2 israeli stealth jet entered Iranian air space undetected
2 israeli stealth jet entered Iranian air space undetected
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At least we know the stealth of the F-35 will defeat the radar of the enemy of in our next war.
>sources say the jets were blasting "ISRAEL #1! ISRAEL #1!" as they flew by
No, Taiwan #1
Shia shoa soon.
The endless tears from Jow Forumstards will be delicious.
Can't wait for all that persian pussy
Are the americucks ready to die for their jewish overlords?
Go KYS, rapist scum.
Nothing is more delicious than barbecued kikes from the oven.
You know the Jews are Tier-2 of the NWO, right? They are controlled by the Estonians (Tier-1) who are in turn controlled by the Finns (Tier-EBIN)
>Israeli stealth jets
I'm not one of those posters that goes "gas all kikes and nuke israel", but goddamnit those kikes are trying.
How the fuck did they acquire stealth jets and why the fuck are they trying to provoke yet another fucking war. Wasn't Iran's nuke program utterly devastated by the stuxnet virus? Fucking kikes don't know when to stop; worst thing is that they'll probably do some illegal shit and hide behind an American carrier group.
Who are controlled by the Bogs with a fair but iron fist
>Iran's nuke program utterly devastated by the stuxnet virus
lol no, they blew up a couple of centrifuges. Set them back a couple of months at most.
Why is Jow Forums still available on the Canadian internet?
Oh, finally. It's been ages since we had a real happening.
This guy gets the spirit. When you win a war you get to rape the local women.
Agreed. Jow Forums sucks Iran's cock all the time.
We should meme this more. If we start spreading a "free Taiwan" meme, the chinks will freak out.
Bring on the unlimited Persian refugee pussy!
2 israeli stealth jet entered Iranian air space undetected
news flash: they have clearly been detected
>news flash: they have clearly been detected
If they've been detected, they would of never made it back to israel lmao.
You know full well you'll start losing and call for the US to save you.
Lol this. Actually it would be pretty good kike mind-games to have flown nothing and just have their cousins in Western media shill a false story that they did to psych Iran out
Seems like the kikes haven't learned their lesson from their first holocaust. Seems like they need another one.
Next headline:
>700 jew bombers successfully flew over and dropped invisible test bombs over San Francisco, reports are coming in that they were piloted by Russians, they were also undetected.
what holocaust?
never happened.
Iran was never making nukes, you imbeciles. Since the early 90s, both Amerikikes and kikes have been complaining that Iran is 1-2 years away from nuke. They did so at least 8-9 times, I kid you not. When will you retards learn? Iran is not interested in having nukes because it will make itself a target to intervention for "muh freedom".
>When you win a war you get to rape the local women.
STFU, you Brazilian subhuman.
Iranians are not cucks. You nuke them or anything like that, and they will hate you for a couple of centuries.
Kuwaiti shill.
Range ridiculously beyond the F-35's fondest fantasies.
Israeli mouthpiece.
Quite Jewish.
Neither did F-35s making a 2600nm round trip.
Iranians are not flummoxed by grade school maths.
Ready for another round of immigration guys?
Stop them or it will happen
At this rate having millions of Iranian immigrants would end up making us whiter
Then how do you know?
Iran will rain 400 missiles on Dimona.
They were undetected because they never left their hangar in Israel.