A powerful picture with a message that all men need to know

A powerful picture with a message that all men need to know.

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I prefer to work with white men.

Men have the know how to build an elevator while women play dress up and cheerlead.

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>Implying any two women can put aside their seething hatred for each other for long enough to put a single rung on that ladder

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but asian and indians will do a better job for a shit pay.

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so one (1) man is worth as much 13 women

I COULD HAVE USED AN ELEVATOR?!? Fuck..."next time" I guess...

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no, one man is smart enough to build an elevator


>men build skyscrapers for each other so they can all be at the top
>women create elaborate social systems that require someone at the bottom of the pyramid carrying everyone's weight and can topple like a house of cards

>men build an elevator to get to where they need to be
>women have to put together a fucking human pyramid to do the same thing

Is this supposed to be a reference to the Florida bridge collapse and how women are dogshit at construction compared to men?

Man build skyscraper, women stand around looking silly?

>asians and indians will lower the wages for everyone else and eventually will work less hard and demand more
Nope, still want white men

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work smart not hard :DD

>Muslim woman
>out of the house without her owner
That tower is gonna come down like its 9/11

>A powerful picture with a message that all men need to know

You mean that a man can get to the top by his own merit and a woman can't? Because that's I'm seeing

So 1 man is smarter and more efficient than 13 women. Says a lot about society.

That woman with the hardhat seems to have the blueprint for an elevator but probably couldn't figure it out.

a more truthful cartoon would have a ton of men holding up that woman. women only have rights because men say they do.

So the dude built himself an escalator all by himself? Sounds like he deserves to be up there.

Why are all the women of color on the lower levels of the platform? Kill yourself white women

Now show one of men dying hunting, fighting off foreign invaders, making shelters, etc for thousands of years while woman sat on their ass and watched or for raped. I'm real happy that after everything we sacrificed for you, you are ready to bitch and moan some more.

Why don't they just build an elevator like that Man did?

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this is the internet.

this is what you need to show people when they ask "why are people saying hitler was right" or "why do they keep saying nigger".
You need to show them this picture and say nothing.

they will understand soon, that the internet is not for serious people, and if you don't get it, you are a normie, and you should leave.

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>all this lack of self awareness
women would've been genocided generations ago if we didn't need them for sex and babymaking

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goddamn you. I'm not installing Baldur's gate II again.

Equality is a contradiction. It acknowledges the disparity between the genders, hence the "need" for equality, by proposing an inversion of the natural order.
Equality really says, "hey, everyone is different, no one is actually equal, but wouldn't it be great if they were? Don't you want to consent to give up rights so that others can be 'equal' according to standards I tell you?"

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If it were true, it would be mostly men holding her up

>men traditionally work to support their families
>as a result men make up most of the workforce, especially in science jobs that require years of study and education
>people act surprised when women are paid less than men on average

There is a girl I work with that has only been there for two months and she pretends to be a boss and complains about every one else while at the same time being the laziest one there. Always pulling the muh babies card and missing work. Yesterday somebody got sick of it and told her off and she had a breakdown. Pretty hilarious.

We never had any problems as a team until she joined. (Everyone else is a guy)

>female engineering

This image is so powerful, like, omg, look at how dumb those women are. It took 12 women to accomplish what one man was able too, and their system is unsustainable and dangerous for everyone involved. Women don't make good decisions and should be treated like children or else they may unnecessarily destroy the entire world.

>but asian and indians
You have to go back you yellow streetshitter.

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did you just assume my gender, pendejo

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Cheap yes, good no. Equifax, Target, Anthem, and Sony have learned that the hard way.


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Wonder who built and designed the elevator, the building and pays the bills?

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At least they are better than you wall jumpers, monkey

Can we just auto ban anyone that makes a thread with that word? It's always tied to some sort of bullshit.

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>Women happily working together and forming a hierarchy

That's a powerful dream indeed.

>picture with a message
the message is men are smarter and geared toward expansive creation in the world

>the rest of the men aren't even important enough to be pictured

Yeah, looks about right.

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Shut the fuck up streetshitter.

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2018 and girls are still mostly going into psychology, nursing, and liberal arts majors.
Like... sucks that most don’t have the ambition to be a CEO? Oh well.

Poltard weenies are simply too stupid to understand the message of this image, it's representing how women do the jobs and roles that keep society together (as in, the jobs that give meaning to our lives), while cooperating with each other in a hierarchichal manner

While the men simply rise to the top via inheritance, business power grabbing, cut-throat bullshit, and general subhumanhood based on dominance

I'm not a feminist like an SJW but I can attest to the veracity of this example, it's funny how poltard white trash likes to pretend women are like children whenever they display their contributions to society

You know you're knees deep in shit when you're taking the side of Jow Forumstards and claiming women are not important to run societies along with men

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Aside from women fucking hate each other. Good luck 'giving meaning' to 7 billion lives without power, sanitation, logistics, defence, etc.

>men are so efficient they can do the work of 11 women and a tree.

>women working together instead of stabbing each other in the back at every opportunity
Cool pic bro but you have anything not based entirely in fantasy?

>less capable people have to work harder
powerful, im about halfway done cutting my dick off, match me

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The message is that man invented the elevator and women are idiots.

The Indians that do a good job don't work for shit pay. Cheap Indians = shitty work.

fake, the female structure would collapse

>man invents elevator
>man builds elevator
>gets to top

>woman makes comic mocking elevator

t. never worked with chinks and indians

childish image you mean.

ok, explain the picture to me. what exactly do we need to know?

women make good acrobats in bed?

How it looks from the inside vs outside.

>men build efficient engineering marvels, that will outlive themselves, to lift themselves up
>women have to make akward clunky human pyramids, at the cost of the backs of the people making it up, in order to reach the same heights
really makes me think, thank's for the perspective


Shows women suck at engineering.

>man single-handedly designs and builds elevator
>a bunch of women do some useless shit

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>implying women can go 5 minutes without insulting one another behind their backs for no reason

Proves women are retarded and can't build shit. Other than frail societies that will collapse.

Women are retarded and can't build proper structures with solid foundations?

Funny the elevator must be broken for me because I've been stuck at the bottom

>women do the jobs and roles that keep society together (as in, the jobs that give meaning to our lives), while cooperating with each other in a hierarchichal manner

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>female farmer
>female construction worker
>female firefighter
>female lifeguard
Fake news.

and the best part is the supposed 'altruists' don't care about you, will never acknowledge you, and will work just as hard to put you down, making things even worse

ur nignoggin joggin my niggin

>1 man = 13 women
>13 women can't elevator
>instead, have to step on each other
>>hopefully nobody gives up and it all comes
>have fun getting down, ladies
stupid ribs

Found the original

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>be man
>want to get to a higher place
>build yourself a way to get up there

>be woman
>want to get to a higher place
>step all over everyone else to get up there

STFU and make we a sandwich!! We're busy securing food water shelter and safety for you ungreatful cunt.

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This picture just says women are inneficient

Yup, they are suppose to "complete us". BJ everyday. At least that what I thought on wedding day


>women can't into engineering

ha haaaa

That is total crap.

I'm a white male. Right now, unemployed through no fault of my own as I'm my wife's caregiver. I am required by the state to do this by law, HOWEVER, the state doesn't provide any welfare for me - only for the wife and kids. I get nothing. And since we're married, the state (the same state that forced me to stay home and made it difficult for me to be employed outside the home) believes that since I should be working, they don't have to provide disability programs! I tried to get redress of grievances, but government wants it's cake and eat it too.

Went to college more than once; still can't keep a steady job. All the places I interview with rejected me if I said caregiver (it's legal to discriminate against caregivers), and when I don't mention it they cite my spotty work history.

We get crap from the public as they think we're oddballs. My family disowned me and gave my inheritance to faggot groups for politics, all because I wouldn't divorce. Her family thinks I'm a retarded because I've been burned out and stressed out for over 10 years! Neighbors don't care. Church cares and are helping out, but are also sad that this situation may not have a solution.

All the while, I'm watching my wife slowly falling apart and will die years from now. The kids are stressed and saddened over it, too.

White male privilege?! WHERE'S MINE???!!!

Spain has international women's day and women don't show up to work as a form of protest.
Keep in mind Spain is matriarchal and cucked beyond belief. Like you can get arrested for "man spreading".
Result of women not going to work for that day: a couple of train delays.
If men were to do that, especially in America, everything would literally grind to a halt. There would be looting and rioting.
Notice that every business that puts women at top positions (Equifax, Uber, etc) immediately starts fucking up and going under.
Point: women are weak, whiny, and impractical. Their only use is for reproduction.

You mean how females create systemic instabilities while men create long lasting structure unfazed by burning jet fuel?

The left can't meme.

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Takes 13 women to do what 1 man can do?

Women are not fit for leadership roles
>had women management in all the jobs I worked at
>some did okay, most just was bitchy/power tripped, started rumors and just not being a good leader to their job
>and they're the reason why I left my previous jobs and they just liked to start shit with me and some of my co workers despite how nice I been to them
Fuck women management

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>be self-made man, build an elevator and be on top
>use low class slaves to lift you on top level
Good picture

I think the "police" are knocking on your door mexicanon, better go check it out.

Our fathers before us have suffered in ways we cannot even fathom so that drawing could be made.

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This. I got a huge redpill at my last job. I watched my incredibly lazy, overweight, drunk with power manager single handedly ruin our department and basically get away with it because anyone who questioned her shed REEEEEEEE and say people were after her because shes a woman. Also watched her let this ghetto ex convict black thug abuse and sexually harrass women (and then cover for him) because her best friend (our supervisor) was cheating on her husband with him. This was a year before all the #metoo so part of me wonders if they all got caught since it was an open secret at the place I worked. And the kicker?? When women went to HR and complained she was letting this ghetto piece of garbage attack and molest women she would make up lies and slander the women because her other best friend was the HR director. After about 2 years of this I ended up walking out because it was too much to deal with.

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Can we get a shop with cucks holding her up?

So it takes 12 women to do what 1 man can do, and far less effectively?

Just like that bridge?

this so brilliantly achieves the opposite of it's intended effect it should get an award for idiocy

>indians do a good job

Seriously though, what the fuck is the actually artist trying to convey with this picture?

this picture is epic because if you don't think about it at all, it kind of makes sense, but if you start thinking about it at least a little bit you begin to question if it has any meaning at all

the perfect woman comic

This image is literal gold. Actually look at it. Points out how fucking stupid women are and how terrible they are at helping each and making productive things.
Built up proper infrastructure for themselves and futute generations to reach the top easily
Fuck all that shit no logic here.
Founders of fem movement doing their job holding up
Future generations more concerned about playing around using fucking ladder s and shit. Dunno why they thought it was smart to use a ladder as a support beam but w/e
Point being, this accurately depicts the differences in genders just not in the way author intended.
>Woman emotional, whimsical illogical
>Man clean, simple, to the point and effective.

The most meaningful message I can decipher from this image is "Women good, men bad, YAY FEMINISM!". Beyond that, I have no idea what the flying fuck the artist is trying to say.

Pretty literally. Women can't believe things like elevators, bridges, and roads are "built" by anyone, they just always existed and men unfairly laid claim to them just to keep women out, so noble women had to build their own network of social support to get to the same level of success men got just by stealing an elevator and riding it to the top.

tl;dr women are not just impossibly stupid, they believe, with feminist fanaticism, that all men must be even stupider

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> tied to some sort of bullshit

That's the joke, Jeb.

Yeah, it's a really fucking old joke, but Hiroshimoot already shot his wad with baka desu sempai.