I've wanted to do this for a while. Pretty sure of my ancestry but would like to know for sure. However, I've read a lot of these DNA tests produce false results (i.e. saying white people have African ancestry). Which tests do Jow Forums recommend? Which ones have you tried? Any info welcome.
Which DNA test is best, Jow Forums?
23andme is the biggest one. most popular, seems accurate and largest database of other blood-related goyim
You can find out like 900 people you're related to with one test
>And you're a nigger, and you're a nigger, and you're a nigger... and you're a kike, and Nigger, nigger nigger.
>Nah.. just fucking with you cuz we're kikes
If you're really interested in finding out, try the top 5, take their overlapping results and hope they don't all say you're 6 gorillion percent kike
23andme is jewish and owned by google
>giving out your dna
Into the database you go
I recommend you don't share your genetic tissue to be used by the government. Maybe you'll thank me later.
Another reason I've held out on it.
He said the biggest database. How would you like to find out a thousand people across the world that you're literally blood-related to? for 100 bucks?
I'm just looking for accuracy. Not something that's going to lie and say I'm a nigger.
Go with ancestry. 23andme does not differentiate between UK and Ireland, so you'll always be wondering if you got backstabbing anglo kike genes or glorious irish heritage.
>I want to sign away my genetic identity to some corporation because I suspect I'm not white
Theyre both equally as inferior..
I'm 1/8 Irish. Thank God I'm not British.
>not wanting your DNA saved on the eternal internet so you can be reborn in 5000 years by the machine God.
Fucking luddite.
you are going to pay money and give your DNA to some random company that for all you know could just randomly assign any region to your results. Then have your dna on file?
What exactly do you get out of it? why not just sit down with your fuckin family and talk about your heritage/grandparents etc
I did 23andme and put the confidence up to 90% and still got 2% South Asian and 0.5% East Asian.
Am i still white or does the one drop rule still apply?
They've admitted to fake the results to mock white people
pretty sure the do some real work on it or else people wouldn't be getting results that matched their own family records.
You bring up a good point. I know my heritage pretty well. 5/8 German, 1/8 Irish, and 1/8 Eastern European (pretty sure Ukrainian), and 1/8 French Canadian. Guess I'm just looking for an excuse to spend money. Pic related.
>you are going to pay money and give your DNA to some random company
>Then have your dna on file?
I leave it on women's backs without a care too.
I used ancestry, same with my wife and they didn't "add" any African to our results.
>mail out your genetic information to jew run companies
>of your own free will
>they don't pay you, you pay them
Imagine being this stupid, you might as well end your bullshit life right now
I can 100% guarantee that genetic information is being used for evil purposes. All that information, obtained freely and without a warrant. Useful for making racially targeted bio weapons, disease and useful for eugenics.
They tell people honest results, it's free, and they say how they will use your information (genetic research). I don't have normiebook, but that's all. They look the best to me.
I found I was jewish when I refused to fork out $99.99 for results
Why would anyone put their genes on a database for use by anyone who buys your info? Fuck that shit
Nice one Rabbi