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4D Risk Chess
Good. I love America but I will not stand for Jewish Zionist control. Russia must do what it takes to give the finger to American slime.
what about the yurop and other worthless nations diplomats? kick them out too.
Czar Putin We the American Right stand ready for your orders sir
Thank god Austria is not in nato and we did not kick out any russian diplomats
But yeah, you are going to war goys
Good Luck
PS: The poison incident was an inside job, also the social media habbening has nothing to do with this whole situation either
>imagine its war and no one shows up
>imagine there is no social media, so you are not sure if you are the only one who doesnt show up
Fuck you, cuck.
it's either nothing or the prelude to an all out war
lmfao what? fucking buckteeth lying through their skin
Between the attacks on US soldiers, both countries kicking out each others consulates, and the American media constantly demonizing Russia, we are headed towards open conflict.
Probably why the American government is feinting towards confiscating guns. They know the American people instinctively arm themselves when the government tries to take guns, and they know that our armed population is what deters a land war here.
Good for them.
Fuck the USA.
The last amerimutt ambassador was an actual faggot that had gay orgies at the US embassy here and promoted gay rights constantly, the new one is a Jew who same she is here to try to force us to give Haitian illegals nationality.
America is the most evil country in the world, thank God Putin is brave enough to stand up the Satanic empire.
truly this is 4D chess
You'll do as your damn well told.
Liberate us from the Jews pls putin
>modern warfare relies on infantry
Gee, how are you posting from the 60s? Maybe you also consider carriers as ultimate weapon?
You can't run an empire when taxpayers are chimping out
Russia under Putin = bigger North Korea
The US said they would retaliate if there was a response to the ousting
Russia to be BTFO soon
Maybe they'll start invading Syria so they can use it as a bridgehead to Iran
It's fucking nothing as usual.
of course memeflaggot
I wonder if the average person knows the real reason they push for war with russia?
>muh Russian armored divisions
I think both Russia and the US militarily get sick that all there military hardware and hundreds of years of military doctrine is being used to fight terrorists with no hardware comparable to them.
Trump calls CIA to retaliate
queen of battle bitch. all it takes is my goofy ass and some barbed wire to score a mobility kill.
you clearly don't understand the purpose of aircraft carries, you stinky methivan. carries are used for force projection, and are essentially mobile FOB's.
War imminent !!! Prepare for the return of the King!!
I'm so tired of this slow escalations. It's obvious Russia wants a war but doesn't want to be known as the one who started it (in case they lose it, see Germany), and it's obvious the U.S. wants a war too but for some reason doesn't want to start it yet. what are (((they))) planning?
St. Petersburg is far more relevant than Seattle, it de facto Russian escalation in diplomat deportations. US should counter by closing Russian consulate in some more relevant city. NYC or LA. EU countries probably should consider closing their consulates in St.Petersburg as well. Makes doing business harder for Russian companies in St.Petersburg area.
As long as DC gets nuked, I would consider it a win win win. They would go for the huge big cities, so LA, NYC, etc etc etc ADIOS AMIGOS!!
I would hate to see any Russians get hurt though
>Russian companies in St.Petersburg area
Yeah, the beet soup and old lady porn industry will take a major hit.
China and Russia are trying to crash the dollar by trading Russian oil for the gain instead of dollars.
Dollar is overpriced and we all know that. It would be fair for countries to get back to gold standard instead of toilet paper standard.
What is the real reason? Putin going against the globalists/jews
Indeed, it's over oil fundamentally, but I don't think people are sold on wars for oil anymore, that's why they pretend it's about hacking the election and killing spies etc. Wish they would at least try to be honest about it.
I don't follow the MSM, but doubt they speak much at all about the petrodollar.
>expanding NATO
>fucking around in post-soviet bloc just to shit on Russias doorstep
>destabilizing middle-east and pushing Russia out of it
>Russia wants war
I pray for a day when U.S., Saudis and their greatest ally would just seize to exist. World police? You fuckers are evil incarnate that plagues this planet. WHY cant you just roll over and die you fucking antichrist?!
they will do
same numbers
Kek wills it
>expanding NATO
>fucking around in post-soviet bloc just to shit on Russias doorstep
why can you as a person want to fuck around in other countries (how nice of you!) but other people can't want to defend their countries by voluntarily joining a collective defense alliance called NATO?
seems a bit hypocritical!
3rd post best post
>armed population is what deters a land war here
Yeah that and being surrounded by two fucking oceans and having the most powerful navy in the world.
nah. usa won't fight on the front. the bitches like nato/south korea/japan/jordania will do the dying.
How will Americucks ever recover?
>there are americans who think Russia dindunuffin and how they're gud boys
Seems like the Russian troll factory is bringing in the dividends already with all these mouthbreathing american trumpanzees bending over to take Russian cock and jizz
Russia is already btfoing the US militarily and politically while you Trumpweenie trash fight over faux internet/media shitposting about muh immigrants and muh kneeling fabricated and inflated by russians
I hope the US collapses soon with all your faggottry and infighting
I wasn't saying Russia was the bad guy. They want war BECAUSE the U.S. sucks so much. In this picture they are the saviors. Putin has named the Jew in all but name. I'm just wondering who is hesitating, they or the U.S.