At my community college browsing Jow Forums on a library computer

>At my community college browsing Jow Forums on a library computer
>Listening to music through my headphones and feel a tap on my shoulder
>Take headphones off and turn around to see a shitskin standing over me
>Hey user, why are you on Jow Forums? CNN said that website is for alt right neo Nazis
>Oh fuck.png
>I immediately lie and say that I didn't know what this website was and I stumbled upon it by clicking a link on Facebook
>Shitskin says "yeah right" and immediately walks away
>15 minutes later a library staff person comes up to me and says im banned from the library for violating their policy
>Policy says you cannot use their computers to go on hate propaganda websites
>They make me give them ID so I can be put on the banned from library list
>Fast forward 24 hours and I get an email from my department head asking to explain why I was banned from the library
>Currently freaking out and trying to come up with a lie to get me out of this situation

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>Hey user, why are you on Jow Forums?
Just say you are trolling the racists.

>I immediately lie

And your weakness was used to the advantage of your enemies. Just say the brown person called you a racist because you were reading about frogs.

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Dont lie user. Show them /leftypol/ as evidence that the news, and their ideas about Jow Forums are wrong. You may even get a few of them to question their MSM overlords.

>I'm having to research right wing hate sites for a current events class I'm taking

Don’t lie. Just say “Yeah, I was reading a thread on Jow Forums. What’s wrong with that? You hav to be aware of what’s out there.”
Don’t act scared or like like you are trying to hide anything.

Tell them you were doing research about fags on a gay site

God Canadians are honestly pussies, if they asked for my card I simply wouldn't have given it to them. How else would they have identified me?

You keep the story straight, "Was on Facebook and stumbled upon this website."

Take them to /LGBT/ tell them that was what you were reading, then sperg out about them oppressing you for your sexual orientation. You have to fight fire with fire user, I guarantee you this will work.

Also, do this, my friend.

I would honestly just tell them that you enjoy reading a variety of different opinions on any given issue and that Jow Forums is a place where people with extreme views can express themselves freely.

The library staff had called security staff before they approached me, the security staff threatened to have police come and arrest me for trespassing even though I am a student there if I didn't give my ID.

So many holes in your story
>15 minute window in which you could have alt-tabbed
>Someone under 40 watching CNN
>"Make" them give you ID like they have a gun to your head
I think this is just demoralization shilling but if you're really this retarded remember to exhale

All frogposters are b8, fuck off

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>They make me give them ID so I can be put on the banned from library list
So, they didn't know who you are ? Why not just run away and come the next day with a clued on moustache ?

Alt-tabbing wouldn't have mattered, the library staff have administrative access to the browser histories of all computers, students don't have the ability to delete them


Both of these.


>>They make me give them ID so I can be put on the banned from library list

LOL you fucking gave them your ID?

What a stupid nigger.

obviously, this didnt happen

if consequences were so severe, you wouldnt have been cluelessly using headphones and visiting the website without looking over your shoulder

if consequences are severe, you should get a lawyer

why is it the business of the department head of why you were banned from the library, what affiliation do they have to the library?

grab a bunch of articles that are anti 4 chan, and anti pol, plagerize them, and have an anti Jow Forums article to show them you are working on, have watermark draft on it, and that when you submit it electronically, that you are unhappy that you are being asked to show your work, when its not really ready to be shared. tell them its not really a draft but a concept of work (so they dont try and get you on plagerism)

anyways, you are a dumb fuck

>things that didnt happen

"I was apparently branded a heretic for participating in a forum of unadulterated free speech."

then do a drive by on his house later that night

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>look mom i posted it again

Maybe dont be a rightard next time

If this is your story you should find a link on Facebook that proves this
>i clicked a facebook link
>which one

good luck user. you aren't the only one to be in a situation like that. godspeed.

What is leftypol?

or say that you were on Jow Forums or /po/ or something tbqhfamilam

this is bait if Jow Forums was marked as a hate website it would of been taken down by now

lmfao good thing i didnt fall for the school or trying at life meme




This, might as well murder him. You’ll probably get like 2 years in prison in Canada if you say you are a Muslim convert.

>saying sorry to an sjw
well now you know better

I used to browse Jow Forums at highschool, I just wasnt fucking retarded and unaware of my surroundings like you. Mainly because of gore/porn threads, not because i was afraid of being called a racist by a canadian nigger

You should've kicked the shit out of that shitskin... and should have told him "I can browse the fuck I want jose"....

SO MANY "CRIMINALS" (IMO a lot of them are vigilantes and sometimes have a good reason to do what they did) are found guilty JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY WILLINGLY SAID TO THE POLICE. DON'T BE A MORON.

By canadians? Jow Forums is designated a hate site by multiple groups with little to no actual power.

Youre an idiot, the person running the library can kick people out for anything, they dont need proof. The most you can do is dispute it with the school at a later time.

>What is leftypol?
a cognitively dissonant community that believes leftism is politically incorrect

>Youre an idiot, the person running the library can kick people out for anything, they dont need proof.
No, you are the moron. The point is that if you never cop, if you never even for a second show guilt it MAKES THEM LOOK GUILTY, and look like they're abusing power. Never cop, never talk, always think, and NEVER RESPOND TO PRESSURE TACTICS.

>Browsing Jow Forums in public.
user we have dozens of threads a day about issues relating to how people percieve and attempt to silence some of the opinions discussed on this board. Yet for some dumbass reason you figured it would be okay to browse this board in a public place on a public pc. I was having trouble believing this was true but then I saw your flag. You made your bed man, best thing you can do is try and learn from your mistake.

you know they can look up how you got to the website and how long you were on the website right?

>he's a hate filled nazi
>better stop him from reading any books and improving his mind
How is this...I don't even...

just say you were looking for /po/ instead of Jow Forums

Man have things changed in 20 years.
>Go to a state university
>Every semester you are allocated 1000 pages of paper for printing in the computer labs
>At the end of the semester I go up to the biggest computer lab on campus to print up a few books off of project Gutenberg
>See huge stacks of paper on the printout table
>People are using up their print quotas to make black and white hardcopies of pornography
>Lab workers give zero fucks.

Say you didn't clean your room in time and the dragon of chaos attacked your garden of Peterson

>user we have dozens of threads a day about issues relating to how people percieve and attempt to silence some of the opinions discussed on this board. Yet for some dumbass reason you figured it would be okay to browse this board in a public place on a public pc.

Public PCs are the best place to be you moron. Your IP is a needle in a haystack, your computer is one you never return to.

Have you never done computing?

It doesnt matter.

This is what OP should do. Its about time this SJW culture start paying off for people who deserve it. The system needs to be abused so people realize the retardation of it all.

colleges are like jails today, shit jails might have more freedom than that now that i come to thinks of it.

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I imagine user akwardly mumbled "ok" handed them his card and left. Like I said, you dispute it later.

better rob a grocery store

>A public pc in a modern day brainwashing facility in Canada of all places.
This wasn't in a cyber cafe or whatever. This was in his universities library, where anyone can see, and where everyone is a communist. Context and place matter you idiot.

>I imagine user akwardly mumbled "ok" handed them his card and left. Like I said, you dispute it later.

Ok, that doesn't respond to what I said though. I don't give a damn what rights the Librarian has, you never fucking talk to a cop in a situation like this. Ever. Whoever the cop might be, admin, librarian, whoever the fuck.

Tell them you’re a closet homo and were researching ways to come out to your friends.

dumb frogposter

Say you were banned because the shitskin assaulted you. Easy

Yeah its fucking retatarded. Im sure to kill a mockingbird is banned as well because it says nigger 50 times.

>This wasn't in a cyber cafe or whatever. This was in his universities library, where anyone can see, and where everyone is a communist. Context and place matter you idiot.
Who is going to be checking on your monitor? If they are, they should mind their own fucking business.

if everyone is a communist how does capitalism still exist

Hahaha, fucking canucks. You're so cucked. The US gets so much shit, but I fucking make racist jokes at my University WITH other shitskins who make them back.

Your first mistake is that you're living in leadghanastan. Your second mistake is that you fell for the university meme. You third mistake is using a public computer to look at any site that could be construed as having questionable content.

Basically you're fucked mate. Justin Trudeau will be showing up at your house soon in horse back to lock in a prison made of maple syrup where you will remain forever in a suspended state of syrupy animation.

You're only trespassing if they tell you to leave and you dont. You should have left and forced them to illegally detain you

[clicks hentai alternative]

>They make me give them ID
spineless dumbass
