>joke about hitler on Jow Forums
>am a tolerant conservative free-markets guy in real life
Anyone else the same?
>joke about hitler on Jow Forums
>am a tolerant conservative free-markets guy in real life
Anyone else the same?
Other urls found in this thread:
Right here
I'm actually a monarchist. My jokes about Hitler are purely satire
God damn Jow Forums has become a joke ever since Trump. Fuck off you disgusting Amerimutts.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
you mean you are a pussy terrified of letting people know the real you (ie a mentally ill loser)
>joke about hitler on Jow Forums
>am a tolerant conservative free-markets guy in real life
>wait 6-7 months
>become unironic fascist
OR maybe...just maybe...not everyone on this site agrees with your world view
I'm over 6ft and have blond hair with blue eyes.
I'm not mentally ill. I'm incredibly successful and have lots of friends.
Blue eyes aren't white.
Fucking reddit
I don’t joke
Hitler failed
...I do everything backwards. I took everything here as truth and joke about nonsense in real life.
Writing by common core.
Guess who else has blond hair, blue eyes? BTFO
>kike puppet
no thanks
I was like this too.
In a year you'll become an unironic fascist.
Ethno-provincial imperialist myself.
We need patriarchs to our societies, to unite the masses of distant cousins for the greater good of the Family of Man
He is a kike. Alongside every president after kennedy.
Literally licks Israel's boots every chance he gets
>muh 4-D chess
Haha y-yeah user it’s just a joke
>only care about free markets
>"I'm a (((conservative))))!"
Fuck you, you conserve nothing but Israel's cash flow and a couple tenths of a percent on your bank account's interest rate. And all you had to do was throw morality and your people out the window.
Indict him, I don't care. Pence won't be any different.
>Jow Forums is just satire
The only way to have a nice tolerant conservative free market society is to get rid of all the Jews. Search your feelings, you know this to be true.
So when did you take the blackpill?
Pretty much. Wont tolerate intolerance of intolerance, though.
>jew who takes self lpathing out on an anonymous image board
Shoo schlomo, shoo!
Fool, leave while you can. That's how it starts for all of us. Then one day you wake up and realise that you actually agree with this place. But by then, it's too late, you're here forever.