Mudslims BTFO by american Police
>"Imagine all the islamophobia that will come from this arrest"
They're gypo's probably Muslim too.
Arrest on sight, deport next flight.
They're actually speaking spanish.
great now because of these islamophobes the muslims are going to be radicalised and retaliate fucking retards
They must have moved over from the UK were they were once used to the police bending over for them.
Stahpppp stahpppp stahpppp ffs I wish he shot her
>the people are Mexican
Fucking retard.
Looks gypsy
What a weak-ass cop. A skinny mudslime and a fat lady managed to pin him against the car without even trying. Then he dropped his taser.
He should be fired for being incompetent, at the least.
When do you hear them speaking in Spanish? I didn't recognize it.
They are obviously gyppos, whether they are our gypsies or from the Balkans, Central Europe or Romania escapes me, they are all Pakis in the end, and they will always create this show if you are going for them. I don't think the American police is trained to deal with this shit given how they have zero patience and they chimp out and start shooting at the minimal sign of disobedience.
Amazing the assault the police officers as they scream they "didn't du nuthing"
"Atras." "Por favor". "Estas bien".
those are spics
Around 4:30... Sounds Spanish..
>if you enforce the law- they win: the post
o dios mio
they're bona fide spics
Staaaahp, there's keeds here. Staaaaahp, there's keeds here.
These muds need a visit with officer beatdown.
Also, the person filming was speaking Mexican, I think these are some sort of latins.
Also, 3:39 every time.
Do muslims look like this in America?
The video description literally says they're spics and the incident takes place outside of their church you stupid fucking dinkus
Fuck off with this weak ass bullshit. You leftists are the actual racists. You don't even see them as human enough to be capable of living within our society. You treat them like dogs, then act like a crazy Munchhausen nurse to defend their victimhood.
Yes yes, I heard it now, amazing, I didn't know "Spanish" gypsies made it into the US, but I'm still suspicious because our gypsies are usually wealthy, they don't move abroad and they don't dress like that (especially the woman arrested dress looks Romani af), they are probabably "Romanians" who came to Spain and then moved to the US, we have 1 million Romanians here in the end.
Should've shot them.
Jesus, our police are getting as incompetent as British police.
>"Inglesia Cristiana Evangelica Church" (sic)
Evangelical gyppos.
OK they are OURS.
they're mexicans man not euro gypos
How many threads do we need how about this?
>Stahpppp stahpppp stahpppp ffs I wish he shot her
so annoying
>Get bacccccccck
>stop there is a kid
>keep holding police officer's hand
>Get bacccccccccck
>Stop there is a kid
>There is a kkkkkkkkkkkkkkiddddd
These officers needed to use more force to gain control of the situation.
I didn't see a single kid.
Fuck no make them rot in prison
Euro Muslims remind me of shit tier employees. Employees that were ruined by a crappy previous employer, they previously taught to cut corners, disrespect authority structures, etc... ruined
why do people keep calling them muslim when they are obviously spanish and catholic?
Where the fuck did they think they were? The UK?
Obviously. She's even clearly wearing a christian hijab.
She kept saying STOOOOOOOP THEREEEE"SS KEEEEEEDSSSSSSSS had to turn it off at this point.
Fill up the catalog
that's my fetish
Dindu nutting.
Actually, I saw them physically bodyslam one of the cops against the wall. These fucking spics are lucky they didn't draw their firearms. These cops showed an almost unprofessional level of restraint in their application of physically violence. They clearly need some retraining. When you draw the nightstick, don't wave it around. Fucking kneecap the suspect and break his leg. If you draw your taser, fucking set it off, don't wave it around.
Women are garbage
Fucking Romanians, Western Europe wasn't enough for them. Gas the whole lot of them.
to bait retards on Jow Forums and to identify them through other sites such as reddit when they post this link on /t_d. This shit has been posted 10 times here already.
Kill all of those fucking animals.
The officers deserve credit for showing extreme restraint. When those male spics started grabbing on him he should've pulled his sidearm and airholed both of them.
>deserve credit for showing extreme restraint
No they don't.
What was the context? They suppose they were innocent, if so, comply? But not and to apply an offensive posture, the police will beat your ass in the U.S. And that emotional appeal of the girl screaming has no weight, and why was they hijab girl standing back up, absolute disrespect for the law.
"Get back!"
>proceeds to engage officer
These niggers are biologically wired to be idiots, what bugs me the most is that many can't see it.
kek, this video is hilarious.
Maybe you are right, but why is the muslim party not just listening, what is so hard.
Everybody gets BTFO by the American police. That is what USA is like. Now go back to Reeperbahn you pervert.
>why are you so mean
Cop: "I am the boss here! Reeeeee!"
Nobody listens to him.
The babe with a kid is fucking dumb. "Stap, stap, there are kids here". Then get the kids away stupid bitch.
should have been shot
Yes, they do. Those people should be dead.
Cop was too mellow. Should have wrecked these cunts. I hope the two guys that attacked him are also in cuffs.
Officers should’ve executed every last one of them. And no, I’m not being edgy.
Just imagine going to Shitlamistan and assaulting their police. You’d get beheaded in the public square.
Officers were called to a scene in Georgia Saturday after a woman reported she had seen her runaway teenage daughter.
Police in Georgia arrested a Lilburn minister as well as his wife and two sons taking them into custody after a brawl broke out in front of their church, the group disarmed one officer and pushed another against a wall.
So what really happened?
After a woman had reported she saw her runaway teenage daughter at Inglesia Cristiana Evangelica Church, located at a strip mall on Highway 29, The officers responded and went to investigate the claim, to which the woman’s daughter was found sitting in the back of the minister’s SUV with one of his sons, Police told Channel 2 Action News on Monday that the officers went to the church after the woman reported that she’d spotted her runaway teenage daughter. “They have my daughter, they won’t let her have communication with me. The lady from the church was yelling at me. They said they had custody from DFACS, but it’s not true,” the told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas. Shortly after arriving and finding the missing teen in the back of a vehicle with the son of Minister Wilmer Cruz, The Lilburn PD were surrounded by the local minister, his wife, and their two sons and the group moved in on the officers.
Realizing they were greatly outnumbered, one of the officers drew his Taser, only to have it taken from him by Cristina Cruz, who then pointed it directly at him. At one point, an officer tried to Taser the son who had attacked the officer, but the son grabbed the prongs and wrapped them up, he also got hold of the officer’s radio which he threw to the ground. One of the officers was then rushed and pushed against a glass door. “The officer was grabbed by his throat and slammed into the glass, pinned up to the glass door and was unable to move at that point,” Lt. Tim Allen with the Lilburn Police Department said. Wilmer Cruz, 38, and Cristina Cruz, 37, were arrested on numerous charges. meanwhile a 16-year-old and 17-year-old were also arrested. The 16-year-old has been charged as a juvenile. As reported by wsbtv, the three charged as adults appeared in court Monday afternoon facing felony charges. They are currently being held without bond.
>not wanting mulims to go to war on those they believe control society
4D chess mate.
So how long before the Soros-funded chimpouts?
Every single faggot that whines "why didn't he just taser him" when the police shoot someone need to watch this video. He was well within his rights to shoot them dead but didn't.
>Lilburn, GA
Rather stay a day in Buford
And I tell you, if it was black people that woulda been a blood bath. If it was white people, broken bodies everywhere.
Not in that part of Georgia, Lilbum would call in Gwinnett County Cops to mop up. You'd have to have something like this happen in or very close to Atlanta for a chimpout.
Those cops were pretty damn weak, being wrestled like that.
I thought american cops were feared?
Unironically this.
Soros is crippled, he can't do any move right now and his replacements are brainwashed low IQ faggots who can't organise, let alone pay for anything
Yep, need to spread it on Black twitter. Nogs gone loot that place
>There's kiiiids just let us kill your sons and rape your daughteeeers come one you racist, there's kiiiiiiiids, this is a chuuuuurch.
>calm dooooooown, there are three people physically attacking you, a police officer, but YOU need to calm doooown
Bullets through the dome, every single person in this video except for the cops. All of them need to be taken out of life's gene pool.
I want to beat that bitch until she stops screaming.
Well across the pond user, this is cops in the US state of Georgia, in a "town" called Lilburn. The only cops feared in this part of the state o mine are Gwinnett County State Patrol.
And by town, I mean a small patch of a large mess of roads between two major cities that a drunk decided was a town.
Why didn't they shot them? I thought American cops unloaded their guns at the back just for sneezing.
why is Soros free again?
>theres keeeds
women are so useless
holy shit these might be my compatriots
That annoying chick behind the camera says they're at a church.
That's what annoys me most about these encounters of "police brutality." Just be cordial with the officer and do as he says while you figure the situation out. If you try and pin the officer against a car then no shit you will be dealt with harshly.
Ooh, now call us "bootlickers," you kike faggot. I need a good laugh.
It's insane how fucking stupid mestizos are. They attack him and try to steal his gun and then act bewildered when he tells them to get on the ground. Holy shit, get these people out of the country.
>Yep, need to spread it on Black twitter. Nogs gone loot that place
Shieeet, nigga! there ain't shit to loot in Lilburn! 90% of its housing developments and houses, but they have a Hardees but if you blink you'll miss most of it and mistake it for Arrowhead or think you're still in Lawrenceville.
At :26 mark that guy runs up BEHIND that cop and GRABS him bodily? What the actual fuck?! The shooting should have comenced immediately or at least the pepper spray. EVERY decent American knows you NEVER touch a cop!
that woman in the colorful dress looks exactly like every gipsy i see
How do I reach these kids?
>EVERY decent American
Those people aren't either.
Obeying laws and acting civil is a white people thing.
I guarantee you most of the people ITT screeching about "police brutality" are shitskins who are still butthurt that their gangster daddy got sent to prison.
there is no need to say that. If you are white you will behave correctly 99.9% of the time unless you're on hard drugs or are suffering due to some mental situation.
The solution is to reverse the flux of migration so the lower races will all go back to their third world countries and us whites will be left the fuck alone in our pristine prosperous low crime white lands.
>it’s on video
Why the stick, and not the gun?
They didn’t want their faces and addresses all over MSM with bold words “NAZI” underneath it.
>"Get on the ground, you stole my taser, you're under arrest."
>"No she didn't, I have a video right here."
It's literally on the video you idiot spic.