Jealosy is a bad look, chinlets.
Canada Appreciation Thread
-UBI as Trudeau's 2nd term mandata
-The best economy in the G7
Trudeau is fucking up the legalization and you know it. Come July 1st, people will be calling for his blood.
>Trudeau is fucking up the legalization and you know it.
The Senate have it in committee, it will come- not by July 1, but probably October.
>calling for blood
Yeah, they'll definately want the Conservatives back. They'll deny mariuiana legalization AND climate change...but affirm God.
>Only "friends" of the LPC can grow or sell weed
>Miss deadline after deadline
The CPC won't campaign against weed according to their new leader. The runner-up for the leadership position, Maxime Bernier, who is pretty much guaranteed cabinet position, said in a CBC interview that he is pro legalization.
Thank you for the lumber, sand oil, and frozen lasagna you third world shit hole
the absolute state of canada these days
yous should be ashamed of yourselves
Don't you have some shitposters to lock up?
>Only "friends" of the LPC can grow or sell weed
Standards need to be met...I'd explain, but I have neither the time nor the crayons.
>muh deadlines
Those deadlines are strategic for government purposes, not a lawful contract with the public.
northern ireland m8
>conquered the world
>now being conquered by 70-80IQ brownies
>northern ireland m8
I believe that is where I saved this from...
m8 that's a good infograph.
I can brew my own wine, but can't grow a fucking plant? Fuck off.
Purposefully mis-interpreting disgust as jealousy to maintain your delusional self-image is a bad look, freedom-let.
>why can't citizens grow their own product?
Typical, most conservatards are lolbertarians in disguise. They want the benefits of the nation without the responsibility.
sigh... Canada
Howdy m8.
I have zero responsibility to fund the LPC's "friends" just so I can have some CBD before bed.
>give me guns, or give me death
You've got both desu.
>I have zero responsibility
Literally a meme of modern conservatives.
>Being anti-gun
I'm not surprised that you are, but it's pretty fucking pathetic.
>avoiding injury by putting it onto another
At least the NDP admit that a shared burden burdens some more than others.
Conservatives say "don't tread on me" while treading on everyone else.
If you try to deny someone their rights, then you forfeit your own.
>steals a loaf of bread to feed children
>suddenly a felon with even less ability to earn living
Remind me how conservatism helps the poor.
Murder, rape, theft are ALL TOTES FINE if YOU'RE THE ONE DOING IT!
Anways, I have a job to get to.
Keep telling yourself you're a conservative while smoking a joint while not working.
I hope that, if anyone's house gets broken into, it's yours.
>I hope that, if anyone's house gets broken into, it's yours.
You cannot construct by destuct- check your premises.
it will never come, because it was never going to come, you got sold a line by a rich drama teacher who hates you and want everything you hold dear to be taken from you and given to muslims and asians.
The West will succeed from the union
I want you to kys. I hate leafs like you, degenerate scum willing to believe soft and friendly lies. Your shock at your false world falling apart will be my pleasure.
inb4 consurvecuck, christ cuck etc
I'm not a believer or a conservative, I just HATE liberal scumbags like you who think they're better than everyone else cause they;re liberal arts teachers told them they were special, you're not special leaf, your just a fucking leaf nigger faggot.
I despise everything you represent, if we met on the street I would hurt you.
>he actually believes that 200 cities across Canada have prepared for something that will nto happen.
>The West will BE EXPELLED from the union
>trudeau no 2nd term
>no weed
>no ubi
Spoiler: you're wrong. I'll be here to talk, if you need it. Emotions can be hard.
the time for talking to people like you is over, neck yourself.
>I like to act tough
>But I'll do whaterver the PM says, because I'm a coward
It gets better when you accept your place.
Let's just appreciate what Margaret Joan Trudeau and Fidel Castro brought into this world...
A magnificent retard who is bringing Canada into total destruction.
leaf nigger faggot
Better for us either way
And you know what they say about a man with a big ... chin.
>he believes that AB could survive without a grown up around
I'd be surprised if he didn't fuck mother and daughter already.
>he thinks Alberta wouldn't be on par with Dubai and Saudi Arabia if it were not for equalization payments
you're still alive, you should change that
>everyone is holding us down
What's holding you down is your downie-lvl IQ.
rolln for heterosexual