Hello friends, I thought I'd share an interesting discovery I just made with you, if you'd like...

Hello friends, I thought I'd share an interesting discovery I just made with you, if you'd like. Here we have the definition for an assault rifle from Merriam Webster:

>Definition of assault rifle

>:any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as theAK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire;also:a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire

>Updated on: 17 Mar 2018
merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assault rifle

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Given the very recent update to this definition, I became curious as to who owns and runs Merriam Webster. Their parent company is Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

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Encyclopædia Britannica is in turned owned by someone named Jacqui Safra

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Who, to my complete shock and surprise, happens to descend from a... Jewish banking family

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Every....time... still don't buy the JQ though

Didn't all if these dictionary sites already give themselves away when their words of the year were pozzed?

ITT post more examples of kikery like this

Simply a coincidence. 2 completely unrelated gun types should have the exact same name, r-right???

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imagine my shock

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At this point I don't even need confirmation. If somebody says it's the jews it is the jews.

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Yeah but this reminds you (((who))) is behind it all

Dictionaries are descriptive not prescriptive.
Assault rifle as a category of gun does not exist.
There are rifles and there are pistols.
Some are revolvers, auto, semi-auto, black powder, flintlock. None are assault.
You cannot make one or buy one. You can make a rifle chambered for .223 and you can mod to make it auto, but you have not made an assault rifle. Even if you use it in a crime it still is not an assault rifle, it is evidence.

Meant for

“Also a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle”
using the word to define the word negates the definition.

Assault rifle is a real term, assault weapon is not.
t. Sturmgewehr 44

You can buy an assault rifle, so long as it was made prior to 1986

“The StG 44 (abbreviation of Sturmgewehr 44, "assault rifle 44") is a German selective-fire rifle”
That would be the make and model name, not type of rifle.
The type of rifle it is is a select fire rifle.
You are talking about genericization here, like kleenex or q-tip

Reminder that there is a difference between an assault weapon, which is a made up term with nothing but political influence, and an assault rifle, which is a rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge with full auto capabilities.

The name is literally "assault rifle 44", named as such because it was created as a new class of rifle different from any previously created. It was originally named the Machinenpistole 44, but changed to reflect its purpose, as an assaulting rifle, which is to say, a rifle with the purpose of being more controllable by using a lighter-powered cartridge and having the ability to clear out rooms by the use of its full auto capabilities.

Go to a gun store and ask “I’m looking for an assault rifle. What do you have in stock?”
Tell me the response you get.

when the StG44 was created, it was created specifically to fill a different role than a typical rifle or automatic weapon would. This is why the name was changed.

That would be the make and model in this case.

fuck off retard

You know that gunstores are allowed to carry full auto rifles, right? If it's a store that does in fact have them in stock, they'll show me what they have. If they have none, they'll say they have none.
They may ask if I have a brand in mind, but they'll know exactly what I mean, because the term exists.

The name was changed from MP44 to StG44 because it was for a different purpose than any other rifle at the time.

It was originally classed in the same class as the MP40, which was an submachine gun chambered in a pistol cartridge. They renamed it into its own class, the Sturmgewehr, or "assault rifle", because it didn't truly fit with pistol caliber weapons and because it had a different use than the MP40.

False. They will laugh at you. Go to a car dealership and ask for a pace car or a pizza delivery vehicle, or a grocery getter.
Assault rifle is not a thing you can buy. You can SAY you bought one, but what you would have really bought would be a Ford Focus or an Stg 44

No one who collects guns says they own an assault rifle. If they do, then they are ill-informed.

Wrong. You can buy a "soccer van" at a car dealership.
Just as you can buy an assault rifle at a gunstore. It serves you better to know WHAT assault rifle, as they may have several and many are different from each other in a variety of ways, but it is a term that exists, as is evidenced by the creation of the StG44

Considering an assault rifle is specifically a rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge with full auto capabilities, no, they aren't ill-informed, they more informed.

False. They own whatever make and model it happens to be.

An example:
The FN FAL is NOT an assault rifle, even though it can fire full auto in its military format, because it is chambered in 7.61x51, a full sized cartridge.
The M16A4 is an assault rifle because it is full auto and chambered in an intermediate cartridge, the 5.56x45 round.

An assault rifle is a class of rifle, just as you have a compact, which is a class of sedan.


I made a discovery too

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Found the kike
Fuck off you'll never get my ak
Sadly I lost it in a storm while sailing across lake Michigan (don't underestimate great lakes weather bros)

>a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire


>implying I want it

Thought the same thing. It's
>MUH FEELINGS: the definition