How do we deal with the cross-dressing / trap epidemic?
They're getting to the asians!
How do we deal with the cross-dressing / trap epidemic?
They're getting to the asians!
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My cock is getting so hard I might have to turn the user below me into my sissy feminized cumdumpster
Based advert. Goes to show nips make the best traps.
Westerners make the best traps.
This applies to other EA people too. If the men are slim enough, they only a wig and some makeup.
Pretty sure Asians have been doing this longer and moreally frequently than anyone. If anyone has that ancient jap trap porn
did you guys forget about thailand all of a sudden?
Cross dressing and traps are Jewish propaganda and a weapon in white genocide but for some reason Jow Forums is too fucking retarded to see it so instead they push it even harder which make the white race look weaker and weaker to the female population which pushes them closer and closer to niggers and Muslims who actively beat up and kill these weak little faggots.
Jow Forums is responsible for white genocide.
>They’re getting to the Asians
Asian Men have been Traps for ages, look at Thailand.
I don’t see a problem with Traps whilst modern women are the demons they currently are.
They’re a great alternative, they’re actually better relationship partners until women are Fixed.
>Don’t have a stupid child-like brain like women
>Actually empathise with & legitimately Understand you, instead of focusing completely on themselves like women
>Same Interests
>Completely Versatile in the Bedroom
>Actually Embraces Femininity instead of rejecting it
I’m sticking with Traps as Partners, & women as one night stands until I’m like 30 & women are Fixed.
Then I’m Finding a Blonde, Blue Eyed QT to shoot 5 Kids into.
Not even sure what you mean because the asians definitely started it like 100 years ago, traps are part of their culture, usually as prostitutes.
Japan invented and perfected traps, you fucking idiot.
Not liking traps is the gayest shit you can do.
>Average japanese guy
wew lad.
Only problem with Asian Traps is that like 65% of them have a small cock
But if an Asian trap has a big dick she is perfect, don't you think?
Pretty much.
Big Cock & Femine Face = DIAMONDS
You won't stop at 30, I am 29 and it seems like not only single women my age but younger ones too are all broken whores, with hair cut short and or dyed hair. No appeal
That's a very specific number user.
Thankfully I’m only 23 Now & I can see that this horrible machine known as modern society is on it’s last legs.
I unironically think the DOTR Will Happen sometime in 2020.
I’ve done my research.
>But if an Asian trap has a big dick she is perfect, don't you think?
Preferably with a dark meaty foreskin long veiny cock and huge saggy balls. Drain that Asian cum orally all day long.
Purge in fire.
I drain my Thai femboys cock like zhe drains my bank account. Win/win. No children are made and whiterace dies off while enriching Asian gays. Mmmm soy semen.
Meanwhile all the whites women I could marry and impregnate give up, settle for Tyrone after Tyrone and go on welfare for the gibsmedat. Last remaining white men are taxed to death or they just turn to heroin or suicide.
Pretty sure it started you asians, senpai.
I‘m off nofap, thanks
>They're getting to the asians!
it started with the asians!
I had a Good 8 Day Streak until I looked up TS Escorts in the City I’m heading to at the weekend.
Spiralled off from there.
My solution is fapping
my nigga
hot if true
make it legal to rape them, then they will stop advertising because that's what they want, same thing with women acting likes whores but OHHHHH NOOOOO AGE OF CONSENT, OHHHHH NOOOO RAPE IS BAD
well you fix it then you fucking philistines
Not going to lie lads
I would.
we don't. those people won't breed and the problem will eventually take care of itself.
they've always had the asians, user
put your dick in them
while doing that, be super mean so they kill themselves
two birds with one bone
>They're getting to the asians!
The asians started this trend faggot.
I could pass as trap? 180 cm x 70 kg
jej those monkey arms
how much do you deadlift?
Nothing wrong with homos or traps
>he thinks traps are new in asia
That seems nice.... Wouldn't mind. I am a cool guy, not too scared of a asian manlet feminized penis. I go balls deel in dat ass.
After all, white cock in asian ass is a good combination.
user has life all figured out, maybe you should start a new church and spread the trap gospel.
i cant believe you faggots still think jews are trying to destroy the white race, its the fucking bankers that incite major social change so people don't focus on how the fuck their own country is going to get out of the debt made by the banks
Hundred kilos or so.
You can pass as ISIS
Not if you keep wearing an IRA mask.
Might put some people off.
As long as it stays in Asia no problem with that,I hope that crap won't get into Europe cause anyway Europe is pretty infected with all kinds of cancers.
wtf that's garbage
especially given your build
I’m so fucking jealous..
Hang yourself faggot
>getting to the asians!
So young you don't know it started there
I figured it out.
They're getting to the Asians? Ever heard of ladyboys?
I still plan on Having a Wife & many Kids with her in like 10 Years.
And alot of those bankers name echo
I want to be forcefully made to wear a sexy French maid outfit and walk in public wearing that while holding my boyfriend's hands as my own hands get sweaty.
I can tell you have no clue what you're talking about. Homosexuals are far more bitchy and feminine than even females themselves. They are a caricature of everything that is bad in women (such as bitchiness, self centered attitude, etc) while retaining none of the good traits that are inherent in women and abandoning all good masculine traits with maybe the exception of physical fitness (because gays are vain)
Stop making it so lucrative being a pretty girl.
Also maybe make faggotry illegal.
Literally monkey.
>Homosexuals are more bitchy and worse than females
Life is not a echi manga user :(
A bear trap maybe
You're gonna have a bunch of aids baybays after sticking your unprotected peen in the asshole of a man with fake boobs
Hell no.
I have a trappish physique myself but I'll never go the extra mile and go on hormones. I'm satisfied with just crossdressing in private.
Traps & TS are different than “normal” gays.
They’re more quite, reserved & logical.
He's right tho. Queers are women without the woman. Just the STDs.
Who says it’ll be unprotected?
We don’t, I fuck traps all the time.
You can suck my dick if you want
This. They're a combination of the shitty traits of men and women.
You won’t be fucking Your Cock up.
>They’re more quite, reserved & logical.
Guess that explain's Jow Forums's population.
>they're getting to the asians
the asians invented this disease
Are you talking about the historical Chinese eunuchs?
>They're getting to the asians!
Asians were traps before it was cool
>They're a combination of the shitty traits of men and women.
You have it backwards, user.
By the nines! It's the hero of kvatch!
Some say the cowl of nocturnal was cafted by the daedra themselves.
You're a regular Audrey Hepburn, mate. 10/10.
Put on a maid's uniform, with dog ears, get on all 4s and put on this collar and leash and drain my balls.
It's the Russian traps we need to worry about.
Christ that's some good skin.
>Ancap thinks it’s a disease to fuck ladyboys yet they have no problem selling babies
Nice...really nice.
Basically asians created it due to protecting family honor of the females. So when an invading army came to town the prettiest would whore themselves for a few baht while mama and sisters could stay safe. Fast forward today and it is just financial, whites are easy meat easy money. Particularly faggot brits feeing their police state who fuck their fill of kids and ladyboys then jump out their 15 story condo balcony wracked with guilt and hatred. feels good man. literally be looking up when walking near tall places over there. It rains brits daily.
is that Asian David Hogg?
> Some males are retiring from the competition to get women
> Some males mimick the more submissive female attitude
> Some males become more aesthically pleasing
> They are not me.
Well... fine ?
Nah. For example, they have the shitty traits of women but even worse: various mental illnesses, delusion, narcissism, obsessed with getting attention and validation etc.
What about Roach traps ?
Ancaps in favor of human traffic?
Babies dellers we be physically removed.
that roach is too ugly to be male
Why are there so many horrible pedos in Thailand?
Why don’t they just go for the ladyboys?
I thought that was the main attraction?
>Why are there so many horrible pedos in Thailand?
Because there's parents willing to sell their children.
Why don’t the police do anything about it?
I’d like to visit Thailand for the ladyboys, but going there is always associated with pedos
Roach traps were made to be stepped on.
Don't make Anzu cry.
She's the unroachiest roach that has ever roached.
>Why don’t the police do anything about it?
They get free samples
>I'd like to visit Thailand for the ladyboys