Is it true that you're not white unless you can drink milk without getting farty?

is it true that you're not white unless you can drink milk without getting farty?

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cow juice is gross

here's a lactose intolerance map. seems like the skaven countries arent very lactose tolerant

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Farty is such a disgusting word

Yes. Some bacteria and viruses cause temporary lactose intolerance. To rebuild resistance, look at the amount of sugars in your dairy product, and minimise intake to

I'm Swedish/Hispanic mutt and can drink milk.

>t, 56%

I'm English/Finnish and I drink about two gallons a week.

>I'm English/Finnish and I drink about two gallons a week

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what mumin dub do you watch?

found the milk farter.

mumin was written by a swedish woman and animate by the nips

No you can't its why you fart all the time, and generally smell bad...

I like having the opportunity to post my percentages. I think it's funny that I'm whiter than most European nationals.

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Swede's weren't considered white in Ben Franklins day.

That's alright user, it's the current year.

Milk is food for calves that are supposed grow hundreds of pounds. In humans milk causes osteoporosis due to sucking out of calcium out of bones. White Americans and Northern Europeans have osteoporosis rates several times that of black americans, or japanese.
Don't drink milk

Are you lonely in the US?

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then why do europeans have thick as fuck bones while african and asians have sticks in comparison.

White people drink goat milk

Thats retarded.

Mumin best anime

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it's a fairly good indicator of people having a long pastoralist past in north Europe, so yes

But they dranks goats milk

Which Euopeans are you talking about? Scandinavians have the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world, despite being rich and having national healthcare. Southern Europeans have less consumption and lower rates


British and Krauts.

and? lactose is lactose

Not too much. I have a decent job so I'm around white people all day. Never worked somewhere with so many people's surnames ending in "ell"

Although, we hired a Jew last year and it's pretty grating.

I'm a mutt, and can drink all the dairy I please.
C-can I be white too?

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I know im on Jow Forums but this whole thread sound like a thought coming from a pothead that just tried heroin.

Proteins in milk promote reabsorption of calcium from bones into the blood. Look it up

You are vegan clown.

I drink milk to become a big strong boy

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Not to us

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generally, lactose intolerance can be remedied by supplementing with a good probiotic.
I am of German and Scandinavian descent and used to be unable to handle milk products - a shake from BK would knock me on my ass.
a coworker told me about Garden of life men's probiotics to help ease indigestion and possibly help me loose weight, it worked!
much of our modern lactose intolerance comes from taking too many antibiotics as a kid, thereby fucking up the absorbtion quality of the intestines. probiotics mitigate this return intestinal tone back to what it should be.
still, I don't really just go for a glass of milk for refreshment, because moo juice is a pretty gross concept.

Milk outside of scandinavia is pretty shit, just drinking it seperate that is.

Allen rule. sticc = hot / thicc = cold

Partially true. You can, and probably will become farty when you get older. I used to drink 1-2liters of milk a day, but once i hit my 30's, i started farting after drinking it.

It tastes really good and I like cows so I like to see them around the place.

I never thought about how antibiotics can mess up the natural balance of kids digestion system. What exactly should be avoided to prevent the problems associated with this?

I get farty when I have dairy but it didn't start happening in my thirties and I am the only person in my family that has this problem

Dont give your kids antibiotics unless they are really sick and its necessary. Otherwise you have nothing to worry about.

Shame on you, I can drink milk.

they probably have high osteoporosis not cause of milk but lack of sun. Places like finland are shitholes with like zero sun all year.

>grew up on farm
>drank fresh cow milk daily
>bigger, stronger than most people
Drink your cow milk so you don't become a soy boy faggots

Wow you sound like an insufferable faggot.
I'll screenshot your post and mail it to your imaginary job, though

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>soyboys aren't white
Knew it all along.

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Nice, that means my old man unwittingly did me a huge favor by avoiding unnecessary medicine as much as possible for my formative years. Does giving antibiotics to kids effect if they are allergic to things or is that completely genetic?

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This comic is hilarious to me for all the wrong reasons.

I'm unsure. I understand that even a very short course of antibiotic treatment WILL wreck your shit, and they should be used very sparingly. no kidding, a person needs to replenish intestinal fauna via probiotics after even 1 antibiotic.
I was surprised how much weight I lost and how much more energy I had after about a week of daily probiotic dosing, but you need the high grade, $20+ chilled capsules at a health food store - eating yogurt with 'probiotics' is a scam and a ruse.
many, many 1st world health issues could be eliminated with this method alone: arthritis, obesity, etc. health begins in the GI tract.

>grew up on a farm
You still can't type English correctly.
kys Africuck

as a barista, can confirm all men who order soy look like they missed puberty.

Only place outside Scandinavia where I have tried the local variant of the nectar of life, was in the Netherlands, and that was fine

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Interesting, I will definitely avoid giving my kids antibiotics or any unnecessary ((medicine)) just like my dad did for me. Are there any papers or videos that you would recommend that can be referred to for more information?

That can't be right, japs have milk in vending machines all the time.

Allergies are a funny area because they seem to be a mix of multiple factors.
Genetic predisposition, exposure to antigens during a time of development and possibly also outside factors like infection or drugs or even natural and healthy things. Vit D modulates immune responses for example.

Its a genetic misfire brought on by bad luck. Antibiotics could be a factor and they are certainly unhealthy to take when you are not seriously ill. Broad spectrum antibiotics fuck up your insides.

the lactose removed kind, yes

It's the lack of Vitamin D, due to the lack of overall sunlight during the year.

Bullshit map. I can drink milk and one of my ex-colleague in the UK was lactose intolerant. What are the odds?

Looks climate based. Warm med euro countries are blessed with enough resources and sunlight to not have to rely cow teets for winter lul

Not a good indicator, plenty of niggers can drink milk and plenty of whites can't.

I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance when I was 6 years old, but I've been able to drink milk without any problems since I was about 15.

Jow Forums BTFO

we're talking about cow milk and not cow urine

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I mention allergies because I am currently in a long term relationship with a girl who has a couple mild allergies while my entire family has absolutely none. I don't know how our kids would turn out due to the mixing of our allergy dispositions and how nurture could help prevent allergies.

From what I know natural birth, probiotics, breast milk and vitamin D help the child's immune system develop properly.

You are fucking retarded.

Pajeets can drink milk

What in the fuck are you talking about "Jow Forums BTFO"? Don't you mean, "OP BTFO"? That's just some kike from Shareblue.

All of those things are recognised as being healthy. I wouldnt worry about allergies when picking a partner. Its most likely the environment that causes them.

Hello Jude.

The meme is true then. Lactose intolerance is ultra-rare among our kind of whites, and we're well known for our general intolerance.

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dont listen to him, most niggers here eat their cereal with water instead of milk

Yeah I'm honestly surprised southern south america looks like that on that map.

you're behind enemy lines.

> white

Look at all those jealous niggers in the background.

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>(((pasteurized))) milk

About 3%.

It's not entirely true. It's more like a whitewash of factual genetics. It's mostly an indicator for Asians and ~half of the world's niggers. It's funny because American blacks are known to consume milk, but not as well as whites. It's probably some of that good European admixture they've gotten over the past few hundred years.

>My pajeet colleague in the UK was lactose intolerant*
Congrats, you're not a dravidian.

a sign of the aryan invasion perhaps

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pretty much the historical/evolutionary reason, no rake for you today
this Boer knows what's up

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Drinking the lactating jew

The world would legitimately be better off if everyone who can't drink milk got gassed.

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Africans have denser bones, tho.

Just about everyone that isn't white, is lactose intolerant.

Its frankly hilarious how seriously understated this is in common international consciousness.

Non-whites are almost ALL lactose intolerant.

I like it. I drink about a liter a day. Only whole milk though

From the same type of scientist that concluded that vaccines causes autism.
You can find claims of absolutely everything on the internet, even that raw onions will increase your testosterone level

I love organic milk. It tastes so much better than normal milk. Drinking milk after workout feels great.

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I am half churka and half mongoloid and i can.

As an american, I can speak to the quality difference of american and Euro milks. I've had milk in Netherlands, France, Denmark, and Sweden and they're all better than the US. Not sure what it is. Not that it stops me from drinking US milk.

you are confusing that with lack of d-vitamin, faggot.

Bullshit, there are plenty of Asiatics who can drink milk. Middle Easterners practically live off cheese and dairy. Indians treat dairy as something sacred and even in the far east they are perfectly fine drinking milk.

Africans however are pretty fucked when it comes to lactose.

then you got lucky and have caucasoid genetics too sufficient to digest lactose.

congratulations, you are atleast partly white.

Wtf I’m hwhite now

based street shitter


i posted mine in a thread the other day and all the yuropoors got butthurt right away, felt good man

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"Rates of lactose intolerance vary between regions, from less than 10% in Northern Europe to as high as 95% in parts of Asia and Africa.[3]"

do you drink milk, or do you consume yoghurt or other dairy