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A week too late to save Stephen Hawking

he's not wrong, religions have been lying all this time
>the actor that played the late Dr Stephen Hawking

Catholics aren't Christian

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according to OG christianity isn't that correct though, no hell just purgatory?

wtf I hate Dante now.

see, there you go again claiming Catholicism represents in any way Christianity


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so you mean christianity was invented in 1500?



Was he right all along?

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This but unironically

That asshole is not Catholic.

What's next. God does not exist?

Especially about the jews

Yes, and no.
Yes because he corrected many problems with the theology.
No because Protestantism is a self extinguishing religion. Those who practice it die out as a people e.g. Sweden, UK and Germany.

you guys take this pope and make him a mufti or sth, we don't want him anymore

Jow Forums false for fake news again. Not surprised.
The Italian newspaper founded by an atheist reported this without putting any actual quotes from the Pope.


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where do jews go then?

Lord have mercy, at least the muzzies aren't this cucked on there faith.

ITT: Another episode of No True Scotsman.

makes one go hmmm

the gated community part of heaven. no goyim allowed!

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the pope is the false prophet warned of in the book of revelations. It shouldn't be funny to you that the illuminati are following an apocalypse script, seeing as how it's going to result in your death and the death of everyone you love.

So I can go back to snorting coke off of a traps feminine penis?

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Can't wait

God is wearied by this Pope:
>You have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet you say, “How have we wearied him?” By saying, “Every one who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delights in them.” (Malachi 2:17)

Christians actually believe this

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We never forget

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Jews don't believe in hell because in most instances they create it for other people.

>hurr durr I'm more Catholic than the Pope

I guess people get lazy to practice it if there isnt a higher power to push it on you


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Muslims believe that Jesus is not the Son of God:
>People of the Book, do not go to excess in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth: the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger of God, His word, directed to Mary, a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers and do not speak of a 'Trinity'—stop, that is better for you—God is only one God, He is far above having a son, everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him and He is the best one to trust. (Qur'an, sura 4 "An-Nisa", ayat 171)

The DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH, Lumen Gentium, teaches as a matter of dogma that Christians and Muslims honor the same God:
>But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind. (vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html)
No way to deny it unless you resort to semantic perversions and handwaving rationalizations.

This is heresy:
>He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. (John 5:23)
Since heresy is proclaimed dogmatically, this makes the Roman Catholic Church internally inconsistent and falsifies all claims of it being the one true church.

Therefore, Roman Catholicism is a false religion.


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“If a future Pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.”

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No, no its not. Purgatory is the concept that people consider as hell, but its Purgatory and not hell that are later additions to the dogma that the Catholics added in order to sell indulgences.

Hell is not some cave with 9 circles where ancient greek gods are demons that torture you eternally like in Dante's inferno. Hell is quite explicitly explained in the bible as a lake of lava that all the condemned souls are cast into.

Remember, God promises eternal life to all mankind. This is a binding promise. So the saved souls get to live forever in the presence of god, and the condemned souls get to live forever in immortal bodies that cannot die but instead burn for all eternity.

Its a pretty dark when you think about it. But god does not lie. Everyone gets to live forever, but many would probably wish that was not the case.

>being christian in 2018

Incorrect, please inform yourself before you start spouting shit. They have a hell, different interpretation to the christian one.

>Kikestian declares something

Wtf i believe in hell now

>Hell is quite explicitly explained in the bible as a lake of lava that all the condemned souls are cast into.
the catholic church is dropping this claim as if it was hot. the current catechism has 'fire' in scare quotes when talking about hell. I'm sure they will castrate the idea completely before 2040 at most.

>look at my strawman comic
Sane people: lost count at this point

Jesus was a prophet. There is only one God.

Fuck the new pope.

> Everyone gets to live forever, but many would probably wish that was not the case.

But I've seen hell referred to as 'the second death'. This confuses me.

Islam is the only true religion, brothers! Allah akbar

Then why did Christ die and rise again?
I mean, Jesus warned people explicity about Hell. Not everyone will be saved.

>if god is so good then how come he doesn't like gays or whatever else the bible says "don't do".
>AKA why doesn't this religion follow my post modern egalitarian philosophies. It's 2018!

Which is exactly why they are better than the kike worshipers

AntiPope is the AntiChrist

He must be fucking senile.
The entire point of the catholic faith is to avoid hell.

retourne en Afrique Abdel

kek it is true, he is not even christian. I thought it was a meme

no retard
it's to do good to other people

That's not what Jesus said about himself in every record of his words. What Jesus are you talking about?

Feel free to correct me but, I honestly think this is the most radical and dangerous pope ever.
>gay marriage fine
>women priest fine
>gay priest fine
Theologically I disagreed with the Catholics but at least they used be morally apt. Catholics wake up and take back your church or leave it to burn with this crazy fool.

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>it's to do good to other people
>muh works
Read Romans

instead of linking me your proof, you're asking me to look for nothing
eat shit or post it yourself

This. Catholicism is even worse than islam because it bastardizes the true faith

Not much of a life when its spent in screaming agony. I've thought about what this means, and the conclusion I've come too is that following the resurrection we essentially become higher level beings, made in the image of god. Such spiritual entities would probably have incredible powers, and God would want to make sure they would use it wisely. So this mortal life is all about separating the wheat from the chaff. And those who God decides would abuse their spiritual existence are instead burned constantly making them unable to to focus beyond the pain of the moment.

The schism between Catholicism and orthodoxy was a clear cut case of the true faith separating from the bastardized church


Of course he says that he's a satanist

Why do you cherrypick from the bible?
Muhammad wasn't a prophet he was a warlord led by en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_ibn_al-Walid

Good word.

tip harder faggot


Wheelchair faggot btfo

If you want to know the teachings of God, I suggest you read the Quran because it is indeed the words of the almighty.

Jewish tricks don't work on Islam.


Give us a prophecy given by muhammad
See, this is your problem his conquest was led by a general like Hannibal or even greater.

The pope is there so people can throw shit at him. What a toss pot


>implying the pope is a christian

jesuit order of pedo shits.. anyways the bible is a gay book made for losers afraid of pussy and matriarchy and woman worship aka the only thing that matters... every fucking church is a remembrance of a vagina and the female anatomy and IM JUST WASTING MY TIME IN A BOARD FULL OF FAGGOTS

the eastendaas are on time for some pork

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Thought it was just Zapotecs who are run by women.

Well Catholics believe that the point of their faith is to lead them to an eternity contemplating God, and the path to achieve it involves unity with the Pope, the sacraments, prayer, and almsgiving in the form of spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The point is not
>to do good to other people
as you claimed: that is part of the process of achieving the actual goal. This is not actually the faith taught by the Apostles, because in Romans the Apostle Paul writes that the path to eternal life with God involves unity with Jesus Christ (not the Pope or any other man of religious authority) and justification is through faith alone (not works), even though true faith is expressed in striving to do good for other people (but these works are not in themselves what saves you as Catholics believe, e.g. the Pope claiming that a good atheist or Muslim will go to heaven).

*licks feet* no hell m'kay

I wonder how many popes are in hell

Yeah a fucking mutt from Schoolshootistan is more Catholic than the fucking pope

>If you want to know the teachings of God, I suggest you read the Quran because it is indeed the words of the almighty.
But the Quran is a demonic text. Why would you direct me there for the words of God?

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>Declare yourself to be the speaker for gods will
all of them

>oh don't trust that manmade book to be god's word, user
>trust THIS manmade book to be god's word, though

no, because the only reason the church is in the mess in the first place is because it started acting like the fucking protestants

I think this pope IS the antichrist.

>my country is a third world shithole but I'm going to lecture highly developed countries, whose way of life I envy and would sell out my own mother and children just for a chance to clean toilets there, about how their culture and ideology that helped them reach this level of success is inferior to the ones that turned by country into shit

pope is too retarded to realize this is hell.

>pope apparently says explicitly anti-Catholic things
>"wow Catholicism is just the worst :(("

It's fake news anyway

The Western Catholic church will burn, and in its place will rise the Eastern Orthodoxy. Praise Jesus.

>kike worshipers

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Where am I supposed to have fun after I die?

Unless heaven or purg has amazing coke or rivers of pcp I now want to live, wtf?

Meanwhile in Heaven

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>muh jebus waz nut jew

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I love catholics don't get me wrong, they are the type of people where when you see them serve god, you won't believe how loyal they are. Some of the most compassionate people I have come across and it makes sense because Catholicism is a servants religion.

For example there is nothing better than the irish IMO when it comes to non hate of other humans, and they are catholics. However even a broken clock is right twice a day. Catholicism is done for imo. It's as if they believe god smoked a joint and is now good with faggots and other degenerates.

If you go ask the catholic church what they believe is happening, many of the priests themselves will say that satan has hijacked the religion and that satan is now at the forefront at the vatican. That's some serious charge to levy against your own religion.

Then there are the catholic priest molesting kids ordeal, im sorry but that stain will never go away, and on top of that paying hush money to cover it all up and shuffle them around.

It's turned into a business where the more members the better, even if they kill people, you are now all welcomed into the church, and worst of all, you have to live among them, with increased crime and poverty, and if you say anything about it and try to revolt, you are a racist and against god.

go fuck yourself.