REVEALED: Neighbors alerted child protective services after lesbian couple's 'starving' children begged them for food...

>REVEALED: Neighbors alerted child protective services after lesbian couple's 'starving' children begged them for food, days before the family of eight mysteriously plunged off a cliff edge on the Pacific Highway
>On Friday, neighbors called CPS in Washington about Jennifer and Sarah Hart
>They said the couple's teenage son Devonte had been begging them for food
>He asked them to leave a box out for him and his siblings and that his mothers were 'punishing' him by starving him
>CPS worker arrived but the two women never answered the door, neighbors say
>Instead, they packed up their car in a 'hurry' with all six of their kids inside
>On Monday, their bodies were found in the water after plunging over a cliff more than 500 miles away in coastal California
>The cliff edge is not on the road and they would have had to have turned off the Pacific Highway to reach it
>There were no skid or brake marks at the scene but police will not say it was a suicide mission

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Unironically the best news I have heard in 2018.

Didn't the one nigglet hug Obama or something?

Jew Pedos

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When Dykes Rage

Hugged a police officer at a BLM protest I think.

>CPS fails to stop crazy lady from killing kids

Lesbian political activist coup needs diverse prop kids for their political causes so they adopt 6 non white children. Because they wanted them for political gains they don't know how to raise kids (and also because they are a lesbian couple) so they abuse the kids. CPS shows up and they run away taking their kids to commit suicide/murder

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Niglets AND dykes die? Is this christmas?


>>There were no skid or brake marks at the scene but police will not say it was a suicide mission

More of this please

Oh that's what it was. Glad he dead along with his nigger loving "mommies"

>Buncha niggers and degenerates die

Why would anyone fucking care? The fucking state of Jow Forums is horrifying.

So all the lesbos and shitskins in that picture are dead?
This is turning into a good day!

Starvation is healthy though. How I discipline my kids is between me and them. The state had no business butting in here.

"Big leg women have got no souls"

I always knew the Bernie Sanders people were like some Cult. All the Bernie Bernouts shooting people and killing themselves.

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Degenerate women who dont' want to procreate with men capture a stable of nogs and torture them. When found out, drive them off a cliff... Mental disease is mental disease and shows its signs early especially in bat shit crazy liberals whose life goal is to defy all norms and sensibilities.

NEWS at 11

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>CPS worker arrived but the two women never answered the door, neighbors say
Why not call the cops and take the kids away from their satanist "parents"?

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Benetton ad gone wrong

What seems to be the problem here? If those rug-munchers had survived, they should have gotten a cash reward from CrimeStoppers.

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Oh fuck, they ALL died.......

Jesus Christ...


It's terrible when orphans are sent to evil people and the fucking cops refusing to say it was intentional is pathetic

GMC Sierra five seater, with 2 dikes and 5 groids in it?
>It wasn't immediately clear what the women did for a living
>$400K house bought in 2017
What the fuck was really going on

>m-muh poor niggers and dykes
Gtfo plebbit

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>torture and kill six nigs with an hero
WTF I love crazy dykes now

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probably involved with trafficked kids

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Is it me or does it seem like Bernie supporters die a lot?

Black, white and red all over.