So Laura Ingraham thinks it's ok to mock a child who's a survivor of Parkland...

So Laura Ingraham thinks it's ok to mock a child who's a survivor of Parkland. Will you stand with David and boycott her advertisers?


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They call David "whiny"

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>So Laura Ingraham thinks it's ok to mock a child who's a survivor of Parkland.


I've seen something happened but i couldn't read the article. mind giving me a tl;dr of what happened?

When will someone beat the bag out of this little faggot?

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This faggot straight up said that he wasn't even at school when the shooting happened.

right. The line i saw just said someone posted an "insensitive tweet" against hogg. thanks

Not sure if shill or CIA nigger.

Either way, go away.

the hog has over played his hand

Seems pretty obvious to me that Lauren is perceived as the "weakest link" of Fox's nighttime programming. She's the newest, she airs the latest, and I believe her ratings are lower than Tucker and Hannity. CNN is using their little sock puppet to attack Fox programming. This seems pretty obvious to me.... and isn't it illegal, too?

>get called out on whining
>whine more

boss hogg everyone.

When will the right wise up and use kids as well that are victims of bullying to stand up for gun rights and the right to defend themselves?

The problem is that this tactic has been proven to work at Fox News.

Yep. The guys who call the shots are pretty liberal. They just love an excuse like this to shitcan their conservative reporters.

JFC Frank, get back to work. Break is over.

>get involved in an adult sphere (politics)
>try to fall back on "b-but I'm just a kid" when people rip you a new asshole

Flip it

Flip it

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He didn’t whin-

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the left has to debase its self with that shit to gain voters the right just trys to stand tall in the face of evil there will always be pat

>isn’t it illegal too
Not if Dems do it

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>mfw when Hogg starts complaining

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>coping with chocolate
this dudes a woman

Talk about not being able to handle the bantz

Hogg is a bully.

Always has been bud.

He’s being rejected from university because he’s a white male. The brainwashed retard probably thinks that Nazis are running the universities.

He was out of box wine.

Both sides are corrupt. Just in different ways. Children are victimized daily and commit suicide from their harrasers. Why not use this to flip it? Far more victims in this sense than school shootings.

The left is destroying itself with the constant wish to ban everything (guns, conservatism, freedom of speech). Trying to set up a boycott because your ass blasted over your opponents perception of you being a whiner only proves it.

/ourgirl/ Laura still has her radio show.

>implying anyone is going to actively boycott any of these companies


Watch him fade into even further obscurity now that he's calling for disruption of (((profits)))

Have you ever honestly looked at modern kids and thought that they get bullied enough

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How is this faggot not a right winger yet? Seriously, how the fuck is the angry little white boy not a right winger yet, most of us when we were young and angry turned to right wing politics, but this faggot is going around the country calling for gun control? Jesus just fucking kys for being such a waste.

My wife works with kids. Some put through hell by these little fucking wastes.

Just look at him. There's no testosterone at all. He is basically a pre-teen girl with an oversized clitty. It's natural he'd eat muffins and go to marches and spend all day whining on Twitter.

Fucking male privilege asshole.

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>Complains about not getting into a nice University
>Can barely make a tweet that makes sense

>emergency chocolate bar

female confirmed

>coping with sugar and candy

What happened to men

have you seen his reddit posts? he's a fucking brainlet.

I stand with the Hogg.

An 18 year old child should never be criticized by an adult.

it was clearly HER TURN to front this operation

Then Glory Hogg shows up and gets his mommy to pull her CNN strings

I bet they all fucking hate Hogg personally

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laura looks so hot when she mocks hogg

also shes absolutely right

She was ripping asses in half two nights ago, proud of her.

he's like Bieber's square little brother

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The Right attacks the Left ideas, their words. The Left tries to ruin the lives of people on the Right. Tolerance in action.

weak, soft soy hands

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>liberals boycott
Liberals steal my WiFi..
I’m seeing a problem..

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Some kid who can't even get into college is telling businesses how to operate?

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Should have been #18

It’s over.

it's the new version of the Jon Stewart tactic.
>b-but i'm just a comedian.

what a self entitled little cunt
this faggot is seriously starting to piss me off, I haven't paid so much attention to shit
>she called me whynings
>everyöne, boycott nåv. this is your supreme leder

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I was not killed either.

I wish I could boycott fagots and OPs


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How is boycotting advertisers a thing?

Totally a low blow for David Hogg which reeks of personal army tier nonsense. Can’t get what he wants so he attacks livelihood?

He has a position in the national spotlight and chooses to do this. Not because he is 16 but he is playing dirty for getting offended.

I don’t even know who this Laura person is or what she did but what the hell is this? I understand if Laura said something politically incorrect but as someone in the public spotlight Hogg should be able to handle public criticism without going to low blows.

The proper thing to do is dish the banter back or at least address it. Can’t wait to see Hogg crash and burn

We should call for Boycotts for any stations advertisers that give this faggot airtime

wait a minute here, I see what he is doing
>fuck this kike!
He is trying to exploit the situation to get into a college isn't he!?!

My good gods he fucking is, what a piece of fucking shit. he is lit expecting
>poor you
>you went through a shooting, pls have a free ride off us at harvard

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>and spend all day whining on Twitter
>all day whining on Jow Forums and getting outraged by twitter

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I would send messages like this to girls if I knew they would respond to cute shit like that

But come on he is a public figure. And bragging about being rejected on social media is basically attention seeking behavior, moreso than normal for social media I should say

Maybe he should’ve worked a bit harder to not get rejected.

Why was a 30 year old man still in high school ?

Hogg wasnt at the school. Not a survivor.

Gonzalez wasnt in the same building. Not a survivor.

it's fucking pathetic, again it goes to show what kind of person this faggot is. he just keeps on sinking lower and lower, everyone is going to end up hating his guts even the ones that currently pitty him


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david brock does the same thing this kid is doing but behind closed doors

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it's lit a tv station, still the best way to get your adds out there. the little shit doesn't understand how this works. When it comes to boycotting like this, the network are the ones holding the power
>oy vey I am boycotting you so you can't show adds for my commercials on your wide audience network!
goes to show how immature he his, he doesn't even understand this

I think I might go buy a candy bar today.

He sounds like a woman.


that exactly it. Phase 2 was when they started just posting news articles about how he cant get into college.

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Some little crybaby so upset about words that he has to go after someone’s job and livelihood. Real mature. I’m sure he’ll get in to some good university anyways. Shows the MO of the left perfectly. If you say something I don’t like I consider it an assault and I will ruin your life over it.

One user gave some insight about scholarships and movement leaders. Basically he told that bigger institutions don't want to go through the trouble of having some big personality in their campus because of the shitstorms in protests/social justice interfering with their policies and the general attention they get. Something similar happened with that Muslim girl who got shot and earned full ride at Stanford.

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A guy who calls anyone who supports the 2A child killers and who accosts republican politicians with ridiculous and unfounded personal attacks can’t take a little jab at him not getting into college for being extremely unlikeable and polarizing.

>boomer cat lady post

When are you going to die already? Old fat cunt..

So let’s break this down a bit. How will you boycott these advertisers

>sleep number
Well people already have these beds and they have decent reviews for their function. Someone who is going to buy one of these adjustable mattresses doesn’t have much reputable competition.

only the biggest cell/TV/Internet/Home phone provider in the country. Not to mention all the stores. People who won’t cancel services. That being said if people live where they only have ATT then they can’t boycott

Don’t know what this is. If it’s a brand of nutrition supplements then it already has a small market so this might be devastating. Maybe not since the types that buy this stuff know what they want and won’t change

>4 Allstate and esurance
Lmao let me just change my insurance real quick for my car and Home/life maybe. Absolutely retarded

>5 Bayer
A big OTC drug company that many adults take their meds daily to live. Won’t do anything at all but they do have competition

>rocket mortgage
Okay let me just change my 30 year mortgage on my dream house based on what this guy is saying

Should I continue?

It's at 15% bros

Damn, I don't really like her show all that much but not I have to watch it entirely every day. Oh well, whatever helps destroy the left.

I think she struck a nerve.


WTF this is what women say.

I don't know for sure if it was a full ride there. I've a close friend there and she just brought that up. But you don't really see those """activists""" getting full scholarships tho. At least not in STEM. Wish I could get that thread in the archives, it was a really neat insight.

>7 liberty mutual
Uh I think they do loans and shit for paydays? People using these services are usually desperate and don’t have many options. Might be insurance which is hard to change

>8 Arby’s
Fuck this guy Arby’s is niche. Not good quality but unique. They have legit been struggling I think but they are still making it. This might actually effect lives of the employees.

>9 trip advisor
People who are taking vacations are using this to have a good time. No one will boycott this but there are other options

>10 nestle
A really big company with products nationwide at distributors and retailers. Nothing will change since their products are more or less in many people’s daily lives.

>11 Hulu
Most people on Hulu or Netflix have these subscriptions for entertainment. No one will cancel shit. That’s like saying boycott steam.

Don’t know but I bet the people that use their services don’t have many good alternatives? I’m just guessing

Yes. He's not some kind of untouchable fucking saint.

When will liberals finally disappear up their own ass?

I hear ya but it COULD cause new customers to say fuck those companies.

Now what needs to happen is conservatives need to boycott cucked out companies that back this shit.

Unfortunately that list would be much longer and require unplugging which could be a good thing.

Remember what Eric Hoffer said, "Every great cause begins the movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket." This kid's 15 minutes are almost up and I think he knows it. He's at the stage when he has to pick fights to stay relevant. After a couple of strong weeks of emotion, the media is starting to wrap up after realizing that these are a bunch of fucking teenagers. The teenagers aren't good for much more than than emotional theater and the public's attention span is waiting.

I have liberty mutual insurance but now I need a nice meal at Arby’s with a nestle drink to go with it all