He picked up the superbug after a sexual encounter with a woman in South East Asia.
Stay away from those Thais, boys.
Man in the UK has caught the world's "worst-ever" case of super-gonorrhoea
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could be worse, I have treatment-resistant MRSA dick. if I was living in an urban area I'd be in quarantine right now
He fucked a ladyboy
barebacking prozzies what a fucking mad lad.
post pics of mutant ghoul cock
>Stay away from those Thai boys.
SE Asia as a whole has antibiotic problems. It will just spread to the West.
Varg was right again.
Its not because of the Thai, its because our shitty government is making the NHS give people anti-biotics for everything so that they can give pharmaceutical companies a back hander. Thanks capitalism! Oh and if they don't stop, its very likely Britain is going to be responsible for a global pandemic, because these anti-biotic resistant diseases have spread to China and India and doubtless will go across the world.
Spread it to the UK Muslims
No, the problem is bigger than that.
1. Shitty generic copies in Asia
2. Asians dont complete their antibiotic course
3. The Indians dump the active ingredients in rivers
C'mon, how can you not love trannies like that?
I wonder if trannies are more expensive than regular women in these places.
Good, fuck br*ts
Good ones yeah
>sexual encounter with a woman
I've been to the Happy Night Bar in Patong Beach.
I have no regrets.
Why not just take them to get a quick std check? paying for the woman is cheaper (300-500 dollars US for a whole day iirc) and you can just offer to get them the test done on your dime... it's fucking win/win.
best part is, if they are free of disease then you can bareback them worry free for as long as you want to keep them.
Ooh these that women are pretty!
pretty gay