When did you really start hating Nigs, Chinks, all that jazz? Growing up, for whatever reason, I was always rather "left". Not because of politics, I just felt empathy for my fellow man. I put myself in their shoes, and figured "I wouldn't want to be treated this way on account of my color/ethnicity/whatever". I look back, and I remember myself seeing some black guy on the street and thinking "woo boy, our country is getting multicultural; cool". I don't know the reason why; maybe because movies, tv shows, comic books, all had drilled the idea in my head that the more "different" someone is, the better. I didn't want to be "racist"; "evil", I guess. So that's what I did.
But these last few years,I've felt my hatred for them actually grow. I don't know what caused, I don't why, but right now, I hate them. Truly, I do. I go to bed, and I dream of eliminating them. My dreams are full of their massacres. I don't want them to exist. Them sharing the same breath as me makes me ill. I'm trying to think why the sudden shift, and I think it's because I realized that in a few centuries, "we" will all look like them. The mullatos f the future, living in Athens or Rome, will learn of the tales of Hercules or the myth of Thor, and imagine them as Nigs. My great-great-great-grandchildren, yours too, will look more like Obama than you. The thought of it sickens me. It drives me mad. But it keeps me going, in a way. I refuse to sit down and let this happen. I'm going to nanotech/biotech during my PhD specifically to find a way to end them. Maybe sterilize them with mandatory shots of "vaccines". We'll see. The grind is still going strong...
>now they are just pests waiting for the day I have a mental breakdown. I think I've already had mine. I used to want to be a scientist. Now I just want to set up some company like Jewbook, get into Augs and Nanotech, and release some sort of sterilizing agent through products. I can't kill them, but at least I can make them stop reproducing. It's all that keeps me going at this point.
Jose Fisher
For me, I still have empathy for all humans except..gangs, rap culture, the "look at me" types who offer NOTHING to society. I dont know how it is in your country but I hear its going down the drain fast. EVERYONE knows what the problems are on OUR streets. Problem is, our leaders in office have no concept of what its like to live life the way we do. They don't walk among us, how could they know?
Carson Cooper
>For me, I still have empathy for all humans I don't, not anymore. I feel bad for the Niglet in Africa, dying from AIDS, but then I wonder if by saving that Niglet, I start a chain of events which results in decades later, my bloodline being destroyed by some coalburning descendandt. And in that moment, I stop feeling anything for the Niglet, while I hate the Adult Nigger. In my country there are no blacks; I've seen maybe 3 my entire life, but still, I hate them. Truly, I do. I want them gone. I cannot fathom how people don't care about this. Their traditions, their language, their art, being destroyed and turned over to the hands of those savages.
Ayden Smith
I don't hate them that much, I just want them to live elsewhere.But yes I use to think about that equality bullshit too.
bout 4 years ago. i was made privy to the greater questions surrounding politics, and at the center of it were 2 things: jews and mutts. jews want to turn everyone into mutts because mutts are both subservient, easily manipulated en masse, are decent work horses, extremely easy to saddle with debt, and have no national/traditional spirit to tie them together. they are the true niggers of the world, and one the world is mostly mutt, the jews win.
this isnt even to say that i hate Africans or the Chinese, i do, but for different reasons. Africans take tribalism to such an extreme that it fucks with their mentality, the whole crips and bloods dynamic completely ruins them, as their communities are far too small to be functional. the Chinese on the other hand are just jews who turned themselves into the mutts by accident. through thousands of years of regimented and heavily enforced slavery, the chinese became the single most efficient manufacturing nation on the planet, but at the cost of their ability to think creatively and abstractly. this extends to all Asian subraces too, but the Chinese are clearly the most heavily affected. arabs, and by extension, muslims are a whole other issue, their culture is endlesly fascinating to me, but what their need to invade and subjugate all others disgusts me. if jews didnt exist, muslims would be top of my list to kill.
Alexander Ward
Ian James
That's just pure racism , but your free to think any which way you like, who am I to judge. Look, there are good people (all races) and bad people (all races) it just a majority seem to stem from a few races which in turn we get what we have. I think the major problem is culture, not race...buts that is just my opinion
Andrew Smith
>be kid >on holiday in Italy with my parents >be outside a major landmark >nigger comes when my father wasn't paying attention and puts a bracelet on my hand >asks them for 5 euros >Father punches him,he's a big fucker so the other niggers back down >Cops come,they apologize and say that they will take care of the darkies
Based Carabinieri
Ethan Butler
I never truly hated Chinamen. I just can't find enough reasons to hate them, at least not the ones in the west. Nigs are way worse, definitely.
Jordan Richardson
Didn't care about groids at all until I had first hand interaction with them in secondary school. First bad impression of them happened then, but I only really started to hate them when black Twitter became an actual phenomenon and I had to be exposed to unfiltered 60 IQ nigger opinions rooted in absolutely nothing real or corroborated by any evidence or reasonable analysis. The "WE WUZ KANGS" shit is disgusting, their propensity to steal not just people's belongings and accomplishments but entire cultures and histories, their overwhelming victimhood combined with that pigeon brained black arrogance, fuck, it's just too much for one person to deal with and not become a harsh critic of stupid American nigger culture and stupid nigger beliefs. They should not be members of civilised society, Africa exists for them, they should all fuck off there and have their baboon utopia full of flying pyramids and futuristic technology that whitey could only hope to dream of where the African god managed to make it a reality. The biggest problem with the African negro is that you cannot reason with the cunting bastard because it all gets handwaved as white supremacist conspiracy theories and gaslighting, even when it's historical fact or scientific reality. You just can't convince an ignoramus that they are fucking wrong and stupid.
Robert Nguyen
that is satan's lot the path of darkness
it is a cancer to your mind let the Lord God hate and destroy and recompense for you
Nathan Anderson
>When did you really start hating Nigs, Chinks, all that jazz? I started hating niggers the day I started living among them. The jew it technically telling the truth when they say "you aren't born racist; you learn it." You learn it by living around niggers.
Chinks are soulless robots but some of their women are qts so I don't care as much as long as they remain a minority here.
Cameron Wilson
>When did you really start hating Nigs When I had 3 bullets removed from my chest.
Jack Price
it's this basically but the current migration doesn't help. it's hard to take in so many people without structure. the problem was the mideast conflict in the last ~30 years. Usa and Israel fault basically, yet they never helped when the consequences started to kick off
Jaxon Nguyen
Your civic nationalism will bite you in the butt later on. You're digging your own grave. T. From civic nat country
Samuel Smith
>hating nigs >uses EU flag
This is a shill trying to make us look worse than we are.
It happens naturally once you start to interact with them. Most devoted right wingers here used to be left wing when they were young.
Joseph Howard
It sounds like, for many countries, they they had no choice to take them in. It's like the USA is in Europe now.
Logan Long
You're probably right. I havn't givin up hope on the human race just yet. But i have givin up hope on many other things in MY life
Luke Moore
>But these last few years
don't know the reason why; maybe because movies, tv shows, comic books, all had drilled the idea in my head that the more "different" someone is
You are SAME today. Your being reversed. You must be weak then, easily manipulated..
Luke James
Oh I am racist now, I'm not saying otherwise. I don't care about "good" or "bad" people. The very idea of me working to build something, only for some mutt to lay claim to it disgusts me. My great-grandaughter getting BLACKED is my nightmare.
Zachary Miller
not really. their home are fucked. and the centralized power decides the open immigration borders. every country in the eu had no power of decision. different things, we are in the 21st century
Blake Bennett
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU
Leo Stewart
Everyone is racist... if anyone says they are not, they are clearly lying.
Jacob Perez
Goddamn Orson Welles, I didn't know you were still alive!
Jaxson Ortiz
I'm in agreement with you. No doubt
Samuel Cooper
hahaha, I'll take it as a compliment user. I'll leave for now. Just know..there are MILLIONS of people out there who think exactly like you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Eli Jenkins
I hope so. Things can't keep going like this. Not anymore. Somebody has to step up.
Robert Howard
I grew up in the south around black folks and Hispanics. I used to be kinda sorta racist. Moved to the mountains, where white people live Went to college and got a degree in history.
Figured out that i actually like black folks and Hispanics. I just hate poor people.
Christian Diaz
>Figured out that i actually like black folks and Hispanics.
When i realized that 1) the left uses any group they can as pawns, and their useful idiots will ALWAYS love it and 2) nonwhites will ALWAYS hate me because I'm white, no matter what. We're visual creatures, we don't have fucking xray vision. That being said, I will always treat individuals how they behave: indignance for indignance, eye for an eye, gold for gold. But groups will put group identity above everything else 99.99999999% of the time.
“I just felt empathy for my fellow man so I was a leftard.”
As soon as you stop letting feelings dictate your thinking, you begin seeing the truth.
Josiah Taylor
I have nothing against chinks and mestizos. They are at least civilized and have some sort of an honor code. But I saw a group of coon girls walking in front of my supermarket, which as recently as ten years ago was all-white, and one of them was wearing a Kaepernick jersey. I just wanted to run them over with my car.
Why do I have to suffer this all for a handful of rich plantation owners to make a ton of dough two centuries ago?
>which as recently as ten years ago was all-white Fucking a dude my hometown of 20k in BFE Ohio is getting ENRICHED noticeably. I can't be the only one here who notices it.
Andrew Lewis
In the military. Lived with blacks on board ship. Here's the list. Thieves Rapists Liars Lazy Stinky Violent
Years ago when I got mugged by 3 tracksuitscum. I was an apolitical liberal of sorts back then. Hating Russians led to me starting looking onto other groups and ethnicities as well, and from there on went early race realism.
Do you consider the Negroid/Congoid race to be humans? They evolved in radically different environs than any other offshoot of homo sapiens.
Caleb Anderson
It's the same here. Until very recently the city was obviously majority white, now they (blacks and arabs) are everywhere in huge numbers so that even though the stats still claim this place has a white majority, it's difficult to believe.
I didn't care about race until living around blacks. That woke me up to the lie about how "only dumb bigots care about something as trivial as skin color". They act like savages and if you try to correct them (as you do in a proper orderly society like Germany) they get very aggressive and/or ignore you.
Elijah Diaz
I hate leftist, regardless of color. They all chimp out and fuck up their town, city, and state. Blacks/hispanics destroy their cities and whites destroy their states and culture. Leftists are like that tennant who smears shit all over the walls after being evicted. Absolute trash.
That's all it takes to learn to hate everyone who isn't 100000% Americanized and breathing Western values and culture.
Nogs are rude and mouthy, Kangs don't even attempt to be compatible with our culture, Asians make an attempt but act like they don't hear you, Indians think they are anointed chosen special brown cinnamon rolls, Mexicans are obnoxious and breed like roaches while stealing and speaking whiny sounding Spanglish, Arabs treat your establishment like dirt and state at you like a freak, and the gays flaunt it to the point of intentional provocation knowing you can't do anything.... There is no good minority.
It only got worse in the Obama years where they all also gained an insane sense of entitlement.
Hi. Someone told me to fuck off to Jow Forums because I posted this When you look at Japan you realize that the cult of immigration is linked to the cult of growth. And that both are answers to the panic of debt default.
So if you want to end brown immigration, you have to solve Japan's dilemma.
About the age of 13 I think. I grew up in a rural area and went to a school with no immigrants or such whatever, but when I became age 13(?) I now went to a school for higher aged children, and there it was tons of Muslim immigrants and nearly all of them were loud, obnoxious and hated Swedes. I don't know how many times I was called "FUCKING SWEDE" back then. And this was not even a big city or anything like that, just a school in a town. Of course not all of them was bad, but most of them were-
So a combination of actually getting out in the real world, that I started to get to a mature age in which I could understand things better and first hand experience made me a so called "racist"
>I'm going to nanotech/biotech during my PhD specifically to find a way to end them. Maybe sterilize them with mandatory shots of "vaccines". We'll see Got to love that good old Jow Forums optimism. Good luck user.
You disliked them when around them but the longer you stayed away the more accepting you became. Do you seriously not see that they're actually bad but your weakened exposure dulled your opinion?
Samuel Turner
So you have 0 problem with daughter getting BLACKED? Your legacy being in the hands of mutts?
Well, I'm already studying Physics. Then I'm going to look into Nanotech, because, no joke, the one Jew family we know, told us that robotics and Augs are the future. Using that, I'll try to set up some company, and from then on, I'll do whatever, by God whatever, it takes to push my plan forward.
Michael Rodriguez
Same here.
Ethan Harris
Unironically this. Help your tribe first. Except if you're the guy with the zogbots or melanin based turbo aids than please go for it and deliver judgement.
gamergate also killed Jow Forums, at least its free speech but doing so it made us spread out moot's betrayal was essential to pol's influence in large scale politics IMO he clamped down with censorship then sold the site, turning this board to shit which propulsed its best users all over the web
And this world is getting worse and worse. Sweden is at the very least.
Factorizing my redpilling, it would look like: (compulsory education + high school)(Jow Forums)(the subway)(simply life).
David Gray
>mistaking left for compassion for other people
Jace Powell
>Growing up, for whatever reason, I always wanted to just feel better about myself while not doing anything, and then from that moral highground judge others.
Such people will break at one point like an inner city school teacher.
I was always this way. I was racist as a child my parents told me because i'm simply born this way. i'm born this way. i'm born this way. And today society has no purpose for my type of evolutionary strain anymore, so my last purpose is to destroy said society and go back to the natural state of things.
Samuel Lee
You are right to some degree, yes.
Liam Morgan
Yes yes, let in jew on a stick,be a cuck and forgive everyone who wrongs you,kills and rapes you daughter or family like a good Christcuck.
Fuck you and your jewish sandnigger religion.
Brandon Collins
Lived next door to a black family for a year. Absolutely animals. Anyone who spends some time with niggers will learn that they are not human.
Charles Williams
I was an innocent young adult and I fell victim to predatory white subhumans and nonwhites, and nobody could offer me a satisfactory answer, even until this day, as to why these types of people are permitted to roam free in my living space that I share with other productive individuals
Levi Lee
Think it stated for me when a Muslim woman held me back while her son punched me in the mouth, the the paki next door to me called the police on my mum with making to much noise (she had ms). Then all the niggers started moving in then the Gypsy's from Europe. I went from liberal to far right nationalist in ten years.
I never started hating others for things they can't change. But that doesn't mean I want to live anywhere near them. The case is the same for any other group, including Irishmen, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Russians, Greeks, et cetera.
Evan Allen
I don't hate them, I just realized that any multicultural society built upon an existing culture and people will eventually crush them, I would have no problem with multicultural societies in Antarctica because there's no local culture there, but if you build a multicultural society in Sweden, local Swedes will become a minority in their own country, and I dislike the idea. I realized that white/european genocide is real and it will be done through a slow demographic replacement. And I realized that this is pushed by many sides, from the Right you have people who want cheap workers, on the Left you have ideologues who want to achieve the post-national and post-racial state and mass immigration is a tool to achieve that, Globalists can be both from the Right and the Left, and all of them want that post-racial and post-national state too. You see, a person of mixed race, with parents from China and Turkey, following the muslim faith, born in France, maybe he will not care that much about France because he has barely any real ties to it, and will be eager to adopt supranational organizations, that's why they want multiculturalism.
When I became aware of the anti-white, anti-freedom agenda in all forms of media.
Mason Lewis
When blacks rioted again after 8 years of obama, in cities that have been democrat for decades, after decades of affirmative action, after decades of civil rights movement. I realized there is nothing we can do to appease them and make them feel part of white society...
then I learned that they vote for bigger government and more taxation...
then I learned that they use a lot more social programs than what they pay into it.
Then I learned they commit more crime
Then I learned many of them resent white people
Now i realize why multiculturalism doesn't work
Joshua Reed
Bitch (you) don’t even look like your ancestors did. The past you have in your head isn’t one informed by actual history or anthropology, just high fantasy written by insecure NEETs.
Your daughter will get BLACKED by choice, purely out of rebellion against you and the racist trash you shove down her throat.
Even if you killed all other ethnicities TODAY you’d still get cucked by some bear-looking Nordic bastard.
If anyone here sincerely believes the Jews are the boogie men (instead of just a well connected ethnic group with a history of persecution) or other races are inhuman swarms (instead of literally just other people with different access to resources) or women just don’t like you because they’re stupid sheep (instead of YOU being a boring incel that never developed any respectable qualities), then you are just pathetic morons who are afraid of change.
Schlomo, shut the fuck up. Shill meter is off the charts
Kayden Sullivan
the ammount of people who thinks in polarized way, amazes me. left ano right lol
Blake Edwards
It happened when I moved to Maryland and was dropped into a sea of niggers. I thing makes you hate them more than the exposure to them. They are alien. They belong in the jungle and the desert.
Nathan Fisher
You shouldn't give up home in humans.
Just in monkeys.
Elijah Hughes
statue id pls
Xavier Thomas
Sebastian Campbell
Yeah, it all comes down to the power of money. Well said.
>hate I don't think I hate these people. I hate what they do, I hate what they say, I hate what their beliefs, philosophies, and actions are and the consequences thereafter, but I don't think I hate the person. If we are to believe that humans are a sapient, sentient species of varying intelligence, then I can only attribute blame on behaviors and education.
Xavier Young
>muh culture >muh Abrahamic sandnigger religion >I'm willing to flush civilization down the drain because maybe it'll all magically work out > muh education >Make it stop Ben Carson. Please make it stop >MUH BASED NIGGER
>I'm going to nanotech/biotech during my PhD specifically to find a way to end them. Maybe sterilize them with mandatory shots of "vaccines". NIGGER GENOPHAGE WHEN?
Nice memeing their chief. Is it that natural reflex to default to comfortable humor instead of actually engaging the subject matter that got you where you are now? Good luck with your physics degree. Honestly you sound like a young, angry kid that just needs some identity to latch onto. I hope you meet a nice black girl at university that completely upends your worldview and fucks your brains out.
I am exactly 0.5% dumber for having watched that.
Sorry mate, no idea. Found it randomly.
Ryder Torres
>It's not about color/race. It's about behavior. Race is the root, behavior is the flower, colgate.