Don't mind me, I'm just over here being fucking retarded

Don't mind me, I'm just over here being fucking retarded

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Medical_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(June_2018)

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That's pretty retarded too

It’s not getting any better with all the Californians moving here.

Give three legit reasons why education funding shouldn't be restored here and why teachers shouldn't be paid more. And you cannot use the word JEW anywhere in your reasoning.

So her guards don't carry semi-auto pistols? They must have muzzle-loaders then.
Jesus Christ, Chelsea, give it a break you old hag.

It's ok. Mommy loves you still.

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Parents live in Muskogee. Can confirm

Just throwing money at a problem isn't the solution.
Educators need to earn their pay like anyone else.
Women teachers are failing to do this.
So there.

How many injuns live in Oklahoma seemed like a lot when I was there

Actually no, they aren't in Oklahoma atleast. It's not throwing more money at them. They haven't had a raise in years. They're actually losing money when you consider inflation. But I don't expect someone from the world's foremost dystopia to understand that.

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They’ve probably got full auto mp5k’s and shit.

You're missing the point.
I don't see the part where they're earning their money.
Don't confuse turning up with doing a job.
Socialism fails because of this.

>Cheap housing
>Tons of open land
>Few libtards
>Lax Gun laws
>Self-Segregated cities

Stay Jelly

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>I don't see the part where they're earning their money.
You're so completely ignorant of the situation that it's not possible to continue talking about it. But just for fun, quantify "earning their money."

>You're so completely ignorant of the situation

>They haven't had a raise in years


Kansas here, you fags need driving lessons.

No go ahead, quantify it in a demonstrable way before I notify the police of your hate posting.

Hot damn you're dense.

How convenient, an okie thread!
>pic related
I'm sure it's nothing, right?

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Fuck off l got a speeding ticket in Coffeyville for going 60 in a 65 you can suck one

I've notified them. Sort yourself out m8. And bin that keyboard.

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Oh good, it’s in my town
>2525 s 101st
That’s north tulsa aka nigger hell

Read vertically and consider how you're the product of a third world educational system priced accordingly.

It should be noted that the pink counties are where the colleges are

>Acknowledging North Tulsa even exists
We don't go to North Tulsa anymore. Also fuck South Side OKC.


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are revolvers classified as semi auto or what?

>Oy there, you got me by the gabber m8 so I'm gonna haf to give ya a bit of the 'ole ad hominem now.

How does it feel knowing you're just a 6 keystroke post on facebook between jail or not.

> the cleaver state is completely red

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No, a revolver is not a semi-auto by the ATF. That being said, she probably thinks Glock brand Glocks are actually bolt action hand grenades.

>31st and Mingo
That is not North Tulsa.
That's the edges of little mexico if anything

Just admit you didn't see it, twice, and can the Kirkland Signature Banter.

Lawton native here. Fuck nigs.

i wonder if she is trolling us and her security carries revolvers only lql

Fuck anything that isn't NW OKC

hey fuck you nigger

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I should have specified, I was only talking about OKC. Miami is cool.

it should be mentioned that there’s a bill pushing constitutional carry floating around in the house
Call your congressman and give your full support

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Don't forget dirt... lots and lots of dirt

Speaking of NW OKC. What the fuck happened to PC North. I was looking at the racial demographics and it went from like 80% white down to like 50% from my time there. That was white man territory. I've heard my old elementary school, Coronado, is fucking filled with the brown ones.

The reddest of the red

historic guthrie reporting in

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Had a fuckin' giggle at the 10 o clock news last night

Nigger named Socrates Tchaikovsky Louis raped some dumbass bimbo

I've been to OKC a couple times due to a friend in college. Being from Chicago it seems great every time and I genuinely think it's a great city. What do you hate about it?

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School board brought in more section 8 housing from south side don't ask me how they did it. I used to go the PCN.

Lots of Chicago transplants in OKC and Tulsa. Far enough to get away from the super predator violence but still a day drive from home. Culture isn't as foreign as say moving to Montana.

Tulas reporting in. Fuck the teachers and state legislatures.
>mfw the casinos and lottery were supposed to fund education and the politicians in OKC pissed it away on shitty roads and new car tags
Fuck them all.

Holy shit that insane. I'm moving to Yukon or Edmond when I come back. I'm not fucking with the nigs anymore and I've heard good things about either.

>Canadian river

no braums chocolate malt?

Lots although most either live off casinos or in trailer parks


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It's not bad it really isn't the niggers fuck off to below 63rd street. Everything out south of Bethany or in mid OKC and Edmond is perfect right now.

edmond is nice. kinda pricey, but quick drive to OKC for night-life, etc.

Yeah I was seriously considering saying fuck it and going to Norman for law school. Fuck this state so god damn much.

its beautiful

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edmond is a CIA utopia experiment gone wrong

>Don't confuse turning up with doing a job.
They're doing a job. Blow jobs. For 12 year olds.

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Tell Beeby he's still ugly when you see him.

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thx enjoy this tasty longhorn burger from the one and only meers cafe

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No it isnt. It's fucking hard to dig in

needs moar rose rock

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Who /chickasha/ here

Add Crest foods to this

Who's ready for tornado season?

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That’s why Ditchwitch is an Oklahoma based company

I can tell you're a man of culture, sir. Keep being you.

I can't wait.

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Holy, former Chickasha here. Where you at faggot? How old? Do you know any Baileys?

Ready to crack a beer on the porch and wait for the howl of our state song.

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they rarely come thru guthrie, plus i have a huge basement at the office, so no worries here

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When a super cell storm approaches do not seek shelter. Smoke a bowl, climb to the top of nearest parking garage, and take some cool pics. Promenade mall Tulsa ok

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I live between Chickasha and Cement but I have a Cement address and I'll be 20 next week. I think I may know one or two Baileys.

I dont think yall reqlixe how many extreme fine bitches there are, black and white, in oklahoma. And they will fuck you silly

Are you the dude from Jow Forums with the AK?

Good fucking god this bitch is fucking stupid

Do they carry revolvers...? Bolt action rifles?

Anyone who lives in Moore at this point is asking for it.

If you mean the Black Sun guy, yes

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They will come home eventually. 90% of the 1970s hippies are now Republican


looool I remember you from /AKG/.

Going on a road trip and passing through Tulsa this summer. Is there even anything to check out there?

*tips stahlhelm*

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And BOY are they pressing down the gas pedal on enrollment numbers (and student aid).

Tulsa fag here I can’t think of anything. What are you into?

There's a gun museum in claremore NE of tulsa

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The "Now Leaving Tulsa" sign.,_Medical_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(June_2018)

if this passes i will suddenly catch glaucoma

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Most revolvers these days are double action. That’s the best way to describe them.

My road trip buddy and I are mostly interested in cool natural landmarks/national parks and things of that nature. We'll be hitting the Grand Canyon too.

whoops. sorry, bill


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I went at OU for four months last december. Oklahoma was beautiful, the fuck happened?

The cool landmarks are further west
If you go to guthrie you can find rose rocks and mesas in the panhandle

The Grand Canyon is a good choice. Tulsa is a good place to stop for gas. Just not the east or north side.