>White farmers land being seized
>whites being murdered
>Black leaders calling for removal of whites
>CNN runs front page news article about a "racist" South African white lady..no mention of true genocide that is happening
Why is CNN blatantly shilling for white genocide in South Africa
What if she identifies as a black woman though?
Because CNN and most of the Left Wing are blatantly anti-white now.
CNN HQ is in Atlanta, home if niggers and cucked whites
The kikes are out for blood.
>be genocided
>everyone is okay with this
>say mean words
>everyone loses their shit
Ahahahaha, good night, white pride. Was about time.
At last, a post about my people. It's fucking horrendous. Hey OP, have you seen videos about what 4channers can do to those who are being cunts?
I've been thinking what if........?
>Why is CNN blatantly shilling for white genocide in South Africa
Because Jews hate whites
Not just CNN.
If you want to help just spam news feeds with this Julius Malema cunts face and say he's killing whites for the sake of their skin color
they are getting bold because they know white men are pussies who don't fight back
it's not shilling when you tailor your content to your target market, that's just good business sense
I'm ready for a race war right about now
You should wait until Cape Town is out of water.
Do you know anyone in SA willing to spread fake news? We need to devise a plan here to fuck with malema.
How can i explain this to you without the use of clapping emojis?
ok now switch the races and picture the headline
Its baffling that people still don't see why we do what we do when proving our point is this easy and obvious
When are we going to war
People actually click buzzfeed links?
>niggers chimpout and kill people
Pretty much all they do. Nothing unusual
>white woman says nigger
Oh my god, now that’s news.
aye this
Make suggestions.
Silence, colonizer. Wakanda forever!
Lol. There’s a promoted Tweet that showed up in my feed for South African tourism. The comments in it are pretty great.
It's going to be done like this:
The creator of CNN or his buddies are going to let blacks take over SA.
They do this by only showing articles of White commiting racism, so that when blacks do it and kill them (as they normally would have) people who follow CNN will say "Good they deserve it stupid racists"
So then black SA will "flourish" then we will have another country to actually invade which will bring in tons of billions of revenue.
This, I see it