Closeted Fag David Hogg can't get into good colleges

So this little shit thought he was going to parlay his speeches and CNN appearances into acceptance into the best schools in America.

>UC Irivine - REJECTED
>UC Berkeley - REJECTED

He won't even apply to UMiami or UF. He despises his home state and thinks the world owes him.

When does he get his ass absolutely kicked? I'm serious. How much longer to people put up with a 130 pound, AstroTurf, faggot ordering them around?

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I am going to end his life soon so all this talk is irrelevant

I can't wait till he's caught with a M2F trans or a couple grams of coke on him.

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Think he's got a shot?

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I wonder if it's his grades or if these were political decisions.

All 4 of those colleges you just listed have insanely high bars of acceptance, especially if you're a white male (which Hogg is).
When I was in high school, you had to have 4.0 cumulative GPA, high SAT/ACT scores, and numerous extra curriculars just to have a shot at getting into those schools.

OR if you have connections and a lot of money.

He got rejected by UCF. In state. Nog central. This kid must be a literal brainlet

>rejected from USC

I didn't know that was even remotely possible. On a side note, didn't he essentially drop out of high school? Why would he assume that any college could accept him?

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He'd be far better off going there than an overpriced uni.

He's anti-gun. Why would you expect someone who can't understand basic statistics or logic to be accepted at an Ivy League school?

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Based UCLA, may give them a donation after these words. Thought they were cucked beyond recognition.

Grades most likely. Berkeley welcomes all type of Liberalism.

Anyone think him being 32 might have something to do with it?

He's White.
Those schools have a quota system.
That, and he's a troublemaker.

grades probably but also boring, white, heterosexual male.

Anyone know what is grades and SAT scores are?

poor kid forgot he's white and therefore privileged. he's not goin anywhere.
meanwhile clock kid has a full ride to MIT for doing absolutely nothing.

Those 4 schools are prohibited by law from offering affirmative action.

He’s applying to schools that legally cannot discriminate against white males and he still can’t get in, that’s how bad his grades and test scores are.

im surprised that the cali schools rejected him desu

Average. His SAT is just enough to be smart for a high school student. Unfortunately he seems like the type to get 100% on the homework and 70% on the test when he cant just copy the answers from the back of the book. Hes going to go to a state school, do the homework, and brain dump everything from every class on his winter/summer breaks

Hes also applying to a state school from out of state. He might pass the minimum bar but there are like 20,000 asians per school that did better than him.

Dude got a 1270 on the sat. I got less than that and I'm in USC full ride lol what?