Australia, it's over

Thanks for trying guys, it's over.

Sad fucking day.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull retracts Peter Dutton’s offer to help white South African farmers.

Why the FUCK should we help africans over the people who were born and raised here? and I don't even mean all of those, I mean the ones with FOUR AUSTRALIAN GRANDPARENTS implying any others fucking exist!!

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Only pussies would leave anyway. Men stay and fight.

Jesus, that is no good dude. Honestly, you are running out of options. The west doesn't care and the only press it got here was a 5-minute segment on Tucker Carlson. If there are 4.6 million of you, realistically, you won't be relocating this populace anytime soon. I know there are a lot of carpers on here, but maybe it's high time to organize and figure out a solution. Picking up arms in an attempt at self-preservation seems like your only alternative. Idk, what the political climate is like? Do you guys have a chance to fight back, politically?

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Dunno, you get 100 000 more muslims now, enjoy.

Like we'd even fucking notice amongst the four million illegal asians

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Yeah, good thing you're denying all THESE niggers then, fucking retard.

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Fuck you first world yuppies living on wealth mined in Africa. When those in africa need help you say fuck them they deserve it. You sir are no better than the cheating cunts your country used to be so proud of. FUCK YOU.

It's over, it's fucking over.

If you speak Afrikaans Orania(assuming you do) might be a good place to live, nigger population is minimal, its a small town though. My dad has friends and there and they say the crime rate is real low and blacks are always trying to come in but they get turned away

nah, I'm walking into the ghetto tonight to get killed, we lost, cheers mate.

What a pussy. Just shut the fuck up. Go on with your life and fight when the time comes.

>post pictures of other people doing bad things to justify his own doing bad things.

immigration is for gyppos. improve your home.

What part of ZA do you guys live in? I'm an ex-Za citizen so just wanna know where you guys are based.

No escape. So the only option is to fight boer bro.

Last hope of more white flight dead. Will you fight or die like the French hatians and those in Zimbabwe? I hope you fight, but if you don't, you've doomed us all. The fate of whites worldwide is the fate of the boer and saffer.

Very gutted about this, fuck me we are lost.

Go fourth and multiply, and prepare.

They will lose either way, and traitors from the west will once again turn their back on them, treat them as terrorist and send aid to niggers.

Prepare for a shitload of "Not even Australia wants you dogs" from the EFF and Malema.

In a perfect world, they strike back, kill a bunch of kaffirs, strike up peace talks and get left the fuck alone. The key is to hit them and strike fear throughout their population, not to wipe them out.

Apparently the letter was from Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop not from Turnbull but it clearly did contain the reassurances that Sisulu wanted.

Sorry, guys.

This would never have been allowed to happen. It would have been monumental for it would basically have been an admission that post-aparteid South Africa failed. And they'd sooner you all quietly die before they'd ever let THAT happen.

Just another redpill for potential whites.

Look man, I'm not trying to sound like a LARPing faggot here, but you have my utmost support. Fight for your people and your freedom, and crush them. Good luck and Godspeed.

Ditto! It would be nice to actually have some decent sources to donate to. I could toss a few bucks at them for food, clothes, etc.

You saffers are the key to starting a world wide white revolution. If you fight back it will be the shot heard around the world.

Imagine if they did this to Muslims. There would be a fucking outrage but leaving whites to die is okay? Society is decayed

Good, Saffers need to know there's no hope but to fight.

Isn't this disastrous for Dutton, politically?

If theyre massacred it will be the white people shoah
If they fight back theyre just evil whitey.
It's a lose lose situation for them m8.

Thank fuck De klerk got rid of the nukes before the nigger commie party got to power.


It's not over till the fat lady sings.

No it puts him in position to be Prime minister actually. Turnbull is of the leftist faction in our right wing party. Dutton is on the right faction of our right wing party.

Sad day indeed.

Can the whites of SA form militias? Pocket together to battle nigs attacking farmers or are the whites of SA cucked like the rest of western nations?

Makes me sick how our government is treating the whites of SA.

I would make my way to SA to help you dudes out, this pisses me off too much. Either they stop and punish the people responsible for all the crimes that happened or a civil war erupts. My brother lives in SA, and to think that he may get caught up in this racial civil war and possibly killed over a piece of land makes my blood boil.

Wait a fucking second, why is only the (((Daily Maverick))) covering it, there's no other news source?

Don’t worry, we’ll get you guys to the Midwest and Northwest America

What is the gun buying process like in South Africa? Can’t some of you guys just pool money together to buy tons of weapons and ammo?

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Everyone knows post-apartheid south africa is a failure. The only prerequisite to knowing that is taking the time to read about the country (which admittedly most people don't do). The more important secret that's being gate-kept is that we knew this would happen and that we proceeded anyways because the most important thing was preventing south africa from becoming unbound by the constraints of the globalists. A nuclear power, with white iq, trillions in resources, and redpilled on the globalist agenda would have easily gone on to rule all of subsaharan africa and would become more powerful than america.

Fucking this.

Because it's fake news. Australian news outlets haven't said shit.
It was posted at 3am in the fucking morning here.

Just wait you disgusting boer pigs genocide awaits you

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Don't ever fucking thank de Klerk even ironically, that son of a whore's cunt sold us out for a nobel prize and sits in his mansion with private security telling everyone how great things are and how great he is. I fucking loathe that cunt

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You're country is such a soy filled pussy truly the Jews are my hero's for making this happen pic related of what you will be seeing

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Look at all the fucking lefties in the twitter comments, you going to let this stand Jow Forums?

Adele's writing us a song?

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Man fuck this gay earth, we don’t help our own flesh and blood anymore because someone might be offended. I just want to move into the Rocky Mountains and never come back to Jow Forums or any news outlet ever again. Sick of hearing all this bad news.


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Nigerian is that you?

Nope, genocide awaits you spook. They're gonna gun you down like the little shit stains you are.

what is the point of denying refugee status for white SA's besides blatant anti white-ness

except your leaders aren't helping you guys either. half your land is being bought up by the chinese

Maybe the news will release at 6am there or something. Oh well fuck us, thanks to Dutton for trying, at least.

Good you deserve it you dumb whitiods are kek when I see millons of boer baby getting gutted alive as they cry for they're familys

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You men our people might be in danger? Holy fuck this is news to me, thanks swedebro

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I've tried to explain this to them but even Jow Forumstard South Africans don't understand it. THIS IS A GUERRILLA WAR. THIS IS NOT A PEACETIME A POLITICAL SITUATION. The first move in a civil war is to consolidate power over your demographic, and that would involve killing white leftists and genocide apologists. A few sniper attacks or stabbing a would do. Then a second round to kill anyone who publicly opposed them. Make it clear that vocally opposing white militias will get you killed. Remember, this is not a normal political situation. This is a guerilla war in which favtionalization is certain defeat.

Then, demand either compliance with white militia defense or flight from the country. Then, begin to collect protection fees from urban faggy white leftists local farms and fund militia patrols of farmlands to kill groups of marauding communist niggers. Get some good practice in and prepare for a guerilla war against UN blue helmets and government forces.

They won't fucking listen

Sorry we couldn't save you. I'm ashamed with our PM, you have to save yourselves now lad's it's fight or die at this point.

Also, I can't imagine SA has very tight security or a strong military is there a possibility of a coup/ assassination via mercs?

I would love to see you in the middle of a square saying this shit. I'd remain only to see you lashed on a cross and left to die as an example, you fucking degenerate

Wasnt obama just there. Wonder if this is his doing.

Stfu you cuck you can't even stop Mohammed fucking your women and you think you can help boers lmao

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Why don't you memeflag larping chinks give it a rest. You people are disgusting enough in your own right, you don't have to larp as niggers.

Whites and white nations are cucked. News at 11.

>They won't fucking listen
maybe because you're not a general and you're not talking to an army.


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I meant to say that I sense a disaster even worse than what your seeing now.


Fucking furious if true.

I haven't seen it reported anywhere else yet. Anyone confirm?

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Don't be sorry, I had no plans on leaving anyway. I knew you wouldn't ever take us in. And no, that'd be stupid, we'll never regain control of this country, that's completely off the books, there might be a hope of independence, but we aren't anywhere near that right now.

I think it’s fake, really hoping it is

No my name is different
Lol says the disgusting mutt soy cuck who can barely function in his own society at least fix that before fighting a war lol since the boers have no escape I will be in charge of killing all the women and children

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what is this mickey mouse bullshit?

Don't stop posting bro, saves us having to go through the motions, it's good, keeps people focused on what's at stake. Thanks chink

Just shut up and get genocided already.

>I had no plans on leaving anyway
Then you’re a selfish fool putting your family in danger

>longing for an unearned death at the hands of your enemies

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Sorry man I can't stand on a digital square are you insane?

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So you're saying white men should run away from the land their ancestors bled for and flee their problems?

He couldve left them with nukes.
Where would we be then?

I don't think it is, its on Daily Maverick, and MSN Africa, fuck we were betrayed at the gates.

this faggot is a nice larper i'll give him that. do you know any other insult aside from "soy" and "cuck"?

Reminder to sign the petition if you haven’t already and also share it to FB

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That had nothing to do with him, no one in the international community would've allowed them to keep their nukes, wasn't going to happen, de Klerk had nothing to do with that.

You wouldn't kill shit. You probably never even been in a fist fight. Quit larping

Nah mate, it's pretty clear from what happened here (((they))) do not want this, won't happen.

Could you spread this news and get an organized effort of mass starvation going. I've seen some of the Suidlander prepping it's very meticulous, if you take zimbawbe as an example you can completely smash the current anti-white narrative by ramping up the time-line, your people need to be portrayed as savior.

>starvation issue gets worse
push pro-white propaganda
>more people die
push pro-white propaganda
>government tries to silence you
push pro-white propaganda
>more farmers die, more people starve
push pro-white propaganda

You see where I am going with this, you need to win the public opinion & also matyr yourselves at this point. It will serve as another great precedent of nigger stupidity for your western brothers as well

I wonder, do you as a South African (and perhaps a millennial, i.e someone who was taught that apartheid was bad), regret that apartheid was abolished?

I am not even South African and I think it was regretful.

TNanon here, Im about to graduate and have been told I have to work a year before I start college, are there any oppurtunities in South Africa, I have enough money to fly there and back.

man you have to help at last those who you care about in leaving the country. if you want to fight, that's your choice and be proud of it, but protect those who don't want to throw thir lives away

>Got rid of nukes the year before mandela was released?
>Had nothing to do with it.
The problem with south Africa is that it's never been a western democracy its always been an African democracy even under the nationals before the anc.
Single party rule since indipendence from the brits.

Me a chink excuse me don't compare me to the whitiod monkey race or insects I'm a 100% lgbo genius and you are a disgusting mutt
Yes it is get ready for the bloodbath
>Be me lgbo
>Install rage into dumb whitiods monkeys
>Whitiod monkeys don't realise that they trained bantus in arms and combat after segregation
>Boer pigs fight they get abousltely destoryed in action cause they trained they're enemy over the years

Feelz good to be a high iq lgbo

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Not over yet. We're trying to get the US to take you guys in.

So whats the PM's excuse to do this? white privilege? its racist to accept white migrant?
what the mental gymnastic behind this?

If you don't see yourself as a soldier by now, you're a fucking dead man. You have nowhere to run and your government of communist niggers hates you and is arming your killers.

How else do you see this being resolved other than the rape and murder of your family? Damned fool. Pick up a rifle and defend yourself.

If your reaction to these warnings is to attack my persona and experience (about which you know nothing) then you deserve your death

Me? Larpering ok...

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>ammonium nitrate
>utility van
Target an instillation for the ANC and lead a trail which would suggests that members from an opposing political party carried out the deed. Niggers communicate through violence and would tear each other apart, giving the white man a buffer. After internal strife is quelled, strike.

Yes because it’s hopeless. There will probably be no “fight,” you will just fizzle out if you stay. I left my shitty nigger-infested hometown because there’s no way to fight back without going to jail. If there was a race war I’d be the first to take up arms

>get an organized effort of mass starvation going
You mean, starve our own people? If there's a famine four and a half million of us starve too, you think people are going to willingly starve their own families? What exactly are you asking me to do? If we push pro white anything publicly we could be arrested for inciting racial hatred. Check out this old lady, she's faced over a hundred thousand rand fine, destitution, hate crime charges, criminal charges, and lives in hiding for fear of her life because she said black people on the beach were acting like monkeys.

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It's all ogre now

That nigger paw has been posted dozens of time in the last week. Fuck off chink.