Her speech was pretty good. So why dont we ban guns? It's clearly the reason why so many bad things are happening so why not just do it, if the young people want it?
It's obviously the best, most rational decision so why are the damn alt righters, as always, being nazis about it? Like damn, USA, you fucked up.
>guns are the reasons bad things are happening Right. In a country where you used to be able to take your gun to school or order an automatic weapon through the mail, guns are the problem.
Noah Carter
>In a country where you used to be able to take your gun to school or order an automatic weapon through the mail, guns are the problem. ... yes? I don't think you understand what you just typed.
William Hill
It's not young people that want it. It's decrepit pussyhatters about to die of old age.
only Trumps speeches are his own, almost all other are written by professionals
Christian Diaz
Yeah it was great. We really ought to repeal the second amendment and ban all guns. It's just the right thing to do. Only racist white cishets want guns anyway, so if we take them away then everyone will be better off. You can't drive a car faster than the speed limit, so why do you need guns? Doesn't make any sense.
Julian Sanders
How exactly do you think the civil war you're trying to start is going to end?
David Smith
Annnnnd... hide thread
Juan Perez
While we're at it let's also ban car and doctors since they kill more people than gun so they must be bad two
Camden Taylor
One of us didn't. Do you really want me to break it down for you?
Connor Morales
We can’t just ban all guns, but I think we definitely need to close some loopholes and prevent insane people from shooting kids.
>300,000,000 X 2,921 = 876.3 billion This does not count disposal or the fact many will resist and shoot cops. Not to mention the cost of incarceration of those that refuse to comply. How much did those FEMA camps cost again. All in all you're looking at Trillions of dollars in direct cost alone. Not counting the loss of business and Tax revenue. Long story short even a half ass attempt would bankrupt the US. But keep dreaming if it helps you sleep at night.
Anthony Diaz
I have a deal for leftists, we will repeal the 2nd Amendment if you repeal the 13th and 19th Amendments.
Aaron Jackson
some twitter post or comment said it was the greatest speech in american history
exactly my point! you can't expect car salesman to prepare a world class meal.
Benjamin Reyes
Hit them with your car. You'll know it's them if they glow at night.
Jonathan Butler
I appreciate how he makes most of his speeches himself, but the fact that he is so shitty at public speaking that mocking his speeches is an art form is very embarrassing.
Julian Rivera
we can ban guns after we ban niggers and jews
Bentley Price
I believe that's intentional, they are pretty appalled that he actually got elected because he has not gone through their boot camp to comply with all their expectations, so they do everything so that he is not reelected, I think they say to him how good his speeches are so he would embarrass himself to as great extent as possible
Jordan Sullivan
>when a lunatic lunatics, the smart move is to take away basic rights from people who haven't done shit You are a fucking retard.