Canada economic crAsh

Canada's economy is non-existant. Canada is nothing but a hewer of wood and a drawer of water. All you do is sell your raw, unrefined resources mainly to the USA at substantial discounts to market prices because you're too stupid to build pipelines to the sea so you don't have to rely on your sole customer the USA. You also don't have enough refining capacity to process all your domestic production, so you have to pipe it to the Koch brothers in Texas who refine it to you then charge you the crackspread. Any skilled White worker IMMEDIATELY leaves Canada and goes to work in the USA or abroad. You literally pay kindergarten teachers with degrees in feminist literage $120,000 and high school 80 IQ cops $150,000 a year while Nuclear Engineers make $100,000 only and computer programmers live off food banks.

I'll give you an example. Someone I know went to Waterloo for a B.Math CS&CO double major, as you know Waterloo CS is up there with MIT/Harvard/Stanford and a top feeder school for Silicon Valley. Something like 10% of Microsoft/Google/etc is Waterloo CS grads. Google was founded by a Waterloo grad. Bill Gates personally visited Waterloo (a fucking farm town in the middle of nowhere) to compete with other firms for its 300/year graduates. Now this person did 6 (paid, market rates) internships primarily in the USA and Europe at top firms. This guy pulls $300K+ USD easily, yet he showed me some job postings from Canada

>McAfee Waterloo
>Senior Programmer
>Assembly, Algorithms, Low-level Assembly
>Pay: $42,000/year CAD ($32K USD)
>1 week vacation
>60+ hours a week, no overtime.
That's $13.70/hour before taxes. Ontario's minimum wage is now $14 I believe, going up to $15. So a Flip working Tim Hortons cash register would be earning more.

LITERALLY less than 10% of what you'd make in the valley.

Canada needs to fuck off and die. The GDP print came in today too: expected 2.8% YoY, came in at -0.1%. Canada's economy is fucking collapsing

Attached: kurwwa.jpg (981x1080, 765K)

Other urls found in this thread:$100,000-jobs-in-canada Programmer&start=30&vjk=b0915fc5901b163d

Sauce on that delicious female



Most cunts are much worse than Canada, what’s your point?

Honestly if that was a man i'd still bang. That is a incredibly hot man.



p sure that's Kalindrachan

hmmm why would someone with a Catalonia flag be making a thread out of the blue bashing Canada.

Definitely not a slide or distraction thread.

Report and move on.

it's the polish autist

You're not wrong.

Canada is actually a joke. It's pretty embarrassing tbqh.

under all that make up and photoshop is an ugly slav, but this faggot knows how to appear sexy.

When I was young near all my clothes were made in Canada Out TV was canadian made We had lots of secondary manufacturing . Canada had everything .We also taxed corporations to do business here. They they let the jews in .

We trying to build pipelines but those phags in bc keep blocking them and trudeau is too cucked to actually push them through (he has the legal power to do that)

Tell me more. I'm new to Canada.

That pic has got to be shopped. Kalindra's ass is nowhere near that big.

its because cuckdau is fucking everything up.

We need a pro free market conservative majority in Parliament atm. Stephen Harper did a good job preventing the 2008 recession coming to Canada

Attached: 1522014403165.gif (162x227, 566K)

So much fucking retardation in 1 post

Attached: harper replaces Cdn workers2.png (652x745, 459K)

btw im pretty sure its MANDATORY 2 weeks vacation anywhere you have full time employment because law

>not wanting pipelines threatening your environment
>but ma dollas
Try developping your technical industry. But lemme guess, you live in dumbfuck Western Canada.

Wonder why they hire temp forign workers? because government has made it too costly to employ Canadians

>Systems programming
>Expecting better pay than web/cloud services programming in canada


Attached: mfw right wing retard argues3.jpg (650x366, 69K)

what did he say that was retarded exactly, fellow anaon?

kys ontario shill, Canada would be a better country if ontario was nuked 100 times

so anyways, this is a sage

A couple of things about employment law in Ontario known as the Employment Standards Act (ESA)

minimum 2 weeks vacation
anything over 44 hours is OT
no one is allowed to work over 60 hours

nice try anyways, but you are a dumb fuck

Its ok cousin, I got your back.

Attached: sigh.jpg (263x192, 12K)

>ON makes Canada bad
>>checks Western Canada IQ
>oh my

Obamaleaf, is that you?

Harper was a fucking disaster. His supposed free market capitalism flooded the country with immigrants and Temporary Foreign Workers.

And he didn't prevent the 2008 recession. He wanted to do the same bank deregulation that Bush did but he didn't have enough time because he only got elected in 2006 and only had a minority.

In other words, that other leaf is a retarded 12 year old who gets all his information from memes on Jow Forums

It was Liberal Finance Minister Paul Martin (and PM Jean Chretien) in the 90s and early 2000s who not only had 10 balanced budgets but blocked the banks from merging and pulling the kind of shit they did in the States

Special investigation: How high-risk mortgages crept north

Attached: harper-record-immigration.png (1068x676, 542K)

>Honestly if that was a man i'd still bang.
Flag checks out.

not an answer


Attached: harper retardo face.webm (320x320, 630K)

>mfw Canada now sets wage rates
>but only for Canadian citizens
Conservatives are simply those who skipped Civics class.


Canadian workers are more expensive than 3rd world slaves that can be deported. No fucking shit sherlock. The Conservatives fucking flooded the country with Temporary Foreign Workers

Attached: harper replaces Cdn workers.png (957x223, 160K)

or economics

or elementary school for that matter

lol nice wall of text you conjured up there in a minute...

it's like you have a SCRIPTED line of reasoning or something, really makes you think

Honestly, conservatards would do well to read The Fatal Conceipt- whose author (conservative) provies that you can be conservative without acting retarded (libertarian).

I really wish the US would annex canada as a territory, that way they could have our guns laws and freedom to tell trannies to fuck off. Most of all i mirrin those huge tracts of wild and free land.

I just typed that up myself but thanks for the compliment. The guy asked me a question and I answered. Sorry you retarded mutts are too fucking stupid to come up with a thoughtful, intelligent answer on the spot.

Attached: OBAMA LEAF COUNTER PUNCH.gif (350x384, 2.97M)

>The Conservatives fucking flooded the country with Temporary Foreign Workers

I didn't know trudeau was a conservative now

>really makes you think
We tried- but we'll settle for telling you what to do, as your government.

You fell for (((temporary))) too huh?


What a cute girl!
I would go on a date with her!

I didn't know Trudeau was PM from 2006 to 2015.

that's what they're called. TFWs. Def not temporary

oh wow, so are you actually the real deal obam-leaf, or just one of the trolls ironically posing as him to be retarded for fun?

regardless, it was a pleasure to call you a nigger-faggot... you nigger-faggot

such genius

Attached: collage.png (1500x748, 488K)

>meme flag


Why the fuck would that scrawny dude think he could fight that man? Because he has a good cut he thinks he is strong?
Dude on the left looks like he is at least 50 lbs heavier, taller and for sure a hell of a lot stronger.

and he had the high ground

Hes right. The right usually favors foreign cheap labor. Trump himself contracts mexicans for his golf courses.

its a corporate thing


Attached: trump hates hiring american workers.png (339x280, 28K)


also it's funny that you summon the info-graphic, while also being notorious for shaming posters that use them... you are a contradictive fellow are you not?

You're a fucking weirdo. Stop being so triggered by me.

you advanced-autism makes you reply so quick, it's fun messing with you

Honestly, I'm not gay, but I'd swallow.

It's amazing that of 300,000,000 americans, it's a leaf who casually handles/dismisses thoughts that stump americans for generations.

lmao thx bro

Attached: leaf tears.jpg (2048x1536, 137K)

Information Technology Professionals, aka coders, are not covered under ESA.



Attached: BTFOd.webm (644x360, 713K)

I make 90k a year and still can't afford a house. Something is wrong here.

>polish autist

Attached: who would win.jpg (802x500, 71K)

coders are not included in workplace regulations in ontario lol

Yeah to get you deported again lmao

>8 seconds

Attached: confused nick.png (600x512, 298K)

I don't even care anymore, I'd fuck it in a heartbeat, no matter what gender it is.

polan 1v1s every canadian

They don't stand a chance

Attached: polska vs leaf.jpg (1106x8192, 3.92M)

well considering poland only debates when he is right, they certainly don't.


>What's that, bitch-ass user? You want more? Well, ok. I did have three cans of Bush's baked beans this morning


>clean that nougget up, faggot.

What do?


Attached: based-polska-btfoing-leaf.png (1045x3515, 3.15M)


at least I got a solid job that's based in the US where I work remotely, and I'm paid in USbux, so I'm relatively secure

Thanks based America!

>hey america, we are going to refine our own oil and raw materials, buy the finished products at higher prices suckers

What do you think they will do in this situation? Do you think they will just bend over and take it? I know you are the stupid fucking polish nigger wiht the hate threads for canada nonstop, but stop and think for 2 seconds. It would be like how you bent over and took German and later Russian dick up your ass for the entire past century.

They can simply say no and we have a mountain of useless raw and finish material that no one will buy and our economy crumbles. We dont have many refineries because they wont buy it unless its the raw material and they get the refinery jobs and all the valuable biproducts from oil refining. That is the condition for buying our huge surplus relative to our population.

If we had a larger economy and population, we could make use of surplus and leverage that. We also have no one to trade with. America is literally only one near us and if they dont take the lions share from us, we are fucked.

So fuck off with your retarded eurotrash economics.

Nice work, brother. I could never hate Canada. Alberta/Banff in particular is far too beautiful

yes Canadistan is a chinese money laundering operation and Trudeau only imports retarded immigrants so he'll have a mass of people to vote him back. just like dems do it with mexicans.

atleast quebec hold strong

Maplemutt you lucked out. Ask for a L1 visa and be transferred to a US office for 5 years. Then go for a green card.

>Executives and Managers (L-1A) may remain in the US for up to seven years. Specialized Knowledge Employees (L-1B) may remain in the US for up to five years. Note that L-1 employees could potentially become US legal permanent residents (green card holders). However, for green card purposes there are marked procedural differences between the L-1A and the L-1B categories.

Attached: average leaf.gif (480x480, 2.89M)

Canada would be rich as Norway if we had our own state owned oil company.

Look at the shit they're doing over there.

To be honest though , it doesn't really seems like Canada is going to experience huge crisis because of her economical aproach.
Still, give it like 15+ years and there won't be any united Canada ever again.
Chinese are the problem, keep an eye on them, advice from their neighbor.

Attached: 1484577965_kfejjbig.jpg (1000x1000, 388K)

Were you deported back to Poland before you could do that?


Attached: ThePowerOfQuebec.jpg (600x454, 69K)

instead we get provinces fighting to prevent us from even having pipelines, forcing us to import instead xDxD

We're saving the planet xDxD

Someone's been reading the Ontario budget

BC/AB secession fucking when?

I'd much rather that oil go to Canadian refineries to be processed so we can sell the product at top dollar than siphoning the lifeblood of our country for pennies comparatively. Only third world shithole economies rely on raw resource extraction.

Yeah this country is not united. It'd be an easier sell if it was a national oil company but Alberta wanted to keep all the money for themselves so BC has the right to tell them to fuck off. That toxic crud is guaranteed to spill.

Harper had 10 years and didn't build shit

>build pipelines to coasts
>ship 2 2M tankers one to europe one to asia
>sell to oil at full market prices to resource-starved europe and asia
>don't build pipelines
>keep selling it at half off because no pipelines to sea
this is how stupid leafs are

Attached: leaf iq.png (680x1322, 977K)

yes, we are africa, stay away, things are so bad we're eating one another, and we don't even have maple syrup left for the meat

Just asked a friend of mine who works as a software dev what the industry is like these days. He told me no self-respecting developer would take a senior position starting at anything less than $100k, especially an assembly guru. He sent me this link: Programmer&start=30&vjk=b0915fc5901b163d
>Senior Software Developer- Engineering Design Systems
>Hammond Power Solutions Inc - Guelph, ON

>Job Type: Full-time

>Salary: $90,000.00 to $110,000.00 /year

Looks like the Polish autist is back to once again seek his revenge for being deported from Canada for failing to maintain steady employment during his Visa period. I believe someone found his facebook a while back, does anyone have the screencaps or link?

Same story in the UK. Starting salaries in the low 20s if that and then laugh at Americans going "hehe atleast we get free healthcare" while needing housing allowances simply to live

Was looking at the federal budget and saw that a large chunk was (((equalization))) so I looked into what that was and it was then that I realized we live in the United Canadian Cuck Republic.

>build a few $200M refineries
>save billions a year from having to pay crackspread to us refineries
nah, rather spend $30B a year bringing in 800,000 illiterate 3rd worlders with infectious diseases

Attached: nigger amputee 100k a year.png (806x1000, 547K)

Polish autist is definitely just an autist. Some of the best paying jobs in the country are in software and tech. They pay better in the states, sure, but they still pay extremely well for Canadians.

I don't know why it hasn't happened already. From what I've heard they'll be supporting ontario soon as well, if they aren't already

You're not even a real country

Who is the cutie in the pic? I would love to give her the rocket ride, if you know what I mean.


imagine how shit u have to be deported to get deported from Canada

that being said, I've heard that Trudeau is ramping up deportations after Harper cut them bigly

Attached: deportations.jpg (620x620, 65K)

*imagine how shit u have to be to get deported from Canada