What's your analysis of this picture?

If you follow politics you might have seen this picture. It has caused controversy and even a demonstration in the UK.

What are the themes and motifs?
What do you think it's message is and do you think that it is obvious to everyone?

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-175653~2.png (1080x761, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


its a quaint hodge podge of various typical subjects you find on "fringe" sites

nothing profound in the least

I hear the rattling of tinfoil and smell teenage rebelliousness but see people having a midlife crisis.

Are you immediately aware of what the message is and why it would cause a demonstration?

I can read the symbology but in the end is just memes. Perspectives are fallible. I neither condone nor praise it.

The demonstration is likely organized by the same people who sprayed it. Provided there's anything like that even happening because you didn't provide any sources.

Attached: HFi3Euh.png (571x543, 262K)

>do you think that it is obvious to everyone
hiphop has known about the NWO for longer than Jow Forums has existed, I can tell you that much.
listen to 2:22
all of this has been a long time coming
>t. niggerman

If its anti semitic then they obviously admit to doing wrong, why WOULD YOU IDENTIFY WITH THAT IMAGE.
They know who they are soooo, is common for them to drop themselves in it, their not very good at chess really, they use stein memes to much..

It's been a major story in the UK all week. I didn't think it needed a link and I didn't want to influence people before they judged the picture themselves

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-181656~2.png (1080x1346, 1.11M)

England have issues.

Attached: quote-arthur jones-03.jpg (850x400, 65K)

I guess they probably criticize the artist's method of drawing the noses of the gentry in the middle. Some of them look bulbous but then again it's racism to assume it's jewish people in the first place because it confirms the nose stereotype.

From the same city

Attached: trump-graffiti-m32-bristol-1486402058.jpg (800x450, 125K)

Antisemitism? I chuckled at the noses, but they just look like cartoony old rich guys. I'd expect them to be delivering far-too-serious dialogue in an anime as their staches bob up and down, right before the robots start fighting.

Is that really all it takes? A big nose on a 'white' guy to be damned in the UK?

Thank god this area got gentrified and they all complained while it happened.

Attached: Trump-Boris.jpg (1368x902, 163K)

If Corbyn had just denied seeing anything anti-Semitic in it then it would have been on them to say why it is. I mean it seems obvious to me, but was just wondering if that was the case for everyone. Would people be saying Illuminati or whatever.
It just seems they've really jumped on this story and blown it into a major thing. Some are even calling it the
>“weaponisation” of antisemitism

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-181905~2.png (1080x1539, 611K)

My analysis of this picture:
(((vibrant neighbourhood)))

Attached: 1464626959694.gif (376x228, 2.39M)

>What do you think it's message is and do you think that it is obvious to everyone?

Not the same city though. It was in London, just up the road from me

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-184113~2.png (1076x1534, 354K)

it represents sleep.
doesn't it make you sleepy guys?
it makes me sleepy...


>"Michael Segalov is a Jewish far-left journalist. Like many in the Jewish community, he condemned Mr Meyers’s article. But he has saved his real anger for those he accuses of smearing the Labour party with accusations of antisemitism, referring to them as “vile, dispicable [sic] chancers making a mockery of antisemitism”."

You're welcome.

breddy gud m8 but i r8 only 7 of 8 because
>missing some obvious kosher gentlemen sitting at the table of power

Attached: imokwiththis.png (800x445, 279K)

what ever do you mean, sir?

Attached: 1521670349712.jpg (786x715, 114K)

>I take that back
Gentlemen number 1, 5 & 6 (left to right) have fairly LARGE NOSES so...
Maybe a yarmulke here and there will get you an 8 of 8

Bet whoever painted that is too afraid to name the jew or simply doesn't know that's what it is.

>#3 has the schnozz of a real mensch as well
8 of 8
Let's look again
1, 3, 5 & 6 are obviously from the Chosen Race
2 & 4 are the confused token rich powerful Christians sitting at the table of power with the kosher ones
#2 Protestant
#4 Catholic
>he's got a green tie
>pic related

Attached: hibernianconspiracy1.jpg (692x2081, 490K)

Check the nose
>naming the proboscis

You can tell it's a lefty antifa mural because they just want to diversify the Illuminati not smash it to pieces

My mistake, I first saw the picture on a local news website.

I read that article just before you posted it. It's neurotic. It's really badly written.

Even the article picture I posted by that Segalov guy is bit allover the place. Its like they are aware that anti-Semitism comes from all sides of the political spectrum and it can divide and separate the at the same time. It makes them neurotic. It's like he is being criticized for being an anti-Semitic apologist even when he is criticising anti-semitism and is a jew

>Is that really all it takes? A big nose on a 'white' guy to be damned in the UK?

It seems even a hint causes waves. It kinda reminds of that Clinton picture with the "sheriffs" badge situation. Trump just denied it was a star and was anti-Semitic. It seems Corbyn should have done the same thing and just said it was old, rich white men at the table