Stephon Clark killing: did you know police helicopters have this capability

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did someone say bump? is this vidgel this good?

everyone knows they have FLIR, are you fucking retarded?

know what to look up now—thx

if you didnt, you're asleep

cops in the video might be

Is there a video that isn't covered in fucking retarded WaPo banners?
>this is released from da poleese
wow no shit? please stop obscuring my view so i can watch it.

thanks user. still injected with AIDs though
>good boy

Attached: 2018-03-29 13_52_25-_pol_ - Stephon Clark killing_ did you know police helicopters have this capabil (398x328, 215K)

Democracy dies in dankness

FLIR? You know that technology that’s existed since vietfuckingnam?
Yeah pretty much everyone but you apparently

Today OP was not a faggot. Thanks m8. Anyways, to answer your question, I didn't know their choppers were so sophisticated. Specially the street name overlay impressed me. Good to see my money being put to use.

Come on—I can tell you for a fact no one knows all the advances
e.g., Stingray by Chicago police

Are police using everything they used in Vietnam, and since when are we gooks?
Which war are American police up to—what if they could see thru every wall?

I didn't see the vids thanks.
He would have been shot even in France, he did everything for it, I don't understand how people defend him.

Some context for my international friends:
>Sacramento, CA has a black Mayor.
>Sacramento, CA has a black Police Chief.
>One of the officers who shot him was black himself.

Just throwing that out there.

>people defend him.
Only niggers you french faggot.

He was clearly going to church.

Attached: Ooga booga.gif (569x320, 2.65M)

Why didn't helicopter lit up the scene so the cops can see anything?

Attached: police-helicopter-light.jpg (676x427, 19K)

Been under a rock?
Sac mayor is (((Steinberg))).

Didn’t know—I’m not defending him
but Mayors head the police, and police back each other no matter what
9 officers went down with Jason Van Dyke in Chicago
and the officers here are acting for their new bodycams

On French tv it's presented like another racist crime from evil police, "white oppresion", "enough is enough", etc... but they don't show the video.

It’s on his display
that’s a damn good question

Oh, those cops are really tards.

oh my bad. I thought it was the other guy still. I left CA 10 years ago, barely pay attention anymore.

I was wrong about the Mayor.

Attached: 2018-03-29 14_27_33-List of mayors of Sacramento, California - Wikipedia.png (660x77, 5K)

wonder if he’s as bad as Rahm Emanuel

sactown represent

they handled this situation perfectly

Frankly I don't care if the dudes are green with pink dots or what, a stupid guy got a stupid death for doing stupid things, and our media present that as a "whites are bad blacks are good" story. It pisses me.

same here. I still listen to a local CA radio show (conservative) and even THEY keep saying "shot and killed an unarmed black man"

Media is race baiting every chance they get. Its sickening.

What ability FLIR?

They've had thermal detection in most police helicopters since the early 1990s. I can't imagine a police helicopter not having it in this day and age.

Not that it matters much, an oven dodger or a basketball American.
You haven't missed anything, Sac is still dogshit, and the Sierras are still beautiful.
The videos of Clark's brother chimping at city hall are all that anyone needs to know about those clowns.

ITT : OP discovered thermal imagery.

actually there is a kind of camera that can "see" through walls , it's like an advanced thermal detection system that can see through few meters of walls but i don't think the police has it yet.

and yeah in the video you only see FLIR (infrared camera) , it's an old technology that has been perfected through the years ,it's the camera attack jets and combat helicopters uses to hunt vehicules and infantry on the ground (they also use a thermal camera) , FLIR is also used on drones , surveillance , base defense , etc ...

I like USA! When there is a crime you just shoot the perp. That is how it should be!

In Nigganese, 'Show me you hands' actually translates to run away and gesture aggressively

The helicopter might take ground fire, just like in Vietnam! Huge risk!

(((they))) can map your home using your wi-fi

No, American policemen are the BEST. Cops should just shoot at everything everywhere. That way there would be no crime. Just like USA has one of the lowest crime rates in the world!

I missed it—maybe helicopters aren’t used here as much
I know for a fact police use technology that no one knows about, e.g. Stingray in Chicago

Yeah, it's called FLIR, and they've had it for decades.

Attached: brainlet.jpg (1200x675, 22K)


i don't think so or post proofs.

too late, brainlet.

Attached: brainlet spotted.jpg (594x126, 18K)

nigga I only browse using incognito, (((they))) ain't gettin shit from me bruh sheeeeeeeeeeeit
100 100 100 100 100

Why does it have to be racism and not just bad cops?

yeah sorry , i realised my mistake , i know there are two cameras the soldiers uses , the FLIR (white and dark image) and the other Thermal camera (green , yellow and red) , i know for sure there are differences between the two but i can't remember , hence my error :(

>i know for sure there are differences between the two
No, there isn't. Both work in the infrared spectrum. Heat emits infrared.

Never watched Cops?

oh ok , why are they using both colors modes on their vehicules though ? it is a question of being able to identify something faster with different colors ?

So basically the narrative was that he was a good boy not doing anything wrong, until this video surfaced and blew their version of events apart and the whole thing was a naked cash grab at the ghetto lottery from the beginning.

Just proves a point that alex jones was always right.
here is a video from 1997

Attached: 1439112547669.jpg (1165x1155, 383K)

Exactly. White/Black colors are good enough for military and police applications. Green/Yellow/Red colors are for industrial and medical applications, where you need to gauge nuances more accurately.

You or your Mommy could buy a FLIR and have this capability too.

okay , good to know , thanks.

It comes with the helicopter?


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Come on—I meant police

I’d love to listen to him but his voice
I’m autistic, maybe it’s just me

Forward looking infrared. FLIR

Tonight the night lads
>Al Sharpton leading the funeral service this evening
>Another Sacramento Kings game
>Sac PD will have an "increased presence" and will not allow fans to be locked out of the arena again
