Ann Coulter is /our gir-

Ann Coulter is /our gir-

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I think you mean boy user

Shes right
Do you just unconditionally support Trump, when he fails to meet his promises?

Fuck Trump, Ann is our queen

She's right. Trump is a kike puppet

Ann Coulter fucks niggers.

at least Trump has children and is actively invested in the next generation of this country.

Coulter is childless and has only dated niggers or jewish men.

I thought you had to say candlejacks name to dis-

There's a yuge portion of Republicans right now that unironically bought into the God Emperor meme who think Trump can do no wrong and criticizing him is blasphemy.

More fucking than you will ever do. Kys virgin

All of trump's kids are married to jews

I'd rather cut my dick off than fuck a nigger.

It's something called "holding his feet to the fire". She's not letting him forget why he got elected.

She's a coal burner, but that doesn't mean she's wrong.

i like her fire under his ass.

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Ann is /ourcommander/ of the rwds

She should give more constructive criticism.

So does your mother

You have to go back

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It's being built as we type.

So has Trump, what is your point?

No it isn't you fucking moron.

A fucking fence!

Omnibus had funding for pic related in it

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Is there any evidence that she's a coal burner?

So does Southern. And so did Trump (with a negress). Even fucking Richard Spencer dated a gook followed by a russian lool!
And Jow Forums seems to love them still. Makes sense, place is full of mutts anyway...

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My impulse is to think she's being an attention whore, but I think it's important to also consider she may be speaking Trump's language. IE making a headline with someone who is a sort of rep of his base calling him a giant faggot might actually work to get his ass moving

While 1.6 billion was allocated for border security, Democrats won concessions via riders on how the money could be spent. 251 million is explicitly earmarked for "secondary fencing" near San Diego (there is already fencing in this area). 445 million is for "no more than 25 miles" of 'levee fencing', which depending on how it is done, levee fencing could be considered something of a legitimate wall.

196 million is for “primary pedestrian fencing” in the Rio Grande Valley; $445 million is for the replacement of existing fencing in that area; and the rest is for planning, design and technology — not for wall construction. The biggest catch is this: The barriers authorized to be built under the act must be “operationally effective designs” already deployed as of last March, meaning none of President Trump’s wall prototypes can be built.

she dates liberals, she loves bill mauer, she's a cunt that's her most likable quality. she's a pain in the ass if you want her as a speaker. doesn't want to pay for the security but insists on it. ;p

It is physically impossible for a wall to be finished in the current term.
He needs at least 4 years and that is without any unexpected disturbances.
He is de facto too late and needs another term to start this endeavour.
He dun goofd.

>border wall delayed in exchange for sound money

Hell of a bargain. Hail Trump.

Drumpf cultists are the fucking worst. None of his policies matter to these retards, only the overweight orange liar himself. Fuck off OP.

l. Build the fucking wall.

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Pretty sure this is an exponential function.

definitive evidence, a picture next to a black guy

She is absolutely right.

Trump is just another Yes Man for the Jew.

Even an actual faggot nigger that is married to to an ugly transvestite like Obama resisted more.

Sound money? Trump was demanding 25 billion and only got 1.6, and all of that is earmarked for things other than a proper wall. Even then it ruled out all the model-types that were built, i.e. it cancels out the option of building any of Trump's prototypes.

Trump got completely outplayed, his deal making is garbage. He seems okay as improv but political veterans completely trounced Trump on this one.

when Israel gets the 'no-bid' contract to build the wall, and then they head fake the goyim by using illegal Mexican labor to slap a new coat of paint on the existing shitty fences we already had

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you are coping way too hard on this, Trump fucked up. He should have forced the congress to over ride his veto, and let the neocons show their colours

I hold more of a blame on republicans in congress. They basically threatened to shut down the military. What the hell is the point of a veto when that veto will shut down the gov?

Trump probably should have vetoed it just to call their bluff, instead he ended up taking the blame.

I mean, he could've blocked the omnibus bill. She's not entirely incorrect.
Let the government close down for a few days, let the Dems start sweating. Then you'll get what you want. Like women, they respect authority when it's presented like a brick wall.

>Trump probably should have vetoed it just to call their bluff, instead he ended up taking the blame.
unfortunately, he is probably still not used to how the game is played. He is a good negotiator, if you listen to fashthenation, ethnarch had a good explanation for how this came to pass

She fucked a nigger and a non degenerate one, when it was clear she was too old to have white children.

She fucking does this all the time. She blindly hypes an individual up to such high extremes and then disownes once they win or lose the election. She did this with Christie and later Romney claiming they both were the best the Republicans in the party's history 2010-12. She has always been a fraud who just rides the coattails of other people and will drop them when she realizes she can't milk any attention from them anymore. In 2012 she was the "right winger" who defied the Tea Party and Paul-bots to support Mitt, now she is the former "Trump girl" turned anti-Trumper.

She hasn't been our girl since she started dating that disgusting negro. I mean have you seen that nigga? God damn, nigga looks like the fucking villain from The Princess and the Frog. Nigga scares children walking down the street with just a smile.

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Funny how the only thing our Jew loving politicians can agree on is sending our money to israel

Jewish kids are going to be part of the next generation.

>Ann Coulter is /our gir-
Trump is a lame duck, and he's surrounded by people who hate him, so.....

82 dimensional underwater trapeze backgammon.

"If you veto your enemies omnibus bills, they win."


Hey! I like Jimmie Walker. If you don’t like the Good Times you’re probably a massive faggot

you can do both now

the omnibus was his first big fuckup for many. It's hard to not see him turning into a fucking neocon now. If Trump becomes a neocon, we are fucking doomed

>Jow Forums is not a nigger-mutt soyboy board

don't waste your time user, this is plebit now

Anyone who get's their political commentary from a baron, childless, coalburner needs to reassess themselves.

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Ann "Too lazy to bear children" Coulter gets life advice from Bill Maher

You do realize Trump has done nothing but attack Israel enemies right?

Why build a wall anyway? Just execute any illegal Mexican you find and you'll see them running back in droves.

Yes the Trump Trust cucks do. Like a woman who believes a husband when he says he will “never do it again” after cheating on her. Trust Trump fags are the worst and will be dealt with on the day of the rope as well.

All these people defending a baron childless coalburner who says cunty things in order to stay relevant and sell books.

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if Trump's supporters act like his shit doesn't stink no matter what he does or doesn't do then he isn't going to build the wall

she's brave enough to hold his feet to the fire, because you were promised a fucking wall

don't let him weasel out of it

Ann Coulter is a classic case of controlled opposition

she wanted to call him a nigger, still our girl.

Kennedy would've called Trump a kike loving faggot if they ever met.

I'm not defending Trump.
I'm attack these childless coalburner sympathizers.

She just wants daddy to notice her. Doesn't make her wrong though.

She's blaming Trump for Congress' failure.

So when is going to get Mexico to pay for it?

is there anything bogdanoffs cant do?

You know she's right, faggo.

That's not how it works. The president is supposed to lead. He has the pen and the sword. He needs to make it clear what he will sign and what he will veto so that the congress doesn't waste his or their time. Signing a blank check then bitching about it is not leadership.

In favor of Palestine and Iran. That's not an upgrade. Ditch all of them.

she should run then. Show everyone how its done.

The Satanist pedophiles out themselves.

Who's hiding it senpai?

Fuck off, faggot.

This, le 6d backgammon fags are fucking insufferable retards

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Nah it was mostly a provocation to the left

His term still isnt up
>but neither is the wall

Shes honestly correct

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>Persian Shias aren't an upgrade over Wahhabist Saudis
>Orthodox Christian arabs aren't an upgrade over disgusting Jews who do not even have one Christian seat in the Knesset

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did you just fucking say "baron"?

>lol it's been just over 2 years and the wall isn't fully built yet, drumpph was a mistaek
Pay attention reddit, this is what we call a shill.
he still has just under 6 more years

From that image she sounds like she is. If you are an american and want deportations and a wall the spending bill forbids the wall and limits the amount migrants ICE can hold.
You got cucked.


trump is not beyond reproach

She is right

>Can't attack the ideas, so attack the person
I'm glad Jow Forums is full of intellectuals

Nobody cares about the programmed opinions of Establishment puppets, and as a person of high profile in politics for over twenty years, it would be a mistake to see her as anything but the Establishment. After one year, she's outraged? After a decade of killing in Iraq she was still enthusiastic about it. These aren't the manners of an organic being.

It's not even been started yet

>he still has just under 6 more years
Even if he wins reelection, he won't be able to get any policy through

I'll never understand the support he gets. Ivanka converted, ffs.

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Ann is right.

He did lead. He has been more clear about his priorities - especially about the wall - than any president in at least my lifetime. Congress failed to deliver. That left POTUS with two shit sandwiches to choose between: not sign (which would trigger a shutdown that would be squarely blamed on him and which would trigger CR spending, a real blow to the military) or sign it and get some of what he wants but not all.

Do not let the criminals in Congress skate on this. There is a reason their approval rating has hovered around 9% for a long time now. In a word they: suck.

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Incel fuck

She is a single issue person. She only cares about immigration.

Oh shut up you fucking faggot