lol same text two different posts with different IPs. golly gee talk about outing yourself
>tfw you're shilling and your VPN malfunctions revealing flag
lol same text two different posts with different IPs. golly gee talk about outing yourself
>tfw you're shilling and your VPN malfunctions revealing flag
you know it was you and not me
you seem to have a limited number of tricks
this is your job
Nice try JIDF.
Ignore ALL meme flags.
They are trying to slide this thread.
No shit. It would have been less conspicuous if the ex-spy were impaled by a Russian flag with "We did it! -Ivan" written across it.
Wouldn't believe OP if it wasn't for the SUBTLE sliding in this thread with posters who sound like they came from Facebook.
Kidding of course, it's pretty obvious OP's claim was the intention. Bump.
>that $700 billion in military spending from the omnibus is only until September? that's a lot of fucking money for just a few months...
that's a good point. the cambridge analytica fake news is also strange timing, they're jumping the shark left and right