Hello,I'm from Ukraine.My country wants to join EU,but I hate left(democratic) assholes.I love republicans...

Hello,I'm from Ukraine.My country wants to join EU,but I hate left(democratic) assholes.I love republicans,wich were govern in the USA in 1950-early 60s,like Eisenhouser(sorry,i dont know how to write this last name correct in english).I dont like this tolerance and femenism motions. I think,black scum and women should know their place.Also,I love to own my rifle,and I dont like this weapon control motion in the USA,and i'm very sad that famous people support it.I want to discover,does many people in EU/USA share my political point of view.Or there are to many tolerasts,who are loving niggers and arab motherfuckers?

Attached: Dwight_D._Eisenhower,_official_photo_portrait,_May_29,_1959.jpg (1200x1503, 345K)

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Ukraine is in a tough geographic position. Ukraine should strive to be independant from both the EU and Russia and not suck too much NATO cock either.

Texas does and the South in the U.S.A Everywhere else likes tranny dick though.

So basically the Mexicans

Ukraine is the Superpower by 2020!
And already is the strongest European army by 2019.

That's true.But in our political system there are two ways-one(power) want to join EU,and other(opposition)want to join russian alliance,wich is worse.Other problem is war in donbass region-power want to bring there ''blue
helmet '' of United Nations,oppositions want to enter into a contract with Russia and bring donbass terrorists to our parliament.We need help of NATO and United Nations to solve this problem

There are Patriots in every state, we are just busy with jobs and family to attend meaningless astroturfed rallies.

In many ways, Nato is EU. A coalition of border states might be the best alignment for Ukraine. Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary, concentrate on the things that all of you can agree on. I would avoid the blue helmets too.

The Republicans WERE the left in the times you refer to. They were the left up until the mid to late 60s when the Democrats embraced the civil rights movement. After that the parties flip flopped.

Republicans may have been to the left of dems on blacks, prior to civil rights era, but in general no. The left is also the union movement, womens rights and all that other garbage too

I would argue that there was no flip flop at all. Current republicans still have the same attitude as Eisenhower republicans that, blacks can assimilate into mainstream US culture and enjoy their share of the wealth. Education, work ethic and morality will help blacks acheive their rightful place at the table. Then, now and tomorrrow

Hungary hates Ukraine now.We have language conflict with them.There are many hungarians in the west of ukraine,and they dont want to learn ukrainian language,but our power forces them,because they are ukrainian citizens.

Ukraine has a complicated history. It is a matter of survival to overcome petty disagreements with neighboring states, or all will be vassals of the empires that seek to enslave you.

Poroshenko is a Jew. Your country is now controlled by Jews who use facists as the backbone control. I will show you your future if you want. If you continue on your path the plan is to depopulate Ukraine and make it the next switzerland. Good luck.

>Ukraine has a complicated history. It is a matter of survival to overcome petty disagreements with neighboring states, or all will be vassals of the empires that seek to enslave you.
Yes,you are right.I think so too.All European countries have complicated history,full of conflicts with neighbours,even France and England.

>If you continue on your path the plan is to depopulate Ukraine and make it the next switzerland.
But switz people are rich,and they are living good.What will be bad,if Ukraine became next Switzerland?

You forget the depopulation part.

How it will be look like?How will you depopulate 40 million country?

Chemtrails. Here I am not sure what position he holds but. Look at 19:00 youtube.com/watch?v=BD_-AD9oXBI

The same way the bolscheviks did. Holodomor

There is much more to life than GDP

rare ID
