years is OK >the fact that Hillary Clinton got a massive majority of votes is OK >cops getting machine gunned in the streets by Black Lives Matter activists is OK >losing control of entire cities to BLM rioters is OK >making it a crime to misgender someone is OK >making it legal to give other people AIDS is OK >jailing someone for 15 years for putting bacon in a mosque is OK >destroying historic monuments because they hurt niggers' feeling is OK >America is based as fuck and totally not cucked
Let us all appreciate that while us Ahmeds in countries like Sweden, Germany, UK and France are all "cucked", done for and should "be nuked" and "genocided". At least we still have America, the great uncucked white haven of conservatism, strict immigration laws and common sense.
Yes, lets appreciate and ponder on that for a while.
That's all bad shit, man. It's all bad, right there. I won't deny it all.
Andrew Ward
First they came for the Swedes, and I said nothing because I was not a Swede
Then they came for the krauts, and I said nothing because I was not a kraut
Then they came for the yanks, and I said nothing since I was not a yank
They they came for me, and there was nobody there to defend me getting arrested for not having a Jow Forums license.
Austin Campbell
>At least we still have America You don't have fucking all you fucking child pleb. Others have what you feel is yours, ITS NOT. Silly traitor cunt is sure to be stabbed in the back.