I'll start
ITT: images that piss off commies
>look how rich I am
Retard, that doesn't piss commies off. Just liberals.
storing money in fucking FIAT.
OP is probably a Nigger
Why do some of the ones on the right appear pink. You didn't steal it did you?
It pisses off you, commie.
do you even know what a fucking liberal is
nice debt-based floating currency made of cloth
Lol ok kid
>he thinks that cash represents my entire net worth
Hahahaha faggot
Modern liberalism is different from Marxism in many ways, retard
First, OP is a faggot.
Second, why are you letting your value diminish by storing it in USD?
Third, why the fuck would you keep it all in one location?
Fourth, OP is a STUPID faggot.
Fifth, you didn't remove the GPS metadata from your image before posting your image. You just advertised the location of your stash to everyone who knows how to extract the coords.
>t. poorfag
$50 bills are pink, $100 bills are blue
I know his location
haha ooh look at my unorganized life savings neatly stacked into a sentry safe. what are you getting at here, OP? it’s a shame you’d be so stupid to keep paper cash sitting right there, fin institutions are around these days for a reason. i hope your peasant stacks get stolen by niggers
First, I am 100% a faggot.
Second, it's revenue from my cannabis dispensary
Third, it's in a safe in my store. Where else should I store it?
Fourth, I AM a stupid faggot, thanks for noticing :^)
Fifth, come try and take it from me you coward.
>collects fiat
>not glorious gold and economical silver
Its like you don't know what wealth really is.
Wealth is land, silver, gold, bullets, guns, tools, a sturdy home on said land, stored food, a infinite supply of self controlled clean water (well, spring, rainwater cistern), freedom, livestock, a loyal christian wife, god fearing children.
Thats wealth. You have paper that can buy some of that but its quickly becoming worthless. Trade it in to some sucker for real wealth. Also is your job?
>t. buttmad commie
>buying all that monopoly money for a shitpost on Jow Forums
>he thinks I don't own land
>he thinks I don't have a diverse portfolio
>he thinks a well or spring provides an infinite supply of water
Confirmed for being retarded
You have good acreage... you have a nice place senpai
Compared to buying it yes it does. My well recharges so fast i can't pump it out fast enough. I'm about two miles from a river though (clean). Even mediocre wells provide infinite water as long as you don't over draw it and damage the sand layer around the well screen.
I have neighbors with poor wells and they just use a large cistern to get them through the dry season where it still recharges but at a slower rate. I do collect rainwater though, great for washing clothes and it keeps me from running the pump all the time when I am watering the fields and garden.
you hiring?
I'm an indentured servant to my brother who owns a dispensary, extract lab, indoor & outdoor grow.
It's a terrible business full of retarded faggots & California is an absolute nigger of a state.
im 19 and have all the time and technical skills in the world
You imbecile. No well on Earth can provide INFINITE water. A well can provide a lot of water, possibly more than you and your family can ever drink. That doesn't mean it's infinite.
Depends. Do you know how many grams are in a eighth?
so youre a drug dealer? kill yourself
>he's an indentured servant
What is this, 1642?
>he thinks I'm in Cali
Enjoy your 43% sales tax faggot
I'm in the same line of work, same state. You in the Triangle?
quit posting pictures on Jow Forums while you're at work user or I'mma tell your boss
Invest that shit
I own a cannabis dispensary, read the thread faggot
what do you do for a living?
yes, I just said im 19
What's your average price per gram?
Stop nitpicking over words faggot, it might as well be. It will provide more than you need for the rest of your life vs buying chemically laced fluoride water. Ignoring the obvious freedom it brings I will save 20-25k dollars in a water bill over the course of my life. Imagine spending 25k on water. A fucking waste. It cost me 3k to have the well drilled.
It kind of does though
dont you have friends to do something with? why do you post on Jow Forums bragging about your money.
may I have some of those?
take this shit to Jow Forums you faggot
theres only 4 reasons to have that kind of cash on hand, 2 involve drugs.
it's pretty insane how much money people spend on this shit
we're cloistered between a few retirement communities, old jewish women buy all of our topicals, soaps, & tinctures, as well as CBD treat for their pups
Trying to show off wealth with literal stacks of paper money is nigger-tier. Even if those are full stacks of hundreds, that's still only maybe a couple hundred thousand
Ugh, so who the fucks side are you on...you fag.
Serious question- Are you the same guy from a week or so ago who had a dispensary? Because I was advice user on that thread.
Cheapest gram is $10 with the 25% sales tax included
Cheapest ounce is $120, tax included
I am the same user, yes
Once those notes circulate we can backtrack the image source, safe used, your location, get you on camera. It’s over, goy.
>only a couple hundred thousand
What's in your wallet, faggot?
Triggered much?
what POS do you use & do you deliver
how many employees do you have
do you only have a dispensary or have you got any other operations
Why the fuck would I care?
I earned my money legitimately.
Go ahead, figure out my exact GPS location if you can. Then, come visit my weed store.
I Salute you. Pls contribute to Richard Spencer, Millenial Mathew, Identity Europa, and /ourguys/ in general.
IK 32672153 A
LK 32534232 F
ML 28593823 J
ED 84014417 D
KL 26347157 B
Go ahead goy, deposit those.
Or burn them.
Nigger you ain't paying taxes. IRS inbound.
That iceberg blue that comes of a fat stack of 100s. I think I might be Jewish because it sure is purty.
>Cheapest ounce is $120
fucking jew
my place does $100 zones all around everyday
can you ship to south florida bro
>indentured servant
I'm just the youngest and its the family business so I get bossed around is all. I just do web tasks, office work, control the 20 year old laborers, and deal with the county, etc
only in parts of the state with the worst county excise laws
also with lawyers & accounts you can safely get away with 25-30
It helps when you grow your own flower and make a lot of your own extracts
just to kill the big jew store next to us we've done $80/oz specials on premium flower and stole 1/3 of their customers
>which POS
>do you deliver
Illegal for recreational stores in CO
>how many employees
14 including myself
>do you only have a dispensary or do you have any other operations
We are currently constructing a greenhouse and a MIP (edibles manufacturing)
Pic related
I just paid income tax, faggot. Over $600,000. The IRS can suck my dick.
What town/city is your store located in?
coo, man
you procreating with a Nord & making progeny yet
>I sell $100 zips all around
I bet it's shitty 12% schwag, too.
No, sorry
Lmao I bet your customers enjoy your shitty mexibricks
>infinite water
>does not know that water is pissed out, evaporates, and is rained right back down
It's infinite water. There's a lot of stock and you reuse it infinitely. It's infinite. Now go back to Cantor's hotel.
Trinidad CO
Nope. The wife is the daughter of Jamaican immigrants. Wife and daughter related.
You, nor anyone else on this board, has enough money to worry about redistribution.
It's a nigger selling drugs! Real Tyrone hours.
we grow our own flower user
we did it for a month as a way to steal customers from the rip off stores around us
>he thinks the amount of water on Earth is infinite
Why are there so many braindead retards ITT?
Don't they know that wells run dry?
what a queer keeps that in a safe, I keeps mine in a duffel bag with an uzi next to it
>grows weed
I hate to say it, but you're a Mexican.
>Where else should I store it?
buy art dummy
Trinidad is a nice town. I've gone camping about 60 miles west of there.
Water table depletion and literally infinite water are two different things. If you get enough rain and piss enough water back into the water table, it's infinite water. Even dry wells are simply redrilled elsewhere where the water table is still high enough to support them.
You have never even seen the crazy shit. You can harvest the moisture out of the air as well, truly infinite. I challenge you to bottle up the wind.
>I'm about two miles from a river though (clean).
bro you're in CA, the state with the highest cancer out of all
any water in that state is fucked
You post this same shit every week, stop showing it off its not like your the only one in the world with some cash retard
>I'll start
Drug dealer?
>I hate to say it, but you're a Mexican.
nah man, he's a fed, all the non company weed growers just got their farms burned down to make room for OP and his buttsex overdrive syndrome
>better have my money when i come to collect
>pay up, pay up, pay up
now what you gon' do with it?
>an (((uzi)))
spotted the kike hiding his shekles
Does the boss know you're taking pictures of his safe?
>the only one in the world with some cash retard
it's just cash it's not even real, OP should be like China and only accept payment for his drugs in GOLD
HOL up
gettin da crew
we be thre in five
actually Anglo & Italian, user
>grows weed
we have workers to the the labor, it's quite profitable, what's your point?
also do our own extracts
Why are you being so spicy
>spotted the kike hiding his shekles
hey man, they make an efficient small arm, they have the lowest male birth rates in the world
give them a break already, not their fault the king is always blaming them, even if it is their fault for not saying anything