It's 2018 now, a smartphone can be bought for $50
Will housing price ever come down?
As The (((Federal Reserve))) raises rates to fuck with Trump's fixing the economy, house prices will come down.
But you still can't buy one because interest rates.
Move out of the city where the housing is artificially inflated
Even still we have it good, just ask the canucks, brits, or shitposters
No. The system is designed to herd you into UN Agenda 21 commieblocks / small houses
>tfw already own a 27k square feet land parcel
>tfw saving to build a house in the country side
>will only need to give a cow or 2 for a wife
>tfw all the women there have at the very least 8 children
stay mad gringos
Until cartel comes for it tu pinche puto cabrón.
Lots of phones. Not a lot of land in developed areas.
>tfw literally could have that life
>tfw family wants me to do it
>tfw don't care just want out
lel gg jews
chicanos aren't humans.
Also people kicked the army, police, narcos by shooting at them. Not memeing.Stay with the gringos, maricon.
why not
>why not
Natural selection at work imo.
>>will only need to give a cow or 2 for a wife
>having to pay a dowry
pleb tier
better than constantly pay for a bitches needs, and anyways, it's better to preserve traditions :)
>it's better to preserve traditions :)
It is tradition for the man to receive the dowry in white countries
congratz, go back to paying taxes for paco's children
Houses are cheap. Labor is expensive. Location is expensive.
Automation could help.
Things like driverless or flying cars can lessen the demand for certain locations.
Otherwise, housing costs are mostly location related. The best plot of land in San Fran isn’t going to get healer just because a house can be built for 50k instead of 150k in labor.
what state in mexico are you from because i have never heard of giving cows for a wife? and i grew up on a ranch
they will when savings-less boomers begin to sell off en masse to pay for their deathbeds. unfortunately low prices will mean a huge influx of illegals
its not the house, its the land
those houses are tear down though
of course, i'm sure (((speculation))) doesn't factory into the cost at all
No, the Jews will scoop it up in a massive land grab. That's the entire UN Agenda 21 agenda.
why are pochos so messed up in their cabeza?... they are not gringos but love to act that way, they are not Mexicans, but act like they are, they are not sudacas but they have alot of sub-friends, they are not niggers but they listen to nigger music... explain yourself
when the correction happens, the cost of houses will fall so low that new construction becomes economically impossible. the drop will be insanely fast, too, once homeowners start to panic
my bet is Oaxaca..
Probably not unless there is another recession. Too many people are immigrating here
>off en masse to pay for their deathbeds.
There will always be investors willing to buy them and the prices are justified when you figure you can either rent a single family house to a soy boy and his 4 roommates or some immigrant family and their 10 uncles
Fuckin better not I just bought
>muh pinches indios retrasados
stay with your retarded, westernized, city women.
also enjoy getting cucked.
I'm on north mexico right now, it's a culturless hole, everybody is a wanna be european, it's basically the mutt meme made real, made a whole city.
I'm from guerrero
rent can only go so high, and the ceiling lowers with the number of vacancies. while i agree there will be no shortage of buyers for "income properties" they're just the suckers who will be left holding the bag by the banks
>rent can only go so high,
but it can increase exponentially if you have multiple workers
A single family home becomes an apartment building
NO globalism requires super-hyperinflation of shelter and basic human needs
Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£50k in London
Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£1m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white
after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites
only if the population rises faster than the rate of vacancy increases. and mind you this is happening when as the boomers are dying, who represent a large chunk of the existing population
and even then rent can only rise as high as prevailing wages allow. flooding the country with immigrants to support housing prices just keeps wages low. that's to say nothing a high vacancy rate
The technology exists to allow quality, energy-efficient homes to be mass produced in factories. However the Freemasons will not allow it.
>only if the population rises faster than the rate of vacancy increases.
incase you were not paying attention western governments are importing millions of people
>and even then rent can only rise as high as prevailing wages allow.
It doesnt matter if wages go down
If you increase the amount of wage earners in a home the rent can go up
One aura for each dimension I can fuck you up in.
pre-bush, housing was never a problem
before 2000s/bush NWO/globalisation, the US has ALWAYS had avg housing price = 2X avg salary
a drastic surge and hyperinflation of everything occurred with globalisation/free trade/open border scheme that started when Bush took office in 2000
I didn't say that pinche pendejo.... and yes, northern states are cucked mandilones... how do you like the mandilones over there?
if the number of wage earners in an apartment increases while the wages are decreasing it cancels itself out. plus even illegals have a limit for how much squalor they'll tolerate. you really think people will be paying $1000 a head for the privilege of cramming twelve into a two bedroom? might as well just go back to their shithole where they can do the same for a quarter of the price
btw CANALLA fag here.
I really hate most men here, they're so easily manipulated by their women, it's disgusting.
>if the number of wage earners in an apartment increases while the wages are decreasing it cancels itself out.
if wages go down 50% but but wage owners goes for 1 to 4 total household income doubles
>plus even illegals have a limit for how much squalor they'll tolerate
>you really think people will be paying $1000 a head for the privilege of cramming twelve into a two bedroom?
Look at prices per sqft in poor asian countries
Look at Detroit.
It will be that way everywhere someday.
There is your answer.
I'm pro-PRI, but Canalla is cool with me... as long as el loco doesn't win... is your wife from Guerrero too? do you hit her? do you drink?... I know I do, but norteños call me machista ... idk why...I have turned 2 to machistas as well lol
dude i'm 22, i don't have a wife
i'll probably hit her, just not in the head, women need it, or yell at her at the very least.
Because there's no men in north mexico, just faggots.
The army has mostly southern mexicans because north mexicans quit ASAP
>pic related
>song related
>padre no es el que engendra sino el que cria
It will never go down because of the property jew
The prices in the UK are insane, the average house is about 10 times the average yearly wage. Anything cheaper means living in a tiny terrace house surrounded by benefit scroungers and jobless immigrants that spend the whole day hanging outside their uncles corner shop.
Nothing will ever be done to address the housing crises because so many MPs are landlords. Sky high prices benefits them greatly
You are making me proud son.. you are gonna be a good Mexican. I remembered when I hit my wife the first time... she didn't want to bring me the 'huamas, so I hit her like Chavez hit Mayweather, she tried to run but I gave her a TKO. Try to make norteños more macho, those fags are miserable mandilones. One day, a neighbor came from work and he didn't find his wife at the house. I invited him a beer while he waited and told him: "at least she probably has dinner ready"... he didn't answer. then I told him, "at least she told you where she was going"... he said: "no she didn't"... me: "well bruh, I think that's suspicious... don't you?"... When his wife came home, they started arguing and he hit her... lol
>mfw none of first world countries' problems
>mfw none of my country's problems
>golpean a mujer por infiel
Males should also be punished, by other men of course, not women.
> and he hit her
based, even though Jow Forums will keep calling us barbarians for hitting women, keep doing so.
Now that i think Los cuckes del norte are obssesed with singing about cuck shit.
>getting cucked by your brother
Not in a city. The prices of homes are artificially kept high for tax reasons. Most of the land in the US is held by the government in some way or another, a lot of it has no use, only held so the price of land and homes goes up and so does revenue. The big thing is regulations. Since the late 80s pretty much every house regulation of utilities only serves the insurance industry, contractors and tax collectors. It adds nothing to safety and only increases the cost of a home. In my area, regulation is pretty light. I can build a very acceptable standard stick built home for under 20k, not including land if I do it myself. The problem people run into is they want to live in a major city, rubbing elbows with 10 million others vying for land. Housing is cheap but not in Seattle. Thats supply and demand made worse by regulation.
I don't have a problem with commie hab blocks or shipping container homes, the problem with those is the people selling or renting them ask full price for something that should cost half as much as a real apartment or home. If rent for a single bedroom apartment is 1000, you should be paying 300-400 for a shipping container apartment. Not 900.
stop being so smug peso
No because of inherent scarcity of land and inflation. The house actually costs nothing, the land costs much more.
what can i say?
my hometown kicked out narcos, police, the army, by shooting at them.
They bought a bunch of illegals guns so around there you got 4k armed people.
officialy, the army dissarmed the autodefensas, lmao they left because they didn't want to face people that just want to be left alone, also there's a lot of retired soldiers there, not good to go agaisnt people that know the terrain, are willing to die etc etc.
You make your own country.
Beaner why are you not picking my coffee, instead you chat on Jow Forums, wtf is this.
Bullshit. If I had the land I could build a house for a fraction of the cost of what houses go for.
>rising population
>limited space
You tell me
you are right... why are los cuckes del norte talking about gettting cucked by your brother.. f*ck.. no wonder I don't listen to them...
sorry master... let just take a shit on your lettuce and your avocados and I'll pick your coffee
El Chapo de Sinaloa is redpilled tho
>ella 19 y yo 26
Based Chapo promoting traditional relationships
Most American homes are trash to start with... Do you really want to buy a large wooden shed?
No they will not. Cheaper houses mean shittier people. In addition most communities derive income from property taxes which is based on assessed value. There is no reason a community should want to import dregs and cripple their tax base. You awlays have to pay the cost for the things you recieve.
You are always free to move to a place that does not have a community. Go out in the middle of nowhere and you can have a house for what it costs to build. Since you don't have a community you don't have to pay for it.
Nice, weird that I like that guy as a singer and as person.... should we make a thread or redpill Mexican songs? like 17 años de Los Angeles Azules,
Small town living is the way to go! You can get a huge 1 story house plus 10 acres of land for a fraction of the cost if it were in the city
Create it, we need to fight back agaisnt this postmodernistic, soft-rock loving liberal that hate typical mexican music just because they're self hating cunts
we need to promote this, instead of bullshit like rammstein, imagine dragons, and all those faggots that sound the same
There are two problems in the UK, as I see it:
1. Too many migrants. They depress wages, increase demand for space and then squeeze out 7 or 8 sprogs further increasing demand for space again, then they make the situation worse by practicing extreme nepotism; effectively ghettoizing whole towns.
2. Boomers. They buy up land for """"investment"""", making the houses unaffordable for first time buyers, or they buy them to let them; all simply because they've forgetten that a house isn't just an investment, it's a place to fucking live.
I'm only £31k a year and have £30k in savings for a deposit and I still can't buy because there two problems are squeezing the market so much.
>mfw your land parcel is 85% desert
>mfw you’re going to have a fucking trailer on it
>mfw your 4’1” tall pigmy wife with no hips and a fat belly is going to produce 5-7 brown turd children that will eventually be cutting my son’s lawn...
Have fun with that septic system and lack of connections. Rural life sure ain't for everyone
Nothing difficult about septic systems if they’re done right...
Piece of cake. Well pumps can be a pain sometimes but that's the price of the freedom that comes with living innawoods.
We have one. The added costs and the limitations it puts on your yard sucks
You're also hoping the company that did it didn't cheap out
>meme flag
enjoy dying out
believe whatever you wish.
Property owners vote. And they vote for all the racism that modern society allows them (zoning, building codes, historic districts, etc) to protect their property. Assuming you don’t have Leftists handing out gold-plated HUD vouchers, nothing keeps brownies at bay like expensive real-estate. High property values are desirable for owners because it keeps them and their money safe from the horde. Additional units, be it taller buildings, more apartments, required smaller lots, less parking/unit, might decrease the price of housing and bring in a flood of the wrong sort of people, who drive prices down further. Look up what happened on the west side of Chicago and the difference between Oak Park and Austin. Oak Park isn’t a bad place to live because they had BLATANTLY illegal policy to keep it that way. Most people can’t avail themselves to that sort of remedy, so they have to drive prices up because politicians can’t get elected (yet) by calling homeownership racist.
the more people the more expensive, it's simple as that.
If by freedom you mean county laws then yes
this is very true, in LA a house that wouldnt even cost 100,000 dollars in any small town in the midwest costs over a million dollars, its insane honestly
>thread about housing turns in to a taco nigger fiesta
Build wall
>We got visas gringo, open up
>yes sir
>we're gonna overstay btw
>that's illegal
>lol ok
Yes but only during the next recession
Left off public transit. Public transit is an invitation for poor people to congregate in your lawn. No bus station, no light rail, and no homeless problem.
I believe this. IMO the best move a user can make is to Gary Indiana. Detroit is useless due to the high taxes. In Detroit you can buy a cheap house, but the taxes will crush you (which is the strategy of the black political power in Detroit) while in Gary, you can buy a cheap house, live in it armed, and the property tax is semi-sane.
You can buy houses in the Mid-west for less than the price of a good used car as long as you don’t mind living of the near east side of Indianapolis and your taste in lawns runs to HESCO barriers.
>america will be south africa in one generation
niggers have been stuck at 12% to 13% of the USA population for a couple of decades.
Smartphones are made of sand, literally
It seems like Trump didn’t want the housing market to go extremely high and raising the rates will make it steady. If we see people switching to paper instead of metals we will have a major problem and you will see the housing market go down after the crash haha
They’ve always been 12-15%
California will be a nicer place to live once the beans finish displacing the AA community, not great, but safer & nicer. Which brings to mind what they think will happen once the wipipo are a minority compared to the folks who cannot be racist?
plenty of unclaimed land in Canada
>High property values are desirable for owners because it keeps them and their money safe from the horde.
until everyone dies and the buildings fall apart because nobody is caretaking the property
"The United States to halt all visas for all shithole countries"
Turn around, paco.
during the next bubble pop.
Housing is the largest, or sometimes only, assert for many homeowners. The boomers will resist falling prices in the general housing market with every bit of kikery left in their shriveled, ementia-addled souls. Housing prices deflating means they are worth less, and for Gen X it also means that mortgages suddenly become more expensive than the house, which means negative value.
This is why young whites who feel the need to be financially responsible will never be able to buy a house or start a family. Meanwhile the apes will continue fucking like apes and shitting out new mouths to be fed at taxpayer expense.
If the nation had any sense, it would reorganize the economy to provide college graduates (actually worthwhile ones, not gender studies majors) with a path to starting a family responsibly. That means reorganizing college budgets to stop the wasteful spending and especially the subsidized education of minorities (college tuition is high for whites because they pay for the blacks and don’t even know it) so that students can afford to graduate without crippling debt. That also means encouraging affordable housing construction—I don’t mean McMansions like OP’s pic but 1960’s style family housing with decent yards for the kids to play in.
seriously how do we fix the housing problem? who do we collectively have to kill?
Why would homeowners let their property all into disrepair? A new roof/replacement windows/foundation repair costs the same per unit of area/volume on a shack as a mansion. The expense of owning a home has little if anything to do with it’s assessed value besides how much tax and/or mortgage you pay. People who buy houses they can’t afford to keep are idiots who should not have been lent money to satisfy government social engineers. What I typed doesn’t map onto landlords 1 for 1 as they don’t necessarily want the people renting to continue renting there.
Did you not read? People smart enough to own homes like expensive property because it keeps away the wrong people without getting you called racist. If we could drive off the undesirable elements of society, people would let home prices fall. Economics, i.e. people making choices with their money, drives home prices to where they are more than favorable tax treatment or available capital.
>implying the white aryan northern machistas are cucks.
Whatever you shitty chilango, keep envying our money and power. Hint: having a government building down there doesn’t change the fact that the North has the best quality of life. Second hint: coming to the north and spawning your demon spawn chilangos doesn’t make you a Norteño.
You can keep your loose brown lib-tard women, we’ll stay with our tall, big-titted, white, aryan godesses.
I just heard blablablabla "My wife beats me, cheats on me, and I still support her" blablablablabla "I drink tecate light and tex-mex shit food" blablablabla "I'm mandilon"
Great comeback, retard.
Enjoy having a middle-school education and beating your fat, ugly wife.
This is pretty deep user.
Never, they need property tax incomes to keep increasing
prepare to be assimilated cuck norteños, true machismo is coming through your faggotty ways...