Explain yourselves

Explain yourselves.

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all the bitches nowadays got itty bitty titties, not much you can do bout dat

too much brap posting

Perhaps a correlation with reduced procreation?

because they are less white

no whites and faggots

I’m an ass man

Because millenials are spics and baboons who love horse shaped women with giant ass and thick thighs and tiny titties

millennials are soyfags

Everyone is fat and has big boobs. Nice tight asses have become a hot commodity.

That and Testosterone is decreasing in males making them like androgynous appearance more than curves.

>I'll still take all the thicc boobs and ass for the team still tho

American millennials*
It's unironically a nigger thing.

nigger culture took precedence, and all savages idolize asses instead of breasts.

idolizing ass is for monkeys who only care about pleasure, breasts are for the aryan man who knows that sex is for making children, and breasts are for nurturing them to health while you protect them.


I like tranner tits

Milk-White tits are the epitome of female aesthetic.
The rest is just disgusting shit balloon.

Makes sense.

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american negro ass culture has infected the western mainstream

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I hate my generation. Tits are way more important than ass.

rise of niggers and hispanics

just remember next time you talk about how much you like ass. no better then a nigger

It's the niggerisation of society

Because millenials are more into traps.

Some african tribes, women walk around naked and the men dont get aroused/erections. They become desensitized to the female form. Its possible that porn is having a similar effect on millennials.

Theres a reason why these tribes have small populations

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Big tits on a stick body is stupid but, a big ass...

But I fucking love big ol anime tiddies

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The estrogen in the plastic seeping into the water making the frogs gay. All men are WAYYYYY too feminine now it disgusts me.

Millennials are faggots

Nasty fat bags are disgusting. DFC is love, DFC is life

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> naked africans
> women

chose one

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Fuck em. More for me.

Probably because they see tits all the time in modern culture.


You can instantly understand why colonials wanted to fix this.
God I wish I could cut those gross shit strands off her head


Humans use signals to convey information. Good breasts signal mating/fertility/good genes, etc. If a signal becomes easy to copy, it loses its value as a signal. E.g. if University degrees were very easy to get, they would not signal to employers who is clever, etc. Boob jobs make boobs a bad signal. A low bodyfat/tight stomach and nice ass are 'harder-to-copy' signals for mating/fertility/good genes, etc. This is my prediction for why boobs are not 'in fashion' or whatever.

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Titties are a rich man's fetish and I simply haven't the means to be attracted to large breasts.

Girls with large tits know they have them and they usually act like cunts because they don't need to have nice personalities as long as there are people like OP who will empty their wallets trying to see them.

Every part of Healthy Human can be beautiful,
Every part of Sick Beast can be hideous.

Fuck off, I love a good rack

"Millenials" includes a shit ton of Mexicans, who like tits but prefer ass

Big Tiddy goth gfs>ant looking asses

Ass replaced it

Wide hips and nice ass is harder to obtain in a world where everyone has big tits cause fatties.

Also having big tits and no ass gives a lady a disgusting square shape which is more masculine.

A nice ass, wide hips, and c tits is by far the best combination

I mean, ass is nice too. But still!

>he can't tell the difference between real and fake tits

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>porn does the job
>wallet stays fat

Enjoy Ass milenials, choke on coal.

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Tits are for babies.
Pussy for men.

Feminism has made the entire female body hateable or at best unappealing. I don't mean its made made me gay, but rather when i see a woman all I see is headaches and problems. This is coming from 35 year old "millennial"

Niggering of Amerimutta

Because of nigger culture.
Boobs are the best. Fat asses are disgusting.
Fuck the US monkeys for forcing this shit.

found the nigger

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chicks excuse to get fat and not work out

Yeah I get this too. Apparently watching too much anime also contributes to this.
I don't even care at this point, all the women here are ugly psycho bitches

My goal in life is to own and operate a large scale human dairy farm and replace cow milk with hucow milk.

You can get a fat ass just by eating like a hippo.
Tights and ass are the first places where the female body stores fat.

I think the point was that millenials are not interested in breasts, flat or cowtits.

Summation of the best ideas in this thread so far:
>big boobs are easy when you are fat
>this makes a tight ass more valuable in signaling fitness and good genes
>increase in niggers as well contributes to interest in ass over boobs
>more faggotry means less interest in the female form overall

Good luck user.
My 2 cents is to charge a premium for white woman milk

You unsersrand its like that because they cpver rhemselves in mud, right? Just wash iy.

Lowest T in recorded history.
>inb4 a bunch of low T faggots say they are just intelligent/based or whatever

Is DFC not simply the absence of tits?

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I like a decent pair of legs, breasts are for babby.

Millennials are a bunch of spics, niggers, and faggots!

But I love tiddies...

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Thanks for the insight Jamal

to add onto this: Millennials have about 25% less Testosterone than their fathers and a full 50% less than their grandfathers.

Just keep trusting these new age diets and food supply, goy!

Because they are all fake now

Unironically white genocide

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The trends in porn had changed. In the 80's it was breasts but in the 90's until now it has been anal. Now you see people wanting big butts.

If you dont like big juicy tits to squeeze and suck on while you are fucking, you are undeniably gay and should stick to jerking off to traps.

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>penis > anything female

only niggers like butts


>>big boobs are easy when you are fat
>>this makes a tight ass more valuable in signaling fitness and good genes
The opposite is true.
Some rare females can gain boobs by eating, yes. And the boobs are the first effected body part if she is on a diet.

But the first parts where the average woman gains weight by eating like a hippo are in fact tights and ass:
>While fat distribution is different for everyone and has roots in where your ancestors lived, women tend to store their fat in their hips, buttocks, thighs, and lower abdomen. The fat needed for pregnancy and nursing is stored in a woman’s thighs.
Want a fat ass? Just fucking eat. It is that easy for women.

It's all about balance

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Found the low test cuck

It's obviously because we see can see them everywhere at any time. They've no longer forbidden or hard to obtain.


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Because it's all about squats, and muscle, especially in the legs.

Exercise has been on the rise. Being healthy and fit is the big thing now. Has been for awhile.

I hate some sensationalist tabloid media that exists these days. Holy shit!

They grow their own so it's not that interesting.


Are you kidding. All hair shaved and given a decontamination shower before being forced into a re-education camp to learn how humans behave

>if you don't subconsciously attempt to breastfeed as an adult human man you are weak

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i enjoy both ends

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boobs are nice but i like asses and feet more

There is a huge difference between a fat ass and a good looking ass. Nobody besides niggers likes cellulite and pure blubber on an ass. You need a balance of good muscle tone + fat distribution. You're blind if you can't tell the difference between what is considered "thicc" vs. fat

Flat is justice

We eat ass now granpa

also i am really into scat and stinky sweaty feet

Because it's about the thighs.

Except that it's not, that kind of body is completely unfit for breeding, and more meant to attract Africans into sex. (Where do you think twerking came from) There is far too little body fat for producing multiple healthy children, and these skinny/muscular women as if it's attractive is what's killing our race.

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White girls are ruined
Degenerate beta males want African booty
Traditional men want asians who lack breast size and now have become better at being white women than white women are

I prefer average boobs and a tight fit ass. big boobs are boring, and fat asses are nigger-tier disgusting

Why can't we have both tits and ass?

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