Based Larry King backs scrapping the second amendment

Based Larry King backs scrapping the second amendment

>Former CNN star Larry King said Wednesday that he would support repealing the Second Amendment because "it's poorly written" and represents an outdated time.

>King said the Second Amendment was included in the Constitution at the insistence of "Southern senators so they could ward off slaves uprising."

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>added to the constitution by states that didn't even exist at the time

Wow, not supprisising since this retard has maxed out his life insurance with viatical settlements. When he dies his family gets nothing and will get fucked on taxes. What a stand up guy




>This just in: Larry King found dead this morning
>His body was found by a neighbour and police have recovered a .69 caliber lead ball surrounded in bone fragments from the wall behind him.
>It took a while to identify the corpse as Larry King due to the severe powder burns and carbon deposits from the blast.

that fucker still walks? jesus maria.

>Larry King(bornLawrence Harvey Zeiger
Every fucking time

They need to keep pushing this. It'll ony help us.

>>King said the Second Amendment was included in the Constitution at the insistence of "Southern senators so they could ward off slaves uprising."
Wouldn't the Southern States NOT want guns so that the slaves couldn't get them?

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>it’s poorly written
Only to retarded leftists


>The Motley Cruise!!!

Do keep in mind these "southern states" didnt even exist at the time..

Also it was in the North where they shot the British coming for their guns

I’m almost positive it wasn’t to ward off slaves, but to keep tyrannical government from disarming you, i.e. the English government taking away American goods and weapons.

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I wonder if he'll fire his armed security.

fuck that old faggot

Whacha doin', rabbi?

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
It is. The well regulated militia part is ambiguous. Cuckservatives like to ignore it.

Steve ((( King )))

I am in a local militia. We are called AtomWaffen Division

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There is nothing ambiguous about it. It could not possibly be any more clear.


>Alright guys let’s do it
>the only way we can scrap the 2A is by scraping everything
>trump rewrites neoamerican bill of rights and new independence
Is this really what you people want?

Why the fuck have they jumped so fast from "assault weapons ban" to full on 2nd amendment repeal? Do they really think they have majority support on this issue?

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Only thing that can stop a bad guy with a bomb, is a good guy with a bomb.

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Boomers and generations before... every time

Hes a goblino type

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Most constitutional scholars agree that the intent of the 2nd amendment was to provide a mechanism for drawing from the citizenship to create a militia when the need arose.

The phase "Being necessary for the security of a free state" is the part that underlines this. They didn't say "being necessary in case we need to overthrow the government", or "for self-defense" the entire point of the 2nd is so they could draft you to go fight the Brits or the French when they needed you.

>a well regulated militia, being necessary
This means that in order for a well-regulated militia to exist, firearm ownership must be allowed. This is only ambiguous if you are a complete and utter fucking retard mongoloid.

You are purposefully (or idiotically) misreading it. You are imagining that it says only the government is allowed to have weapons because you are likely 56% mongoloid ape who doesn’t understand commas. Pic related.

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He literally works for Russia today, he is a psyop sellout and a puppet of a foriegn government

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>former CNN


I agree. It should be repealed and replaced with a less ambiguous statement preserving the right to gun ownership and Including terminology equating gun grabbing with trwason punishable by hanging.

You keep using that word, I do not think you know what it means.

>goblin jew

Of course he does.

Jews are scared. They can feel the oven preheating. It is impossible to overstate the effect that our trolling and memes had on them during Trump's rise to power. They really think they are on the verge of being hollocoastered at any minute.

Huh, is this why north korea wants a nuclear bomb?

why would he be shot for supporting (((them))) and their anti-gun crusade?

I agree that the second amendment needs to be changed.

The "Right" to bear arms should be replaced with "duty" to bear arms. Gun ownership should be a prerequisite to home ownership.

Why are old people even allowed to vote/voice opinion? Why do they get to dictate the fate of a country for the foreseeable when they won't even be alive in a decade?

Has he any proofs?

thats because the federal government back then wasn't the omnipotent beast that it is now.

every single colonial families had guns to protect themselves from Indian raids and Brits

Well they certainly didn't mean that if militias were disbanded by a tyrannical government that the people should be disarmed.

Larry King is a Russian fake news missionary who literally works for RT(which stands for RUSSIA TODAY). Of course he wants to disarm Americans.

Typical Jew.

Not ambiguous. Nobody ignores it. Look Up Prefatory clause vs. Operative

"a free state" means a country which grants its citizens individual liberty

It's always beady eyed anglo fucks starting these threads and cocksucking kraut pukes backing them in the comments.

You eurocucks are astonishing. What is your purpose on this earth other than being a cuck slave in your own country--- to just complain about freer countries having more rights than you? You fucking disgust me.

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so wut u be sayin iz we wuz da secund amendmunt

hey kike watcha doin


Daily reminder that the greatest gun reform IS the Second Amendment

Wtf i love recycling now

They are right. The Jews have nowhere to go. The left hates them, Muslims hate them, and they’ve spent the last ten years shitting on their only allies: the evangelical cucks.

Once the Boomers die off, bye-bye Jews. Nobody to save them this time.

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dat true!

screw him!

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>King said the Second Amendment was included in the Constitution at the insistence of "Southern senators so they could ward off slaves uprising."


I thought the Russians wanted us to kill ourselves.

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america was a battlefield when the 2nd amendment was passed.
No, america is much more peaceful, and weapons have gotten much more deadly.
It only makes sense to make most guns illegal. Guns for hunting should be legal, obviously! Nobody is going to ban hunting rifles and shotguns. That's all we need.

Kill yourself



Larry King works for the Russians.

"Regulated" meant "organised" in the past. So if you really wanted to be literal about it, it would mean that every man of voting age(as specified in some supreme court ruling) should not just be allowed to own guns but also regularly train in using them(including group-training).

>much more peaceful
Feral nogs running loose, Aztec invaders cutting out hearts and eating them, Jewish Bolsheviks training goblin children to murder White children


How will guns be confiscated?
Will there be an initial voluntary guns-for-cash program?
After that period of time ends, I imagine strict gun laws will dictate a no refusal policy for relinquishing weapons. Not sure how that would work. I guess if guns are located in vehicles or on persons by the police, they're taken. But what about all the guns in people's homes?

>niggers dying is a bad thing.

> 2 days after repealing 2A

Op is a fagaloo

Cry more, faggot.

No, it meant "functional". A "well regulated clock" kept time.

>the Second Amendment was removed from the Constitution at the insistence of "moral, loving senators" so they could ward off law abiding citizens uprising.
This is what they want

>King was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Jennie (Gitlitz), a garment worker who was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, and Aaron Zeiger, a restaurant owner and defense-plant worker who was born in Kolomyia, Ukraine.[6][7][8][9][10][11] His parents were Orthodox Jews

Who gives a shit what (((LARRY KING))) wants or says.

>the Second Amendment was included in the Constitution at the insistence of "Southern senators so they could ward off slaves uprising."

What the fuck is up with this meme? I've seen it way too much over the last two days to be a (((coincidence))).


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Wow funny how these cucks don’t see the irony in the retarded shit they say

there is a reason they are attacking everything that holds white people together
>social morality
>rise of marxism
>shilling for niggers

the world has seen more jewish tricks in the last 3 years than in all of 60s to 00s

were there any kikes in america when it was written? Was america founded by kikes? if not, they should fuck off maybe

>You are purposefully (or idiotically) misreading it. You are imagining that it says only the government is allowed to have weapons because you are likely 56% mongoloid ape who doesn’t understand commas.
Nice strawman, faggot. Nowhere did I say that. The fact that even scholars have different opinions regarding its meaning proves that the wording is ambiguous.

i hope republicans repeal the 2nd amendment and replace it with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

No, it means that there are scholars that WANT it to mean something else. The intentions seem pretty clear, the problem being the intention doesn't always matter when it comes to interpretation.

> implying anyone actually gives a shit about Larry King

Southern states didn't even exist?

A militia with the intent to keep the government in check. Only way to do that is to have access to everything they do, moabs, nukes, guns, everything

well even though he's a jid, i actually expected better from him
you wouldn't hear such a thing from kissinger

Shoot this motherfucker!

>King said the Second Amendment was included in the Constitution at the insistence of "Southern senators so they could ward off slaves uprising."

Is this a fucking joke?

The wall is being built to keep us in.

Quarantine and kill.



Is this the new flat Earth or just bad education?

Read the words of the Founder's; it's not ambiguous at all

They give their reasons for the 2nd

Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

>muh slavery muh negroes everything is about the niggers
im sure they didnt even think about niggers for 1 second when they wrote that

Hey m8 nice strat

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