Why the fuck is Alex Jones mocked and not taken seriously by people when he has proof (documents) with him for everything he says?
Why the fuck is Alex Jones mocked and not taken seriously by people when he has proof (documents) with him for...
He says Hilary Clinton has to have a private medical team with her 24/7 because she often faints every 30 minutes which is not entirely true. Not saying the man doesn't know what he's spewing, but sometimes his antics tend to blur the overall truth.
Because the term "conspiracy" got the doublespeak treatment.
70% of what he says is true and the other 30% of crap he says is to discredit the truth. He says globalist every 5 seconds but wont name the jew its obvious he's been controlled opposition since 2013 at least
>Why the fuck is Alex Jones mocked and not taken seriously by people
His wife told me to.
people refuses to believe old media lies to them they are afraid of questioning them.
I agree. I listen to him everyday. And he is very accurate in all he reports, but his antics and yelling puts people off.
I personally don't mind. I am an adult man that doesnt get triggered by his yelling.
I wish he talks about the Jews more, but he talks about the Deep State, and globalist; and we know what that means.
his lawyer argued in court that he is an actor
>Why the fuck is Alex Jones mocked and not taken seriously by people when he has proof (documents) with him for everything he says?
It's ver simple actually.
Most people, being born and bred into the (((System))) are conditioned to remain willfully ignorant to things that challange the (((System))) itself.
Subconsciously it's a threat to the individual itself so they mock it, make fun of it and laugh it away.
Remember Morpheus from the Matrix? Yeah, you do. He was pretty much spot on.
True, he also said he doesn't care if America goes completely brown (white genocide) as long as they "stay conservative" which is retarded, because non-whites vote anti-white and socialist 90% of the time.
Plus, now he is being sued by the CIA (brennan gilmore the crisis actor insider) so Jones has some tough choices to make--
1-- Keep shilling for the status quo, and be destroyed by the CIA, while staying loyal to (((them)))
2-- Fight back and reveal the whole truth about the (((CIA, Crisis actors, staged hoaxes and everything)))) at the risk of his life.
Too many commercials.
It's a small enough operation that it straddles the line between not getting enough funding and needing to sell out to get their message out.
I've known his "work" since the very early 2000s, he's always been a crackpot piece of shit.
Any person who gets hours to spew retardation every day on a show will inevitably say some things that are true.
I believe some conspiracies are real but if you watch this retarded faggot you're not doing any better than his inbred, redneck, schizophrenia riddled userbase.
Jow Forumstard white trash just like the guy because he's a trump shill, the moment he turns his back on him, all the faggots in this board will start to hate him right away
>thinking Alex Jones hasn't been controlled op for the past 5 years
kys, faggot.
I knew the guy through a friend when I lived in Austin, its all an act.
IDK about that, but also pls remember that Jones does do a lot of redpilling his audience with exposure to our side and our guys, For example Jones had Kyle Chapman on for an favorable interview. Interviewing Lauren Southern, speaking about the situation in South Africa about the farmers and the white genocide. So he does a lot of good as well. Your negative comment is underserved user,.
Ding ding ding!
yeah, except Jones currently shills for the proprietors of the (((system))). nice try.
>yeah, except Jones currently shills for the proprietors of the (((system))). nice try.
That's true, but the (((system/CIA))) is also suing alex jones in a huge lawsuit, by an CIA insider Brennan Gilmore. This lawsuit can take down jones easily, and obviously the CIA/Media have unlimited budget to destroy Jones, who is on a finite and limited budget. And AJ only told half the truth, not even going full conspiracy and declaring the whole crash to be a CIA staged hoax.
(link is fucked but it's easily researched story)
And by "documents", you means news articles he prints up from MSM companies he calls "fake news" lol